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Kaymyth last won the day on December 27 2016

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About Kaymyth

  • Birthday 08/24/1977

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  • Member Title
    Eldritch Goddess of Eccentricity
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  • Location
    Olathe, KS

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  1. Now, I'm not saying that this is necessarily the most ethical thing to do, but if I were an outgoing president or vice president facing an incoming administration of the opposite party composed of people I absolutely despise, I might be tempted to, say, leave glitter booby traps in the Oval Office and hide Annoy-a-Trons all over the White House.

    In a completely unrelated question, does anybody happen to have any connections to Joe Biden?  I have some ideas for him on a thing.  It's top secret.




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zathoth


      @Kaymyth ALL OF THEM

      @TwiLyghtSansSparkles You need more fluff for it to be Funtimes House. Foam and bouncing castles! And slides.

      Can we just redesign the white house into the most fantabulichous amusement park/building ever?

    3. Kaymyth


      No.  We don't want Drumpf to actually enjoy anything, do we?

    4. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      @Kaymyth, do you honestly think he'd enjoy going down a slide every morning, looking like a fool as he flails his tiny hands? 

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