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Just now, Biplet said:

Yeah, what I'm saying is if he had too many votes on him, the NK could've been assigned to any of the people who voted on him. Therefore redirecting Mat probably didn't help him

Well, yes, given that he's dead now it obviously didn't help him : P But it could have, depending on how many voted for him and just... chance in general. So idk, I figure he woulda done it anyway.

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7 minutes ago, Biplet said:
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Because the Straffies are probly gonna kill the Cetts as revenge for the Cetts killing their mistborn (3 kills: Vote kill (known), Cett kill (can't kill a Cett), Straff kill (can't kill a Straff).)

Straffies can't've killed Striker bc Striker was Zane. Vote didn't kill Zane. Therefore Cett killed Zane.

Cetts killed Zane, and now Straffies will take revenge and NK Gneorndin.

Therefore our village kill can be someone else we suspect of evilness.

That's why we're voting for Illwei.

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1 minute ago, Tani said:

Because the Straffies are probly gonna kill the Cetts as revenge for the Cetts killing their mistborn (3 kills: Vote kill (known), Cett kill (can't kill a Cett), Straff kill (can't kill a Straff).)

Straffies can't've killed Striker bc Striker was Zane. Vote didn't kill Zane. Therefore Cett killed Zane.

Cetts killed Zane, and now Straffies will take revenge and NK Gneorndin.

Therefore our village kill can be someone else we suspect of evilness.

That's why we're voting for Illwei.

What I'm confused about is that a lot of the voting on Illwei was justified by them adamantly condemning Mat before his claim. Then Mat claimed Cett Mistborn. So why do we continue to antagonize Illwei when we know Mat is literally the most dangerous opposition to the village right now.

Also, Straff could easily decide to leave Mat alive tonight and let it suck up yet another day of discussion.

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Just now, Quintessential said:

Currently the majority of the votes are on Mat y'know

And I say move them.

Straff will kill Mat. We can kill Illwei.

Mat's already said that if we kill him, Cett's not killing Illwei.

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8 hours ago, Illwei said:

glad someone caught Mat. because. that whole situation was dumb. lmao. if Mat actually got me killed this cycle then that would have been poggers for him lmao. that woulda been (edit: I have no Idea where this was going. Why don't you fill it in yourself with whatever you think I was going to put there!)

No, the whole situation was awesome :P I couldn't really believe when people were actually voting you. Not that I don't think you're Straff, because i absolutely still do and sincerely hope you are exed next cycle :) But no hard feelings, of course :P

If I had gotten you killed and you had been Straff, that would have been good but I still would have probably been killed for claiming Vin anyway, so it wouldn't really have done much. If you had flipped vil, uh, oops? :P.

1 hour ago, Tani said:

Mat's claimed Cett mistborn, right?

Gneordin can't burn Atium.

Mat, what did you do this cycle? (just out of curiosity)

Edit: Or, well, last cycle actually

Hahahahaahhahahah no

1 hour ago, Quintessential said:

I'd presume he tried to burn either Tin or Brass--it would make sense for him to scan Striker, since he'd been attacked + survived and he wasn't up for immediate exe. Mat couldn't have known for sure that Striker was going to be attacked again : P

Edit: Wait Mat said he'd been redirected. And that the person he scanned (with Tin) targeted Illwei. nvm that's probably what happened. @Matrim's Dice right? You tried to target Striker with Tin, he tried to redirect you after burning atium but ended up redirecting your Tin instead of your kill (or you weren't the one who was assigned the kill, whatever the case), and you were redirected onto someone who targeted Illwei. That sound right?

(Mat, in this case, likely wasn't the one who voted Striker for the NK. In either cycle. (edit; wait no he must have... no that doesn't make sense either.... I'm confused now ignore me) Because otherwise he would have known immediately which kill belonged to his team, and wouldn't have bothered to scan Striker necessarily.)

I like how you are all assuming that I'm going to clarify anything...

1 hour ago, Tani said:

@Matrim's Dice Sorry I should've @-ed you when I wrote this.

Tis fine, I always read backlog :P 

21 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

I'm guessing Matrim was lying as little as possible in this situation, so that there was less that could be disproven.


17 minutes ago, Tani said:

You know what I still really think we should let the Straffies kill off Mat.

So Illwei


I wanna try weird stuffs nope it failed i was wrong

*evil laughter*

1 minute ago, Tani said:

Mat's already said that if we kill him, Cett's not killing Illwei.

I don't think Cett should kill Illwei regardless of whether I live or die. Though I am open to negotiation for my survival :P 

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4 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Well, yes, given that he's dead now it obviously didn't help him : P But it could have, depending on how many voted for him and just... chance in general. So idk, I figure he woulda done it anyway.

@TJ Shade Can you confirm whether it's possible to redirect the NK? Or is that PAFO? 

Maybe Striker did do that. But also, the rules say that if someone is chosen to submit the NK, their actions for that cycle are cancelled. So if Matrim was chosen for the NK, and Striker failed to redirect him, then his actions wouldn't go through. Which could be why he was lying about things? But idk, my brain hurts. 

I kinda want to hold off on theorizing anything with Mat until we get more information next cycle.

1 minute ago, Tani said:

And I say move them.

Straff will kill Mat. We can kill Illwei.

Mat's already said that if we kill him, Cett's not killing Illwei.

Just cuz he says that doesn't mean it's true. If she's a Straff or a villager, then they have to kill her at some point if they want to win. If they don't, she's Cett, which I highly doubt (tinfoil: Mat is a Cett Thug or was someone who was Lurched and Illwei is the Cett Mistborn and this was all an elaborate distancing ploy).

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Just now, Liranil said:

Maybe Striker did do that. But also, the rules say that if someone is chosen to submit the NK, their actions for that cycle are cancelled. So if Matrim was chosen for the NK, and Striker failed to redirect him, then his actions wouldn't go through. Which could be why he was lying about things? But idk, my brain hurts. 

It doesn't cancel their action if they're Mistborn.

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1 minute ago, Liranil said:

Maybe Striker did do that. But also, the rules say that if someone is chosen to submit the NK, their actions for that cycle are cancelled. So if Matrim was chosen for the NK, and Striker failed to redirect him, then his actions wouldn't go through. Which could be why he was lying about things? But idk, my brain hurts. 

I was lying about things because I was about to die, and as Illwei said, it was a last-ditch attempt to stay alive :P How much I lied is up to you to figure out and me to withhold until the Aftermath. 

But do you really think I would miss that I was redirected? Like, that's not believable at all and it really was my last attempt. I read my GM PMs very carefully :P.

2 minutes ago, Liranil said:

(tinfoil: Mat is a Cett Thug or was someone who was Lurched and Illwei is the Cett Mistborn and this was all an elaborate distancing ploy).

xDDD That would have been awesome

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

But do you really think I would miss that I was redirected? Like, that's not believable at all and it really was my last attempt. I read my GM PMs very carefully :P.


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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I was lying about things because I was about to die, and as Illwei said, it was a last-ditch attempt to stay alive :P How much I lied is up to you to figure out and me to withhold until the Aftermath. 

But do you really think I would miss that I was redirected? Like, that's not believable at all and it really was my last attempt. I read my GM PMs very carefully :P.

xDDD That would have been awesome

I didn't think you'd miss that, I thought that you could be lying about Striker trying to redirect you. :P

Just now, Biplet said:

begins to cry


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18 minutes ago, Tani said:

That's why we're voting for Illwei.

And why my good sir, do you suspect me of evil-ness? is it also a tinfoil of my vote on Striker in the beginning? :P.

8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

But do you really think I would miss that I was redirected? Like, that's not believable at all and it really was my last attempt. I read my GM PMs very carefully :P.

I feel...

personally attacked

8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

xDDD That would have been awesome

Well seeing as Mat has been trying to set me up to get voted out regardless, that wouldn't really work. It could work if I was a Cett and somehow signaled to him I was a Cett? huh. Well I mean it could be a Mistborn but to get village cred but it's 8:30 now and I gotta go aaaaaaaaaaaa

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4 minutes ago, Illwei said:

And why my good sir, do you suspect me of evil-ness? is it also a tinfoil of my vote on Striker in the beginning? :P.

I am a lady, not a sir.

Voting you because reasons.


Hey, everyone! Who do we suspect other than Illwei?

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

:(:( Why not? :(:( 

You've literally claimed elim, and the village wins by killing all elims, so we need to move towards the wincon. Plus, having an acknowledged elim in thread makes it a buttload more confusing, and you're just going to draw discussion until you're dead.

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