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Everything posted by lyht

  1. Interesting. Here is another quote that might lend some evidence: (Second letter, Words of Radiants)
  2. Interesting Theory. Not sure if I buy it or not... but interesting. One point I can make: Yes, Adonalsium had created Splinters previously. (http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1078#25) I think my biggest issue with this is that once a power is splintered, how can you pick it up? I dont think you can. That is why Odium splintered Devotion and Dominion on Sel: (Way of Kings)
  3. That is awesome. I was talking about modern heroes with some guys from my church, and I mentioned Brandon because he tries to put some awesome in the world. When I mentioned his name, several of the other guys said "Oh, yah! He is awesome!"
  4. TLR was actually very hard to kill. It took Vin sucking in a bunch of mist so she could get a huge boost of investiture to be able to be able to pull on his bands and take his power. And he only had Feruchemy and Allomancy. Hoid... we dont even know all he has. And as Brandon says, Hoid is really, really, really hard to kill. http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1044#9 (Brandon basically calls him immortal) I understand your point and I don't disagree. However, because the letter says "as you are now essentially immortal" to me it sounds different than full-on immortal of Shardness, and more like Hoid's state.
  5. Regardless of how I feel about the way you manage it, I can't even begin to understand what it is like for you. I dont think it deserves a down-vote so I gave up an upvote to at least bring you back to zero.
  6. Hoid is basically immortal now. TLR was basically immortal. Vasher is more-or-less immortal. We actually know of a fair number of non-shard immortals, and how they got that way.
  7. I always got the impression that the Dragon was in charge of the seventeenth shard. The way Hoid asked for the Dragon to call them off or assign them another task seems to imply such. I also don't think the Dragon is a shardholder. I dont know of any evidence that would lead to that conclusion. The second letter also seems to imply that Hoid, the Dragon, and others were present at the Shattering, and may have even had something to do with it.
  8. Welcome! So... what's the awesomeness? Did you bring cookies, cause that would be awesome!
  9. I wondered what the "Fourth Land" and "Seventh Land" was. I thought maybe it related to Shard Worlds, or planets in the Roshar system, or maybe just books in the stormlight archive. Nothing really seems to fit. Another variation of your theory could perhaps just be something like this: Instead of all people's souls coming together to form a new shard, what if all investiture just came together. That would include the investiture from all the humans, spren, awakened objects, etc. The resulting shard could include all the experiences gained from the sentience of anything that held the investiture, even if it did not include the souls of the humans themselves.
  10. However, one other point from the review I want to make: I think his initial point was just "Please don't let the fans down on such an ambitious project. Please make sure that if something were to happen to you, your story could be finished and told" That I happen to agree with. And while I have full faith in all the information that Brandon has created that could help someone else complete the series if something happened to him, I hope beyond hope that nothing does. I really just want him to finish it. Yah, it was a bit patronizing. He's like that. One of Card's flaws.
  11. It is funny to read those words from Card, knowing what we know of Brandon's obsessive world building. It was funny also that he presented the information of the plan for 10 books as if from some inside source. Like this was a secret but he got the inside scoop, when Brandon has said so publicly in multiple interviews. However, overall, I really liked the review. He seemed to really love the books, as he seems to have loved everything Brandon has written. And he was glowing in his praise of Brandon's magic systems, and perhaps even more important his ability to understand human nature and putting compelling characters into awesome stories. He even went so far as to say there could not be a better use of your time than to read these two books this summer. Unless there is still something of his you have not read... cheeky!
  12. Personally, I don't think the two things are directly related. Swearing would have been the result of the way society viewed the Heralds, distorted by 4000 years. Whereas the body foci is the result of scholarly determination. I imagine the swearing could be in reference to just about anything dealing with the Herald. They most often seem to have reference to their divine attributes or title. But some of them are quite confusing, no doubt. What is up with Vedel's golden keys?
  13. I quite liked BSG. Watched it from beginning to end. Portlandia has an episode called "One Moore Episode" where they start watching BSG on dvd and get hooked, always just watching one more. Soon they have both lost their jobs and friends as they stop leaving the house to stay and watch episodes... It has a fun ending. If you have netflix, go check it out, in season 2.
  14. Wow! That is quite serious. Now my whole level of fandom is in question!
  15. Really? We know where it came from? I thought I read in the annotations or something that he got it from TenSoon, or someone. But I don't remember that it was old.
  16. Yah, I like this. I don't think he is the savant level that Spook was, Spook pushed his senses hard for quite a while. I get the impression that Wax just has his a his bubble on just high enough to knock something slightly off course, but not enough to overly affect the rest of the world around him. And he only turns it on when he needs it. However, I think that bubble might be enough to start him down the savant path, and could give him the extra ability that would justify his skills.
  17. So, I missed something. Did he also read from two other books? And did someone record any of the Q&A stuff either in sessions or at book signings?
  18. Yah, Lift is very cool, like her alot, which might explain my description above my profile pic.
  19. I wonder if he is a better shot with his earring in... Maybe at those times he gets an allomatic boost from whomever was spiked.
  20. Here are some more quotes to get you thinking: Personally, while I think he is going to continue to be around, I don't think he will ever come back physically. But of all the characters, he has set this one up as possible.
  21. FYI I am male. For me, I like Shallan not for her humor, but for her courage, tenacity, optimism and intelligence. Her humor at times is a bit juvenile, but she is young, especially in the flashbacks. Because of that, I don't find it weird or out of place. I just happen to like Hoid's and Syl's humor better. But I do like how Shallan rises above her weaknesses, makes a choice to push forward even when afraid, and inspires others to be better than they are. I like how she is not a standard woman in Alethkar, how she stands out. I like how she is fascinated by little things, beauty and bugs, by how much she loves learning. I like how she smiles and jokes even in the face of despair and destruction. I like her innocence, I like her experience. I don't think she is defined by her magic. I dont think it really works that way on Roshar. Her magic is defined by who she is.
  22. Moogle, I understand what you are saying, even if it not quite how I feel.
  23. I guess I have not paid attention. Why would people hate Shallan? She is awesome and clever.
  24. See... now you got me thinking. Sorry, OP. I won't distract any more. I put this in a new topic: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/13144-freehand-music/
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