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Everything posted by killersquirrel59

  1. I know that Honour was basically answering as a recording, but in that recording he talks of seeing the future. Also, his precise answer to Dalinar after Dalinar asks the question, "Should I trust Sadeas?" is an emphatic "YES!". If this were simply part of the recording, there would be some context for this "YES!" in the previous or next statements. There isn't. It comes out of nowhere. Therefore, logic dictates that it must be answering the question, foreseen to be asked from the distant past.
  2. Also, we've never seen Feruchemical brass used for anything beyond minor enough changes to cope with climate. It mentions nothing about hardening your body to withstand extreme internal temperatures. Unless this person could also compound Gold (so 2 Hemalurgic spikes needed), he would likely have crumbled to ash before he ever reached that temperature.
  3. Feruchemical brass, like all Feruchemy is internal only. It can only affect the heat of one's own body. Even if we accept the idea of a human body heated to 2080 degrees Celsius and thus somehow refine Chromium I guess by holding it in their clenched fist, can you imagine the effect of this on their surroundings? And that's not to mention that kind of heat in a localized area affecting weather patterns? It would be absolutely disastrous. They have no way to contain that kind of heat. It would be ridiculously impractical. That said, I'm willing to bet someone tried it once, then was tried and either jailed or executed for burning down half of Elendel.
  4. Well since Gold is pulling and Electrum is pushing, I think on the scale of temporal metals it is safe to say that past = pull and future = push. With that in mind, Atium sees the future and is therefore a push, while Malatium sees the past and should therefore be a pull.
  5. Ok, that's about as definitive as Brandon ever gets without a hard confirmation. The fact that they are in Dragonsteel is pretty solid. Though we don't necessarily know what kind of timespan Dragonsteel might cover...
  6. Not necessarily. All the letter from Hoid proves is that he knew Ati before he became Ruin. Hoid has traveled far and wide across the Cosmere and could have known him at any time.
  7. Can anyone find that confirmation? Like I said, I'm working on something that depends on this answer and can't find any confirmation one way or the other in my searches.
  8. I'm working on a new theory and realized it hinged on one important question that I thought I should check first. Do we have any confirmation that Ati and Leras were the original Shardholders for Preservation and Ruin? Is it possible that there were previous holders before them, notably that they might not have been the Shardholders who used Preservation and Ruin to create life on Scadrial, but subsequent inheritors to the Shards, natives of Scadrial itself?
  9. I thought by Cosmere rules only people have a Cognitive aspect (or am I thinking Spiritual? I get the terms confused).
  10. I wonder what the effects would be on various forms of technology that cross the border. Say some clockwork device (to keep things in AoL era) sat across the border of a Cadmium bubble. The gears on one side would be moving quite significantly faster than those on the other side. As near as I understand this should cause the whole thing to either seize up or break. It would only be worse with anything electrical, particularly once alternating current starts being used. Thoughts? Could Speed bubbles be used to break machines with moving parts?
  11. Please help me come up with some actually useful uses of Cadmium Allomancy. Slowing down time is interesting but not particularly useful for much, given that you appear to be standing stuck still the whole time and wouldn't even really be able to perceive what's going on outside as more than a vague blur. So far I've got 3, and they're all pretty niche cases. 1. Making something you really want come faster, basically bypassing waiting time. 2. Giving allies more time in a time-sensitive situation (Marisi's trick with Miles from AoL). 3. Making supplies last longer. Anyone have any other ideas?
  12. Yahtzee is amazing. I haven't even played most of the games and I still love to watch his videos. He is hilarious.
  13. With a rush of cold air and a swirl of the Mists, Koll strode into the lair, the twin dueling canes at his sides making his duster flare out behind him. He was almost never late. Punctuality was important. But the panic in the streets was hampering traffic to a degree that made anyone but a Coinshot take three times as long to get anywhere. Seeing Aonar and Buunt already there, he nodded at the pair and took his customary seat in a corner, pulling out one of his canes and proceeding to begin cleaning the blood off of it. Everyone is so jumpy today. Panic is going to be the death of us all. It's bad for business. I'll join in the No Kill vote for now. It's just too early to make any calls.
  14. So it's been established that the Voice in Dalinar's visions is Honour (or what's left of it). With that in mind, why is it telling him to trust Sadeas? I see two possibilities: 1) As the aspect of Honour, it cannot encourage mistrust, even of the dishonourable, even if it is only a small chance that Sadeas wouldn't turn out to be an utter bastard. Honour requires Dalinar to be the better man and maintain that level of trust of his supposed ally. 2) Honour is planning all of this and needed a way to bring Dalinar and Kaladin together. It knew that Sadeas would make some great betrayal and in that moment Kaladin would take up his true mantle and save the day. Without something like Sadeas' betrayal, Kaladin would eventually either have fallen on the field or gone through with his plan and led Bridge 4 in a daring escape. Whether or not it was successful, it would have taken him away from where he needed to be. Thoughts? Any other possible theories?
  15. What I'm wondering with this post is not whether or not he stole his name, or even if it is him, but WHEN all of this happened. We have it in a WoB that he took his mentor's name, and it is a reasonable assumption based on the context of his conversation with Kaladin that they did not part on good terms. However, this information is only gained in WoK, notably near the end of the Cosmere timeline, many hundreds of years after he is seen on Sel and later on Scadrial. As far as I know, we don't have any confirmation that the Hoid talking to Kaladin is the same Hoid that Vin was seeking out in Fadrix in HoA. I'm wondering if they might be multiple people and if one of the previous Hoid sightings might have been this mentor whose name the current Hoid took. Perhaps you're on to something. Maybe Sigzil is supposed to be the next Hoid.
  16. Even more side quests! Collect all the hemalurgic spikes Trivial Pursuit with a Keeper Spot the Kandra Kaladin's Crazy Bridge Run (I imagine an on the rails vehicle game with quick-time events to lash arrows away) Windrunner races (like Assassin's Creed race missions but even harder to follow with the whole screen inverting when you lash yourself to the wall of ceiling)
  17. Knights Radiant: King Shard Taint Surgebinder: Inbred Urges
  18. All of this is speculation. We've never seen Feruchemical duralumin used actively in the books yet. Until we do, it's all just speculation.
  19. Also, not quite sure if this might be relevant, but it might be something. Brandon dances around the question of whether Hoid gained Allomancy from Lerasium, but confirms he could have gained a power from it. Couple that with the confirmation above that Feruchemy was granted by Preservation in some way and we already know that Hoid is a Feruchemist... possibilities Also coupled with this one... Q: Has Hoid used his Lerasium Bead for Feruchemy?A: Hoid got the bead originally because he wanted to become an Allomancer. ...still dancing around the question of what he used the Lerasium bead for, but noting he originally wanted Allomancy.
  20. Hah! I may not be so far off possibly. Confirmed WoB that says that Feruchemy came from Preservation.
  21. So when Hoid is introducing himself to Kaladin in Way of Kings, he notes that Hoid is "the name of someone I should have loved" and says it is "another thing he stole". This brings up an interesting possibility. Namely, is the Hoid we have seen all along necessarily the same person? Is this Hoid in WoK referring to an event and taking the name that happened before the events in any of the Cosmere stories? Or is it possible that this Hoid was somehow acquainted with the previously seen Hoid and, to use his own words, stole his name?
  22. I would take Ruin and set up far more drastic natural consequences of stupidity so I could kill all the stupid people by their own hands. Welcome, by the way.
  23. Very good point. Connection is a heightening of what is there, not an imposition of affection.
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