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What if...?

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I’ve been waiting to see if someone would make a thread for this and I got tired of waiting.... 

So, I really enjoyed the first episode. It was sooo cool and I thought that the writers did a good job of shortening a 2 hour movie into a 30 minute episode. My only big complaint is that the lips don’t sync up with the talking, but I’ll probably get used to that. 

What do you guys think of it?

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4 hours ago, Nameless said:

I didn't really like it. It felt a bit too condensed. The story felt rushed, and it seemed to be focused more on action that character development. Maybe the later episodes will be better.

I felt the same way, the pacing felt way too fast for me, which makes sense considering how much they're trying to condense. I feel like the stories of the episodes would do better as a movie, or a Disney+ series of its own, but because of how squished it is I have greater difficulty enjoying it.

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I just enjoyed how many almost meta references were used towards the main timeline. I liked how they paralleled a lot of the important shots with the same/very similar angles as in the original movie and how multiple throwaway lines meant more than just throwaway lines :P I also thought the narration by the Watcher was an interesting direction to take it, with a fourth-wall breaking character. Lots of firsts for Marvel with this show and I think that's really cool.

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I feel that if they were just going to do a condensed version of the first Captain America movie but with Peggy Carter as the super soldier...maybe the shouldn't have bothered? 

I mean, I get it. The spirit of the What If...? comics were essentially a weird combination of fan service and fan fiction. The thing is, if you aren't attached to the character/ events, it's not that interesting.

I'll certainly watch the others, it's quite possible those will interest me! This first episode though was just something of a "meh" to me. 

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I for one LOVED the first episode. The animation was slick and flowed gorgeously, even if the models felt off most of the time. The colors popped, and the storyline was familiar yet unique. I was wrong about a few things though. I had one major prediction that I was 100% sure of, and was absolutely wrong. I'm a little disappointed they didn't go in that direction either, but I'm excited to see what happens next.

My friend really enjoyed the show too, but he was very critical of the pacing. I absolutely  agree with his critique. This episode was weirdly paced at times, but that also makes sense - they condensed a two hour movie into a thirty minute show episode.

What bothered me about the pacing was that Marvel really doesn't need to do such a thing. Many fans would watch this if it was twenty minutes or two hours, and this episode really could have used the extra twenty minutes. (Or at least an extra 10-15 for the romance stuff.) If the story needed an extra 15-20 minutes, I think the story could have been split into two episodes like the first two seasons of Justice League were, and released that way. THAT BEING SAID, Marvel runs a tight ship with their releases, and they've probably timed this to run right into Ms. Marvel or The Mandalorian or whatever comes out next, so it make sense why they didn't go with that format.

Besides, this being a cartoon, the show is probably meant for younger kids with shorter attention spans, and the die-hard, brand-loyalty fans. (Unless Captain Carter and some of her peers show up in Doctor Strange & the Multiverse of Madness or Loki Season 2, which are very possible outcomes.)

Overall, I can't wait to re-watch this on a screen larger than my phone, and I can't wait for future episodes.



I was COMPLETELY convinced that Steve was going to fall in the crash and become this universe's version of the Winter Soldier. He and Peggy would then go on to live in the present together happily, instead of him returning to the past to be with Peggy. (This may not be the Cap/Winter Soldier ship fans may have wanted, but it could have been one regardless.)

I also really hope that stories set in the future of that world explore the gender politics of Peggy being Captain Carter. The unfortunate truth is that she probably didn't make that much of a difference. But with women more present in the workplace, a woman as the poster-girl for and actively participating as the leading force in the current war, and her becoming a martyr in many ways, I can see that changing gender dynamics in a way that sped up things in her timeline. And since it's fantasy, who's to say that didn't happen!?


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36 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

. THAT BEING SAID, Marvel runs a tight ship with their releases, and they've probably timed this to run right into Ms. Marvel or The Mandalorian or whatever comes out next, so it make sense why they didn't go with that format.


Unfortunately (for me, anyway! ) it looks like Hawkeye will be the next TV show and my favorite Jersey hero won't get her premiere until next year! *sob!*

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IMO, Episode 2 was way better than Episode 1 in every way. Chadwick Boseman really put everything into this performance, and I really enjoyed seeing him as Star-Lord. And here's just a list of things that were great about this episode.

- Nebula having hair, having a complete opposite personality than she does in the movies and her more familiar relationship with Thanos

- Thanos being a good guy. Everything they did with him, I was totally on board with. I also like how he still insists that his plan to help the universe still has merit

- Yondu, Kraglin, Taserface, Korath, they were fun. Korath especially since he turns out to be a huge Star-Lord fan

- The Drax and Howard the Duck cameos

My only complaint is with the Collector. They give a really interesting concept here but I don't he was as threatening as he should have been. You can see that he not only has weapons from Malekith and Hela (two powerful villains) but Cap's shield and Mjolnir as well. With those victories in mind, the fight he has with T'Challa and Yondu should have been longer. And yeah, the Nebula/T'Challa ship is a little bit hard to get used to.

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Hehehe episode 2 was just as good as episode 1. This show is literally the best thing that has ever happened in the MCU. You can’t change my mind. I love seeing established characters play different roles. Plus it’s cool to compare them. I just recently rewatched guardians of the galaxy and it was cool to see how different, and yet how similar black panther was to star-lord. 

I also reviewed the trailer, because I’m weird like that, and the when the guardians of the galaxy are saving “New York” (probably not New York but whatever) that’s black panther star lord. 

Also Nebula’s blond. What?!?!?!?

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I really like them both. I was skeptical about both of them but by the end of them I found myself really liking it. It was strange, especially with Thanos. That was downright bizarre. 

2 hours ago, Shard of Reading said:

Also Nebula’s blond. What?!?!?!?

That shocked me too. :lol: It was weird, took me a bit to get used to. (if I ever did.) :P

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I smell a tad of "the world would've gone better if things had went this way" in the first two episodes. The Thanos situation seems to the best illustration of this point. Without Thanos' supposed inevitably, so much goes differently and better. Never will anyone worry about big purple man collecting all magic rocks, etc.

And in the first episode, it seemed like Captain Carter had just about everything handed to her, or was able to just accomplish anything with ease.

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On 8/21/2021 at 10:34 PM, Knight of Iron said:

Without Thanos' supposed inevitably, so much goes differently and better. Never will anyone worry about big purple man collecting all magic rocks, etc.

But Ego would still probably end up destroying the world sooo.... things don’t go better, they just go differently. 

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1 minute ago, Shard of Reading said:

But Ego would still probably end up destroying the world sooo.... things don’t go better, they just go differently. 

Yeah... look at me complaining about it before actually finishing the episode... :P.

But who's to say T'Challa won't talk him out of it?

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14 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

Yeah... look at me complaining about it before actually finishing the episode... :P.

But who's to say T'Challa won't talk him out of it?

Well the thing with Thanos was he thought he was actually helping the universe. But Ego just wants to destroy/rule it. 

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3 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

Well the thing with Thanos was he thought he was actually helping the universe. But Ego just wants to destroy/rule it. 

Maybe T’Challa will teach him to be grateful and content with what he has...

Nah, I’m actually hoping that Ego rules everything. But surely some people will rise up to stop him. I feel like pretty soon, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Thor, etc. would all have to get involved, and I don’t see how Ego could so easily beat the combined power of everyone in the universe who doesn’t want to die (or doesn’t like blue foam).

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Episode 3 continues hopefully a hot streak of really good What If episodes. I loved this one because the entire episode was essentially a misdirection. We watch this really dark mystery unravel as the original Avengers begin to die, which eventually leads to Loki taking over the earth.

Hank Pym being the Yellowjacket and the killer threw me for a loop, because I thought it was Loki the whole time. But I really enjoyed the twist and its clever execution. It was well thought of. They even leave Michael Douglas' name out of the opening credits to preserve the mystery, which is awesome. I also love the acknowledgement of some of Pym's dark history and mental health in the comics.

Other things I liked:

- Finally acknowledging events and characters from the often ignored film The Incredible Hulk

- Lake Bell as Black Widow. For some reason, she has a lot more personality here than she does in most of the movies

- Loki fighting Yellowjacket

- Coulson's bizarre crush on Thor

Episode 3, in short, lived up to my expectations.

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On 8/21/2021 at 8:34 PM, Knight of Iron said:

I smell a tad of "the world would've gone better if things had went this way" in the first two episodes.

Ep 3


I'm laughing at this really hard right now :P 


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I’m a little late to the game on this. But I’m enjoying the show for the most part so far. The first episode wasn’t my absolute favorite. But it was still fun. I really enjoyed episodes 2 and 3 though. Thought T’Challa as Starlord was awesome. That episode was just fun. I also enjoyed the mystery/darker feel of episode 3. Pretty sure Agent Coulson is (head)canon bisexual now. Is there a way to see which characters will be focused on in the following episodes? How many episodes are there? And is there any character you all want to see a What If story for?

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On 8/28/2021 at 1:34 PM, Philomath said:

I’m a little late to the game on this. But I’m enjoying the show for the most part so far. The first episode wasn’t my absolute favorite. But it was still fun. I really enjoyed episodes 2 and 3 though. Thought T’Challa as Starlord was awesome. That episode was just fun. I also enjoyed the mystery/darker feel of episode 3. Pretty sure Agent Coulson is (head)canon bisexual now. Is there a way to see which characters will be focused on in the following episodes? How many episodes are there? And is there any character you all want to see a What If story for?

There are ten episodes, but they're already working on a season 2.

There was a "What If...?" trailer that revealed some episodes like Steve Rogers somehow becoming Spider-Man, zombie versions of the Avengers, evil Doctor Strange (which, I believe is the next one), Tony Stark being saved by Killmonger and not being Iron Man, and some other cryptic shots that aren't so clear.

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2 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

There are ten episodes, but they're already working on a season 2.

There was a "What If...?" trailer that revealed some episodes like Steve Rogers somehow becoming Spider-Man, zombie versions of the Avengers, evil Doctor Strange (which, I believe is the next one), Tony Stark being saved by Killmonger and not being Iron Man, and some other cryptic shots that aren't so clear.

The one shot from the trailer with the Guardians of the Galaxy defending some space city instead of the avengers defending new york is Black Panther Star-lord. Not Normal Star-lord like I actually thought.

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There were two quotes in my mind as I watched the most recent episode of What If..?:

"What is grief, if not love persevering?" spoken by Vision and "The things I do for love..." spoken by Jaime Lannister.

To really understand, you're going to have to watch the episode yourself because the events that take place are nothing short of incredible. Episode 4 has literally broken the Marvel formula. To discuss, I must talk spoilers.


In this episode, we follow a Stephen Strange who became Sorcerer Supreme because he lost Christine Palmer, the woman he loved (his heart). We then follow two Stephen Stranges, one who has accepted events as they are and has moved on and one, motivated by grief, pain, loss, love and desire, who attempts to bring the love of his life back by gaining as much power as he possibly can, in order to reverse an absolute point in time.

I was very much reminded of Anakin Skywalker and his desire to keep Padme safe. I can't help but wonder if this is the path that he would have taken. But Strange's path is more than just dark. It's horrifying and I am really happy that Marvel decided to do that. We watch Stephen as he slowly becomes a monster, believing that what he is doing will ultimately save Christine.

But the other Stephen knows that this is not the case. For a few moments, I thought Marvel would let the good Strange win and reverse the heavy consequences that the evil Strange has brought. But they didn't. They fully committed to the consequences of Strange's actions, leading to an ending that is even more heavy than Infinity War, one where the entire universe is destroyed. Just like the narrator, we can only watch as a broken Strange, who has realized too late that what he has done is wrong, holds his love as she fades into nothing.

"Stephen," she asks. "What have you done?"

A question we ourselves ask as we watch the Sorcerer Supreme weep in his cell, all that remains of one universe among many.

This episode is in another level entirely from the others. I seriously doubt they will top this one.

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4 hours ago, Modal Seoul said:

There were two quotes in my mind as I watched the most recent episode of What If..?:

"What is grief, if not love persevering?" spoken by Vision and "The things I do for love..." spoken by Jaime Lannister.

To really understand, you're going to have to watch the episode yourself because the events that take place are nothing short of incredible. Episode 4 has literally broken the Marvel formula. To discuss, I must talk spoilers.

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In this episode, we follow a Stephen Strange who became Sorcerer Supreme because he lost Christine Palmer, the woman he loved (his heart). We then follow two Stephen Stranges, one who has accepted events as they are and has moved on and one, motivated by grief, pain, loss, love and desire, who attempts to bring the love of his life back by gaining as much power as he possibly can, in order to reverse an absolute point in time.

I was very much reminded of Anakin Skywalker and his desire to keep Padme safe. I can't help but wonder if this is the path that he would have taken. But Strange's path is more than just dark. It's horrifying and I am really happy that Marvel decided to do that. We watch Stephen as he slowly becomes a monster, believing that what he is doing will ultimately save Christine.

But the other Stephen knows that this is not the case. For a few moments, I thought Marvel would let the good Strange win and reverse the heavy consequences that the evil Strange has brought. But they didn't. They fully committed to the consequences of Strange's actions, leading to an ending that is even more heavy than Infinity War, one where the entire universe is destroyed. Just like the narrator, we can only watch as a broken Strange, who has realized too late that what he has done is wrong, holds his love as she fades into nothing.

"Stephen," she asks. "What have you done?"

A question we ourselves ask as we watch the Sorcerer Supreme weep in his cell, all that remains of one universe among many.

This episode is in another level entirely from the others. I seriously doubt they will top this one.

I literally almost cried at the ending.

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They totally pulled a "gotcha" on everyone watching:


"You thought Doc Strange would stop his evil twin and save the universe? NOPE! Everybody's dead and the universe is gone! Hahahahaha!" It's great that they get to do that kind of thing with this show, since though we're invested in the characters since they're our characters, we can handle them dying, since they're not our characters, if you get what I mean.


Edited by MGershone
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