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Scadrian sports


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I had an idea while watching the patron q&a session the other day and i wonder if it will mirror modern day sports. Once allomantic sports start to happen, I'm assuming there would be regulations anyway, but someone is going to "juice". Probably many someones. Will this create certain types of savants? Will that be a known issue with a workaround? Are you going to have to be a savant in order to compete? 

Where I think it could mirror modern day medicine is in higher suicide rates as a result of CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy).

I'm curious if Brandon will make this a plot point in the novels or if he'll find a fix for it in world.

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Brandon does have plans to tie sports into things in Mistborn in Era 3 (including how it will work with the magic systems) and has started laying the groundwork in Era 2. The in-universe reason it hasn't happened yet is that the Scadrians have been focusing heavily on practical matters and one of the things they haven't really gotten around to developing is professional sports.

My guess is that for any sports that don't depend on allomantic/feruchemical powers, they would require players to be Leeched beforehand and undergo an inspection for metalminds. We know that detection isn't foolproof because Miles managed to hide at least one goldmind inside his body, but someone flaring iron or steel should generally be able to spot ingested metalminds. I imagine that for sports which do depend on the metallic arts, you'd have something similar to begin and then some official would be in charge of distributing carefully measured metal vials or metalminds as appropriate so that every participant has exactly the amount of magical oomph that they're supposed to. No doubt there will be ways people try to cheat that system too, but it shouldn't be impossible to regulate.

Edited by Weltall
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17 hours ago, Weltall said:

Brandon does have plans to tie sports into things in Mistborn in Era 3 (including how it will work with the magic systems) and has started laying the groundwork in Era 2. The in-universe reason it hasn't happened yet is that the Scadrians have been focusing heavily on practical matters and one of the things they haven't really gotten around to developing is professional sports.

My guess is that for any sports that don't depend on allomantic/feruchemical powers, they would require players to be Leeched beforehand and undergo an inspection for metalminds. We know that detection isn't foolproof because Miles managed to hide at least one goldmind inside his body, but someone flaring iron or steel should generally be able to spot ingested metalminds. I imagine that for sports which do depend on the metallic arts, you'd have something similar to begin and then some official would be in charge of distributing carefully measured metal vials or metalminds as appropriate so that every participant has exactly the amount of magical oomph that they're supposed to. No doubt there will be ways people try to cheat that system too, but it shouldn't be impossible to regulate.

Also, Compounders are probably going to be banned since they could mess with even their carefully regulated intake of metal very easily. Steel compounding especially could be tricky to deal with.

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21 minutes ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Also, Compounders are probably going to be banned since they could mess with even their carefully regulated intake of metal very easily. Steel compounding especially could be tricky to deal with.

That might depend on the nature of the contest and the cultural bent behind it.  I could see them calling that a legitimately Inherited Advantage, if they are sort of glorifying the powers themselves (maybe a Praise to Harmony sort of thing?).

14 hours ago, Weltall said:

Brandon does have plans to tie sports into things in Mistborn in Era 3 (including how it will work with the magic systems) and has started laying the groundwork in Era 2. The in-universe reason it hasn't happened yet is that the Scadrians have been focusing heavily on practical matters and one of the things they haven't really gotten around to developing is professional sports.

My guess is that for any sports that don't depend on allomantic/feruchemical powers, they would require players to be Leeched beforehand and undergo an inspection for metalminds. We know that detection isn't foolproof because Miles managed to hide at least one goldmind inside his body, but someone flaring iron or steel should generally be able to spot ingested metalminds. I imagine that for sports which do depend on the metallic arts, you'd have something similar to begin and then some official would be in charge of distributing carefully measured metal vials or metalminds as appropriate so that every participant has exactly the amount of magical oomph that they're supposed to. No doubt there will be ways people try to cheat that system too, but it shouldn't be impossible to regulate.

And by era 3 good old fashioned metal detectors will likely be a thing, if they are flirting with radio in era 2.

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2 hours ago, Quantus said:

That might depend on the nature of the contest and the cultural bent behind it.  I could see them calling that a legitimately Inherited Advantage, if they are sort of glorifying the powers themselves (maybe a Praise to Harmony sort of thing?).

I'm sure some clever soul will make compounder-friendly variations of sports for the entertainment value.

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15 hours ago, Quantus said:

Im curious if Hemalurgy will ever be accepted enough to use Aluminum spikes as temporary suppressors (since there's no physical damage left behind Spikes when they are removed).  

... I'm pretty sure an aluminium spike does not temporarily remove the powers, it just flat out removes them.

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15 hours ago, Quantus said:

Im curious if Hemalurgy will ever be accepted enough to use Aluminum spikes as temporary suppressors (since there's no physical damage left behind Spikes when they are removed).  

Spikes do leave physical damage

and Aluminum destroys powers

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9 hours ago, Frustration said:

Spikes do leave physical damage

and Aluminum destroys powers

The word used was "Removes" not destroys.  So far every hemalurgic effect shown ends when the spike is removed, so lacking some other reason I default to assuming this operates the same and reverts when the spike is no longer plugged into the Spiritweb.

And it has been a long time, but as far as I recall the spikes intersect with the spiritweb once they hit blood (kinda like shardblades) which was how they can pierce functional organs without disrupting them.  And with the exception of Inquisitors that were specifically made to be fragile and need the lynchpin, Hemalurgy didnt leave big open wounds unless the subject was already dead (again consistent with shardblade's spiritual interaction).   

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43 minutes ago, Quantus said:

And it has been a long time, but as far as I recall the spikes intersect with the spiritweb once they hit blood (kinda like shardblades) which was how they can pierce functional organs without disrupting them.  And with the exception of Inquisitors that were specifically made to be fragile and need the lynchpin, Hemalurgy didnt leave big open wounds unless the subject was already dead (again consistent with shardblade's spiritual interaction).   

Considering Ruin specifically targeted organs when using hemalurgy to ensure that they couldn't be removed I'm inclined to differ

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 23.09.2021 at 6:42 PM, Frustration said:

Location matters

Right, but there is more than one bindpoint in the body, and many of them are not lethal, or even dangerous, dont see why for Aluminum Spike will be different. Just need to find good, not dangerous bindpoint.

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

Right, but there is more than one bindpoint in the body, and many of them are not lethal, or even dangerous, dont see why for Aluminum Spike will be different. Just need to find good, not dangerous bindpoint.

Yes but the question isn't "Are there non-lethal bind points?"

It's "Does aluminum have non-lethal bind points that work for this purpose?"

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