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Way of Kings Leatherbound Kickstarter is Tomorrow, and Another Lost Metal Tidbit


A few quick reminders! The Way of Kings leatherbound Kickstarter comes out tomorrow at 9am Mountain time, which is 8am Pacific and 11am Eastern. Brandon posted a big blog post on all the tiers if you're curious about it or its tiers.

Additionally, Brandon tweeted today that there will be one of his newsletters coming out tomorrow, which will contain a preview of Rhythm of War. You can sign up for it here on his website. You can discuss the sample chapter (but not distribute it) in our Rhythm of War spoiler forum, or the #row_spoilers channel on Discord.

Way of Kings Prime, the version of the book Brandon wrote in 2002, is coming out tomorrow as well with the Kickstarter. To discuss it, we've made a forum in our Unpublished Works area. Please discuss it there, and not in the usual Stormlight areas. On Discord, please use the #unpublished channel.

Tidbit on The Lost Metal

Brandon commented on Reddit another tidbit on The Lost Metal, the final Wax and Wayne book. We discussed that he plans to begin Lost Metal January 1st, but here Brandon says that the goal would be to have the book finished by next July with a release date to be the spring or summer of 2022. It also will probably lead with a flashback of Wayne, rather than Wax. Neat!

Edited by Chaos


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Man I was really worried when the kickstarter finally went online, the page was literally at crawling speeds. I managed after a few tries to get my order in so im really happy overall.
Things sold out FAST.

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Mason Wheeler

Posted (edited)

I'm a little bit surprised at how low the main goal and the stretch goal thresholds were set.  Initially, the signed and numbered tier alone was (almost) 1000 copies at $500 each.   Dragonsteel had to know that would sell out almost immediately, and that's (almost) $500,000, double the main goal on that alone!  But now they're like "oh noes! We blew through all the stretch goals on the first few hours of day 1 and need to invent more! Who could have ever imagined it?!?" :P

Edited by Mason Wheeler

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Posted (edited)

Just watched the kickstarter video (8 hrs after I placed my order =) .

I am concerned, is Brandon okay?  He was very animated with his right hand, but seemed to keep his left hand in his pocket the whole time.

Was this just an (non gender biased) easter egg reference to hiding his safe hand?  Is he left handed and it has fallen off from all the signing?   I'm hoping for safe hand,

Edited by platnumkid
complete the thought

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17 minutes ago, platnumkid said:

I am concerned, is Brandon okay?  He was very animated with his right hand, but seemed to keep his left hand in his pocket the whole time.

He started with both hands!

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You were talking about the least expensive way to send books to Europe. We sell vacuum equipment for material handling in Europe. The least expensive way to send them is by container. You need to have an affiliate of some sort that is taking the order, and then they can distribute the books after they get to Europe. If you cannot fill a container, look to see if you can share one with someone else. Our equipment is much heaver than books! For an example our web site is wpg.com No I am not trying to sell anything. Just putting it there so you can understand where I am coming from.

Congrats on the Kickstarter, Yes I bought! I am stoked!!! I hope your hand does not get too tired...

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