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So don't now if this will count as spoilers or not so


In the sixth of dusk two after the ones above(which most agree are era 4 scadrians) leave what most assume is a rosharan skybreaker, which I think is a warform singer or listener, summons a shardgun and clips in what I assume is a stormlight battery. I am interested how you guys think it works.

This is my first post so yeah and also grammar is bad sorry

Edited by SirFlapFla
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Yeah but how do you think it would work. like I say a cool fabrial Idea to make missiles and guns but that used gemstones do you think it just shoots pure stormlight. Is it even stormlight because that could have been voidlight, anti-light, life-light. it never said the color.

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You should probably put [Sixth of the Dusk sequel spoilers] in the title and change it to just "that gun"


The gun seemed like a Shard gun, I think that's the spren, transforming itself into that form. The cartridges (or whatever the hell the proper term is) might've been real? Dusk wasn't sure himself if those were bullets or a power source, like a battery. With Investiture and possible scientific discoveries with it in the future, it could very well be both. Yeah, it might possibly shoot light (or some other form of energy, or capital-L Light, via those things. It's beyond our current understanding.


Edited by Honorless
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure how spoilers work for unpublished sequels so I'm gonna spoiler it just in case;


So, the problem I have with this spren-gun is that if this is a radiant's spren, the spren has to be a solid object, as per this WoB. That means that this gun is entirely non-mechanical, with no moving parts whatsoever, which makes me wonder how on earth it would manage to fire anything! (How do you make a trigger with no moving parts? Or Firing Pins?) The only thing I can think of is that the clips must act as the ammunition, the propellant and the firing mechanism, which raises some questions, namely, why have the spren manifest as a gun at all? All it does is hold the real gun inside it, so why not mount the cartridges on your wrist or some place like that?

Honestly this, while cool at first, just really confused me.

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There is no reason a spren couldn't form a primitive gun like a matchlock, minus the part actually carrying the match. The open question is whether the spren actually move when they change shape or dematerialize and rematerialize. If the former, a spren can simply form a gun, but not the ammo.

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I have not thought about the fact that it could be plate as well, because plate can move what if it was used for the moving parts. Along that line what if the radiant finally became smart and realize that there shardblade can form into nearly anything so what if it molds into a firing pin. And no I dont care about grammar

Edited by SirFlapFla
first sentence made no sense
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On 6/13/2021 at 2:49 PM, Oltux72 said:

There is no reason a spren couldn't form a primitive gun like a matchlock, minus the part actually carrying the match. The open question is whether the spren actually move when they change shape or dematerialize and rematerialize. If the former, a spren can simply form a gun, but not the ammo.

So, just further evidence that the gun probably fires some sort of Stormlight beam instead of a solid object. There's also the possibility that the glowing box is some sort of spren-summony thing that manifests an object in the barrel which is then fired using Gravitation or a release of Stormlight (well, that's a wacky theory).

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  • 7 months later...

I think that it's probable that the "gun" just channels the charged investiture(probably stormlight or lifelight) into a concentrated beam. The whole benefit of having a spren-blaster is not having to carry it around all the time, so it wouldn't make sense if the Knight Radiant had to carry around dozens of magazines of physical cartridges.

Alternatively, it could contain hundreds of needles made of strong materials, perhaps invested heavy metals like uranium(so they cant be pushed)

Spren-blades/guns cant be multiple pieces, but they can rapidly change shape, so perhaps the firing mechanism is just an opening and closing reciever+ big firing hammer changing shape and launching the spikes

Edited by HavingTheHasHoidAPurpose?
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  • 1 month later...
On 5/28/2021 at 8:15 PM, SirFlapFla said:

So don't now if this will count as spoilers or not so

Yeah me either, so I am going to spoiler this as well. Sorry I'm late to this topic, but I love talking about firearms so I'm gonna chime in! 


So the way I think of this is essentially two-fold. Two separate main ideas have influenced how "Shardgun" technology has developed on Roshar. 

1. Roshar got the idea of firearms from somewhere else. 
I think this is a no-brainer. Given how distinctly weird Roshar's technological development has been, it is basically inconceivable that they would invent a firearm that looks similar to the ones we are familiar with. In other words, if Roshar came up with this technology independently, it wouldn't look exactly like a long-barrel revolver. The odds of that are very, very low, in my opinion. The only way a Rosharan would have a "gun" in a shape that we would recognize as such is if they were copying another technology. 

This is a little bit of a stretch, but if I had to guess, I would assume that post-Stormlight 5 Roshar copied Wax & Wayne era gunsmithing tech. Copying technology from later then this would probably have produced a different result. 


2. What about the string? 

Syl comments to Kaladin at one point that she thinks she could turn into a bow, but that she wasn't sure what they'd use for a string. Similarly: the problem, as someone astutely pointed out above, is that a spren can seemingly only form into a single piece of metal. No moving parts, which are necessary to our typical firearms. 
The solution, I think, relates to my point above; the Shardgun isn't a real firearm, it just looks like one. 
Rosharans copied the concept of firearms, not the mechanical function. I believe that when forming a Shardgun, the spren merely transforms into a specific kind of fabrial, one that uses the power pack we see the Radiant attach to perform a specific function.

What the gun does, we can only guess. Within my theory, this is a fabrial, so any expression of surge is theoretical possible (perhaps depending on the Order of Radiant?). Perhaps this gun shoots tiny bolts of lightning, or hardened shards of Soulcast glass, or beams of concentrated light. 


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  • 3 months later...

2 theories:

1. The "gun" is a laser housing.  In that case the shape would allow aiming and a lens in the barrel could act as a focus.  We know that Lightweavers will develop lasers and that most abilities can be copied with fabrials.

2. This some kind of rail or coil gun that launches a mechanical Division bullet.

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