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  1. Cadmium feruchemical power storing breath is a fun coincidence here
  2. I don't think that quote necessarily means that the shades acting the way they do predates the Evil, but I think if they did, then my idea does not make much sense. I think for this to make sense, that pre-Evil the shades left for hell after they formed, and post-Evil something changed. The real evil of Threnody is that we don't have a full Threnody book
  3. I've read a lot of people theorizing what is different about the shades on Canticle, in the Admiral's 'employ', things said by Nazh, etc. It occurs to me that the if the Evil functions very similarly to the Father Machine in its relationship to its black goo, then it may make more sense. Some shades (Silence's grandmother) (Liyun in Yumi) are able to retain slightly more of their identity, but the shade's are more or less under control of the Evil. Their nature and appearance is because of the damage in ripping most of their (identity?) away, like in Yumi and with Nightblood. On Canticle, they are far away from the Evil and so are not controlled by it. One counterpoint to this is the shades on Canticle warning that they could destroy everyone if left to roam, but that could be their ignorance, distance not being a perfect solution, or they still are dangerous, just not controlled by the Evil/follow the simple rules. This could still work even if the Evil's influence on the shades wasn't limited by distance if the glass containers serve to shield the shades from the Evil, but I think there are more issues with this scenario. A meta reason for this is also Brandon working this out from writing Yumi before Sunlit Man. Also a fun twist on this could be that the Evil is just a big lumping of shades that all act together and this collective influences the other ones farther away on the other continent. If Ambition was more group oriented in some way, it makes a nice distinction in intent with Autonomy.
  4. The 200 number I believe comes from this quote "Hmmm… Aux said. I’d guess around two hundred BEUs in this one. Far less than what powers a full ship." But the quote makes clear that a fresh or whole sunheart contains more than 200 BEUs.
  5. The story says that a sunheart can power a ship for months, but that the cinderking has prevented them from picking up sunhearts at dawn, so their supplies have been dwindling
  6. Not brought up here also is that this reading I think would have not have had the normal amounts of continuity edits that the books get, which could change very specific details
  7. I imagined it either worked the same way shard plate did where it's still flexible and has distinct parts, but is airtight at all "seams". Smaller links between the links and smaller links between those links etc etc Or instead if being a chain like you think where it's {(}{)(}{)} It's more like O-O-O-O where it's a solid piece
  8. He's mentioned that there are four main systems, scadrial, Roshar, sel, and taldain. And I think it was in the context of the four main groups in space age cosmere
  9. It's also possible the device did the allomancy not her, like a special form of allomantic grenade.
  10. I also it's because a ) Hoid is conservative with investiture and b ) he doesn't want to end up somewhere random
  11. This exactly A goldmind like this creating awful vampire-like devices is pretty scary.
  12. I noticed the same thing but interpreted the difference as it was because it was mechanical allomancy. It is semi -alive, and because of that either it's an issue of intent where that is what it is designed to do, and/or Sigzil doesn't get the benefits of feruchemy that help you withstand the effects with this type of device because the feruchemy isn't coming from him.
  13. They tapped into the deep well of power always available to Threnodites: Misery and Puritan Angst
  14. I just mean that Vivenna's blade is very dangerous and one could assume that having awakening that even reliably makes weapons as dangerous as a shard blade is scary and could maybe justify Vasher's actions even if Nightblood specifically is unique
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