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Oathbringer Sample Chapters Start Tuesday the 22nd, Will Reveal All of Part One


Tor has revealed that the Oathbringer sample chapters will begin Tuesday, August 22nd. How many chapters will they be releasing? Quite a lot: thirty-two chapters, all of Part One of the book. It's a lot of the book, but don't worry, there's so much more of the book after that. Part One is just 26% of the novel, of 1240 total pages. Yup, it's a beast of a thing. Tor will be releasing the chapters slowly, week-by-week, until release.

Part One is a fantastic taste of the overall product. Long ago, Brandon said he plotted Oathbringer as a trilogy. That is, that there are three distinct sections of Oathbringer. In Words of Radiance, he also did this, where the first "book" in Words of Radiance was Parts One and Two, the second "book" is Part Three, and the third "book" is Parts Four and Five. And if you have read Words of Radiance recently, you know that each of those "books" has a pretty big climax. Well, for Oathbringer, you can see in that Reddit link, Part One of Oathbringer is its first "book". Get hyped. 

We will keep you up to date on all of the sample chapters as they appear. Tor will be starting with the full prologue on the 22nd, then on August 29th, Chapters 1 through 3, and eventually, of course, all the way through Chapter 32. Also, Peter has suggested on Twitter that they may release an interlude on audio the week before release.

One last thing: Peter isn't entirely certain that epigraphs are coming in the preview. Worry not, as they are definitely in the book!

We hope you're excited for Oathbringer. Remember to make sure to keep all discussion on Oathbringer and its sample chapters in our Oathbringer Spoiler Board, and not anywhere else. Thank you! 

Edited by Chaos


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Oh Almighty...

I would almost consider reading this expect that I've lined up my rereading of WoK and WoR so that I won't get impatient waiting for Oathbringer. It'll probably be almost out by the time I finish WoR. Fingers crossed. I CAN RESIST THE TEMPTATION!

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Why must you torture us so, Tor? JUST FREAKING RELEASE THE BOOK ALREADY

I need this book.


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I'm actually glad about this. I've occasionally wished for the discipline to not binge-read. Make it last longer, not lose sleep, catch more fine details, etc.

Parts 2-5 will still be binge-read because I can't help it.

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With WoR I failed my will saving throw on released chapters, and I hope I can stay steady this time. Must...resist...

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21 hours ago, Stormfather-in-Law said:

With WoR I failed my will saving throw on released chapters, and I hope I can stay steady this time. Must...resist...

Resist...resist...lost it...

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I nearly lost my mind last night when Tor *only* released the Prologue. (I was expecting 3 chapters). I was so geared up, and I had already read most of the prologue with a teaser release a while back.

I'll just read it again several times. Ain't NO heralds slipping past me this time.

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