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Is there a sorting hat style quiz for Knight Radiant orders?


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  • 2 months later...

Elsecaller!  Was very pleased getting this one, I see a lot of myself in Jasnah - aloof quiet asperity, logical thought superseding emotional, and a lovely tinge of superiority complex.

It makes sense thematically as well though, haha, lots of scholars and leaders, self betterment and reaching potential, etc.

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15 hours ago, Anomander Rake said:

Elsecaller!  Was very pleased getting this one, I see a lot of myself in Jasnah - aloof quiet asperity, logical thought superseding emotional, and a lovely tinge of superiority complex.

Funnily enough, for me, leadership is the *one* Elsecaller trait I lack, but I identify with all the others. I prefer to refine information and support a decision maker who is persuaded to trust me, rather than placing my own name on the dotted line.

Btw, out of curiosity, what does the test give you as your second closest order? (I get Elsecaller 69%, Skybreaker 62%, then everything else trails behind with under 50%).

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4 hours ago, CryoZenith said:

Funnily enough, for me, leadership is the *one* Elsecaller trait I lack, but I identify with all the others. I prefer to refine information and support a decision maker who is persuaded to trust me, rather than placing my own name on the dotted line.

Btw, out of curiosity, what does the test give you as your second closest order? (I get Elsecaller 69%, Skybreaker 62%, then everything else trails behind with under 50%).

The leadership is piecewise for me!  When it comes to some things I get annoyed if I'm not in charge, where in other situations I definitely prefer to take a role like you described.

Elsecaller was actually my only Order above 50%, also at 69%, the next ones were Truthwatcher, Lightweaver, Skybreaker, in that order, all in the high 40's.  Skybreaker def took a dive as I leaned into Spirit > Word of the Law (jasnah alley moment lmao).

Good thing I'm happy with Elsecaller cuz it look like I'm never becoming a Bondsmith LMAO

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6 minutes ago, CryoZenith said:

Haha, that's so interesting. We're definitely opposites there. Lightweaver and Bondsmith were my lowest, the only two I had below 40%.

Very!  It must be something like we answered half the same and half opposite lol.  Suprised Lightweaver was low for you, the two seem tangential in my mind in a lot of ways, though who am I to know.  I wonder what the variation of answers is like for each order, if like, not making guesses just using random examples, most people who get Windrunner end up answering super similarly while people who get Truthwatcher are all across the board.  You ever take an MBTI test?

Yeah Bondsmiths and Elsecallers seem opposite in a lot of ways, kinda like how Dalinar struggles to understand Jashah, though she is by no means the average person, or Elsecaller for that matter haha.  Elsecaller leadership seems less grandiose than Bondsmith, more intimate strategy as opposed to broad worldly planning.

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I'm not deeply familiar with all the intricacies and complexities of MBTI, like with subtypes or secondary/tertiary modes. All I know is that whenever I take an MBTI quiz, I always get ENFJ.

I guess the reason why there's a disconnect for my mindset between Elsecallers and Lightweavers is because of my ethical stance on the concepts of infohazards and cognitohazards. I don't infinitely value truth and knowledge (although I am in favor of having more of them *most* of the time), and accept that it situationally makes us stronger/better off to deceive as well as self-deceive. For example, let's just say that I disapprove of how Khriss is operating and her radical stance on freedom of information.

Edited by CryoZenith
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4 hours ago, CryoZenith said:

I'm not deeply familiar with all the intricacies and complexities of MBTI, like with subtypes or secondary/tertiary modes. All I know is that whenever I take an MBTI quiz, I always get ENFJ.

I guess the reason why there's a disconnect for my mindset between Elsecallers and Lightweavers is because of my ethical stance on the concepts of infohazards and cognitohazards. I don't infinitely value truth and knowledge (although I am in favor of having more of them *most* of the time), and accept that it situationally makes us stronger/better off to deceive as well as self-deceive. For example, let's just say that I disapprove of how Khriss is operating and her radical stance on freedom of information.

Neither am I for that matter haha, I've just taken a surface level interest.  I know it can get clunky compartmentalizing every person and character into 16 categories, but for broad stroke descriptions its helpful and fun!  I love seeing the general consensus on where characters fall.  I'm an INTJ-T myself, and while not the case for everyone, the descriptions for the type are me to a T.

Very interesting!  I knew vaguely about the concept of infohazards, and loved the idea of cognitohazards whenever they came up in fiction, like people going mad from seeing Lovecraftian old gods and ofc the scores of SCP articles.  Just just spent some time skimming a few professional articles - I'd never really given a thought to the ethics of the spread of information.  Lets just say I am now very much in your camp concerning the freedom of information - lots could be much better off if there was a stricter dissemination of a lot, but I digress LOL!  Thank you for sharing!

Edited by Anomander Rake
added a word for clarification
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2 hours ago, Anomander Rake said:

Very interesting!  I knew vaguely about the concept of infohazards, and loved the idea of cognitohazards whenever they came up in fiction, like people going mad from seeing Lovecraftian old gods and ofc the scores of SCP articles.  Just just spent some time skimming a few professional articles - I'd never really given a thought to the ethics of the spread of information.  Lets just say I am now very much in your camp concerning the freedom of information - lots could be much better off if there was a stricter dissemination of a lot, but I digress LOL!  Thank you for sharing!

Yup. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure lots of Elsecallers could have a mindset that makes them compatible with Lightweavers, I was just explaining how you can be in a mindspace where you're very much the former while being very little the latter.

By the way, just for fun, cognitohazards are on a spectrum of harm. On the highest level of harm, there's the mind-breaking cosmic horrors you mentioned or some SCP objects, on a high but realistic level, there's PTSD triggers, on a low-to moderate level there's scary stories that actually scare you rather than just entertain you, and then there's low level annoyances. For example, below I have spoilered a very common and relatively popular low level cognitohazard in the form of a sentence. Click at your own peril.


You are now aware of the position of your tongue in your mouth.


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12 hours ago, CryoZenith said:

Funnily enough, for me, leadership is the *one* Elsecaller trait I lack, but I identify with all the others. I prefer to refine information and support a decision maker who is persuaded to trust me, rather than placing my own name on the dotted line.

Btw, out of curiosity, what does the test give you as your second closest order? (I get Elsecaller 69%, Skybreaker 62%, then everything else trails behind with under 50%).

Bizarrely I got Edgedancer second, which is weird, I dont see myself as nice, thoughtful,  or graceful enough for that.

(Truthwatcher first was obvious for me, but I would have guessed Elsecaller or Lightweaver second, going the other way on the chart...)

I'd argue that there is an ethical difference between truth (in the Truthwatcher-ish sense implying understanding) and information. Truth per se is probably always good, but information even if factual can be used to deceive (out of context information being misleading, etc), partial but factual knowledge can be dangerous (we know how to do X but don't know the full consequences of doing X, eg environmental problems), as can knowledge without wisdom (not using technology wisely).


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2 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

I'd argue that there is an ethical difference between truth (in the Truthwatcher-ish sense implying understanding) and information. Truth per se is probably always good, but information even if factual can be used to deceive (out of context information being misleading, etc), partial but factual knowledge can be dangerous (we know how to do X but don't know the full consequences of doing X, eg environmental problems), as can knowledge without wisdom (not using technology wisely).

And this is why you're a Truthwatcher and I'm not. I would never say something like "truth per se is probably always good", even with all the caveats you listed. Although yes obviously the caveats do pull a lot of weight into making it safer to be a disseminator who respects them than otherwise.

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