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Everything posted by Silverblade5

  1. I'd play, but I somehow seem to always miss the signups... 8.5/10 for stats. And wins. And lots of games
  2. For theories. That are super cool. And long. And believable. And long(though not as long as Kurk )
  3. No, but it's used by someone who has a gun
  4. What about well known noobs? Lets say, joined within the last five months.
  5. Welcome to the shard. You're a member of our pack now. Hope you can enjoy it. Here, have a cookie.
  6. I'd love too. However, I won't be able to come up with stuff to put in, I'll only be able to update based off other peoples suggestions.
  7. Eric, someone needs to visit the WoA and hold ultimate power for a few minutes because I keep failing to connect to the site. Everything else works just fine, it's only the forum that has issues. My request keeps timing out, and I keep getting an error 522. I'm lucky to even be able to post this. Please fix ASAP if you can. EDIT:Nevermind, just saw that others have already noticed this, and since it's working for them as well, I'll just assume that it's been fixed for now. Still...any idea what may have caused the crash?
  8. Take an ice bath. I've always found that to help.
  9. When you create a Ketek, and you're astounded that nobody likes it.
  10. No Technically, not really sure how to call this one
  11. Greetings Foe-Hammer. I am Spring unrelenting Force, but you can just call me Spring. It's a pleasure to meet you.
  12. Actually, it's really stormlight that's doing all the work. Chaos is constantly infusing the servers with it.
  13. That's a tough one...I'm gonna have to say no.
  14. "Thank you Winter," I say, bowing. "You look troubled. I hope I didn't cause you any trouble. Who's this?" I asked, turning towards the man in plate.
  15. That's so cool. I'm currently in a Jazz band.
  16. Rules: It has to be Sanderson related, and it has to be something considered well known by most people. Since there's so many questions, I'm going to have to ask that you declare whether or not it's Cosmere from the get go. There is no limit to the amount of questions, and the questioner may or may not decide to occasionally drop a hint every now and then. A list of previously asked questions will be kept here in the OP. I'm going to start off with something that is not cosmere. Questions asked: Kool aid Tia Vivenna's cloak Chasms Kiin's ax
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