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Fantasy/SciFi flow chart


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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this last night and thought to my self "If it doesn't have a Brandon Sanderson book on it then I reject ita accuracy", luckily it had 2 so it was all good :)

Well, I still think there are must-reads that could be there and are not, but that's based not only in quality, but also in popularity.

Now that I think about it, I never thought of counting how many books of the list I have read...

It makes 20 books read and 2 books I started and couldn't finish.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I actually just registered to ask if anyone knew about a site that does about that.

Guess i have a point to start at.


Anyone know about a site that lets you get a bit deeper into definitions of the books?

(I'm looking for hightech and magic intermingled)

a sql questionaire of something might be cool.....

Or a booru....

I don't think a wiki would really work....

edit; note i'm not talking about only that top 100 list. i'm talking about all books.

Edited by psilorder
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Yeah, and a wiki isn't what i'm after since it doesn't allow to use multiple terms. in a wiki i could find my way to the books that have magic but i couldn't tell which ones have technology.

basically i want something that allows me to check "boxes" for things such as 'magic', 'technology', 'length' (different ones obviously), 'hard magic', "magic used by a viewpoint character", "technology used by a viewpoint character", etc.

tv tropes is fun tho.

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Guest Jacob Santos

I devoured fantasy, mystery and science fiction during middle and high school. The only problems were the limitations of the libraries themselves. I've actually gotten back into Fantasy and Science fiction thanks to Audible. Given that most of the reading I do now are technical tombs, it is refreshing to read new stories from time to time.

It seemed that most of the books are adult fantasy and science fiction. I wonder what it would look like if they had young adult fantasy?

I don't feel bad having read less than half of the books on the list. Some of the books are on my Audible wish list and I will get to them eventually (Foundation, Tower, a few others). The problem is that some of the books are difficult reads. Earthsea... I haven't looked into her other series. I might do so.

One of the problems with series is that if you get into one, you either want to read all of their works (Robin Hobb, Tamara's Circle of Magic [YA]) or you get so bent out of shape that you don't think you'll enjoy any of their works.

I really want to jump into Discworld and another of the fantasy books on there. The Pun-tastic one.

However, given the limited selection, I've read a lot of fantasy and science fiction. Hardly any of them on the list. I enjoyed the books I've read, no matter what someone else thinks I should read.

The fact that they didn't have "The Lies of Locke Lamora" and a category of "Series of books that started great but won't be finished." Lynch is a better Brent Weeks in my opinion. I would tell people to check out Brent Weeks as well.

I almost fell into the trap of visiting TvTropes. God, I really need to sleep, I can't stay up the entire night again.

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If you do start the Discworld, Brandon (and I) both recommend- Don't start at the beginning. Start with Guards! Guards!, (the start of the City Watch Arch), or The Truth. Terry Pratchett takes a little bit of time getting into his element. And they aren't super sequencial either.

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