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Everything posted by Twenty@20

  1. Are we absolutely sure that microbes like common cold virus have never existed on Roshar? After all, there is evidence of rotspren on Roshar which means there must be bacteria and fungi on Roshar to cause the rotting in first place. Is it to far-fetched to consider the presence of viruses too on Roshar?
  2. Upvotes!! Got floored by the fact that Brandon loves Indian food. Maybe someday he will come to India *Happy dance*
  3. Perhaps I was a bit careless with my phrasing. When Brandon said that fighting abilities isnt the Windrunner Quirk, I took that to mean that other orders will also have exceptional fighting abilities- it isn't just unique to Windrunners.(I would expect the Skybreakers, Releasers, Stonewards, Willshapers too have supernatural fighting abilities) Of course we have Teft commenting in WoK that Stormlight perfected, enhanced any skill that a person may have. Even Syl wasn't wrong because Kaladin can take in Stormlight because of her. Regarding the Purelake common cold plague, the wording of the WoB posted at The WoR reread on the Tor website seemed to suggest to me that the act was deliberate on the part of the Worldhoppers. I could be mistaken about that
  4. If Rosharians have magical immunity to diseases, one would expect this is the situation where the magic part comes into play.Anyways, I get your point. Brandon likes his magic to be complementary to natural phenomena. However there might be some merit in the idea that the natural Investiture of the folks might be going down. Brandon could very well be playing with the concept of immunocompromised diseases. Edit: re to Argent's last post. The point you are making is about acquired immunity I think which requires previous sensitization. But we also have innate immunity which is the first line of defence in most infections. Investiture could theoretically fortify the innate immunity.
  5. Few thoughts on the latest WoBs. First, it looks like Brandon has confirmed that for Windrunners, the additional power from the Nahel bond is having a large of squires. I remember quite a few discussions attributing Kaladin's deadly fighting ability to his bond. So now this has cleared up. Windrunners get abnormal number of squires while Lightweavers get mnenomic abilities from Nahel bond. Second, is it only me who thought Brandon was being contradictory about the common cold plaque. I mean since Rosharians have higher immunity because of Investiture, how did a large number of people fell prey to a minor infection like common cold? Does this mean that the Investiture level of Rosharians has gone down? Third, I am wondering which Cosmere planet is so advanced medically to have knowledge about viruses since the WoB talks about Worldhoppers introducing the common cold pathogen to Roshar. Could it be Ashlyn where people get powers from illnesses? That would be interesting.
  6. Those are called BB Codes (Bulletin Board Codes) for use on mobile devices. Just google BB codes and you will find everything you need. Hope that helps
  7. Happy b'day! And welcome to the forum. Take an up vote for your most amazing story of discovering Brandon Sanderson.
  8. When you immediately know which character @mistwannabeborn is talking about.
  9. Now I am curious how will you react to Stormlight. Fans who have read the Stormlight books know the magic there is much more expansive with very little exposition of how it all works. Edit: Upvoted you. Dont think too poorly about us for the negative votes. Welcome to the forums.
  10. When your android phone gets updated to Android Lollipop and it reminds you of Warbreaker because it is so colorful.
  11. Never took a personality test before. The questionnaire from OP's link tells me I am INFP albeit a mild one. Seems spot on.
  12. I wish I could upvote this post a hundred times. So God is a fan of Alcatraz. And Brandon RAFOed God.*speechless* How does anyone top that?
  13. Thinking of banter in Mistborn, first thing that comes to mind is Kelsier's crew. Is it the crew meeting secretly in Well of Ascension to plan sendind Vin and Elend away from Luthadel? That plot was definitely cliched.
  14. Brandon is the original holder of Adonalsium. He shattered Adonalsium himself and now holds the supersecret 17th shard of Creativity. Brandon is chef in an alternate universe. His most famous recipe is.. Yep you guessed it. Chouta! Brandon can talk to his future selfs. This lets him cut down his writing time as he already knows what will work and what won't.
  15. I can answer that. I got mine in less than a week after emailing Brandon. However I am guessing if you have sent your request in the last few days it may get delayed because Brandon and his team are busy with Firefight tour. Edit: I asked about 6 months ago.
  16. Thanks Slowswift. @ vineyarddawg. Even I forgot the name though I remembered the character. Had to peek into HoA to get the name right. So its my turn. But I think I will pass because right now I unable to come up with something clever.
  17. When upvoting a Sanderson fan on this forum gives you more joy than getting one.
  18. When your WhatsApp status is "Life before Death. Strength before Weakness. Journey before Destination."
  19. I spent the last half hour reading the replies on this topic. Got pretty emotional reading so many experiences and liberally sprinkled upvotes. The first 3-4 pages which had of the earliest sharders talking about Brandon and his books were pretty awesome. I also could not help noticing the lot of the oldest members of the forums are not quite active. So it is my humble request to them to share more, to enrich the forum with their passion about all things Brandon. WOT, Mistborn and Elantris seem to be the first Sanderson book for most of the people here. In that respect, I differ as my first Sanderson book was Steelheart. I was going through a Young Adult phase in the fall of '13 and got hooked up on Steelheart after reading the blurb on Goodreads. Then i gobbled up Mistborn 1,2,3 and 4, followed it up with Way of Kings, found this forum and its never been the same again.
  20. I feel like a Windrunner because I am falling for you..
  21. Interesting discussion everyone. I have a pretty selfish motive in fantasizing about movie adaptations of Brandon's books. Its just that none of my friends are into leisure reading (feels more like compulsion to me) and I am the odd one out all the time. If Brandon's books ever get made into movies then I would enjoy watching them with my friends- it would be like showing off a prized possession- and perhaps they would understand why I am so crazy about Brandon's work.
  22. Ya, right? This is what I thought. Probably he used to get all awkward and tongue-tied in-front of them so he had a latent fear for them. What about Nightweilder and his weakness to UV-rays? Probably got burns from overexposure to UV-rays. All this discussion about weaknesses is interesting but I am also curious about the powers. Is there some pattern to them too? Now that we know that Calamity grants the powers to the Epics, perhaps there is some underlying theme about the Powers too? I am speculating it may be tied to their desires or secret superhero fantasies from childhood. I guess I should stop now.
  23. Hi Shardlet. WoK spoiler Thanks in advance. Have a great time at the signing.
  24. It wasn't a couple of days- rather something like 3 weeks. Agreed it might be a plot device to create suspense for the reader but on second thought, we never get an explanation why Jasnah didnot do any soulcasting in that time between the alley scene and hospital scene. I also find it improbable that Jasnah just decided to "lay off" because 1) she is not the type of person to just lay off doing something and 2) she was being chased by several parties for a long time and that didn't stop her from soulcasting openly earlier.
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