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Masquerade - These Masks We Wear

Zephrun’s Imperium

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So... yeah, Guard. Ivian has officially summoned Caden to his quarters.

@The Ward's Guard




Wendy blinked her eyes open and pushed her morning hair out of her face. "Ugh..."

"I said get up!" Someone was hitting a spoon against a pot. "Come on, ladies! Bright and early! Time to start the day!"

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up, yelping as she hit her head on the bunk above her. Right; she was a waitress now.


"Morning tasks! Alice, Allivia, Beth: latrines! Cal, Debbie, Flannery: you three get to clean up breakfast! Gerymonne, Hannah, Ilsa, Ingrid, Katie, Mona, Monica, Nelly, Pep: fan out around the hallways. Reyna, Sarah, Veronica, Wendy: laundry!" The taskmaster--a different one this time, as the last one had been male--clanged her spoon against the pot again. "Get to work! Let's go!"


There you go. A comprehensive list of all the waitresses.

And now I want to flesh out every one of them. Scud.


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Guard is working on something special for his 1999th post. Masquerade related. ;) 

Also it's official; I can't handle Nicolae, he's too cute.

While Nicolae walked down the hallway, his happy mood slowly began to dissolve. The morning hallways had never made him feel very comfortable; despite all the maids bustling around, the quiet air made him feel painfully lonely and the threat of someone flirting with him made him jump anytime someone said hello. As long as he avoided Allivia he should be fine though. That woman scared him like no other.

When he'd left Ivian's chambers, he'd felt hopeful. If the king trusted him, then surely he was doing something right. But... Ivian's faith in him was terribly misplaced. You really will end up a prostitute, he thought miserably. Just... please don't you screw this chance up. For both your sakes. Oh Stars, Kimby, pull yourself together. S'mthin's wrong with you, terr'bly so. The king trusts you, he does, don't you throw that away. 

He knocked loudly on the door to Eleanor's assigned quarters. She didn't ask for me, did she? Naw, Nico, don't kid yourself. Ivian trusts you. Ivian trusts you...

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"Oh stars--" Wendy turned away to gag.

"You new here?" The girl named Reyna asked.

She nodded and tried not to retch.

"That taskmaster's a jerk for putting you on laundry for your first day," Reyna said, throwing dirty socks into a barrel. "Nastiest job. You'll get used to it though; unfortunately. I guess maybe breaking you in right away was the right idea for this."

"Do all noblemen smell this bad?"

"Most, yeah." Reyna hesitated on one particularly dirty-looking pair of trousers. "The decent ones'll wear perfume, but there aren't many. And that just means that you smell like sweaty nobleman and cloves when you finish up with their hunting outfit, which I personally find to be more rancid a combination than a dead skunk."

"Hey, but that's the way most of us smell anyways!" Sarah--a girl several years younger than Wendy, but apparently far more experienced with this kind of thing--said. "Like Reynie said: you get used to it."

"Eeeeuuughh..." Wendy dropped a slimy pair of socks into her barrel. "How often am I gonna have to do this?"

"Once a week. We rotate through jobs day by day. It's not so bad, as long as you don't get too exhausted."

"Or murdered." Sarah added.

"Or raped." Veronica finished.

"Wonderful." Wendy muttered

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After waiting outside Eleanor's door for about a minute without a response, Nicolae decided to phone a friend. He flagged down a maid. "Ah... Mary, is it, miss?"

The girl glared at him. "Monica," she growled. She stomped on Nicolae's foot with her heel as she passed and the tall manservant cried out, gritting his teeth. 

"Oi!" he hollered, shaking his fist at her. "I had a legitimate question, miss!" 

"Well, why don't you ask Allivia your legitimate question, since she's your favorite?" She shook her head and growled before going into a room to clean it. 

"Oh, by the Stars, wha'did I ever do to you...?" He sighed and looked about for anyone else he could ask. He was either at the wrong door or Eleanor was just a heavy sleeper. It's prob'ly the latter, and if it ain't, you can go check the register afterwards. With that thought - and a deep breath - he waltzed into the room quietly. And there she was. Peaceful and petite, brown curls cascading down the pillow. Well, Nicolae had to hand it to Ivian; he sure knew how to pick a bride. 

Why did that make him so angry?

Nicolae Kimby threw open the curtains, light flooding the suite. "Rise and shine, Miss El'nor!" 


Edited by Shard of Thought
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20 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

"I'm sorry, my dear. I know the cookies aren't much of a consolation... but it's something at least. And I hope I can do a lot more than just that. I do not intend to send you back to the dungeons - they're no place for a sweet little girl like you - and I promise that you won't see any more of General Praetorium. He's a nasty fellow. Of course, he would say the same about me..." She snickered, smiling amiably.

"What about Wendy?" Ara asked. "What'll happen to her?"

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Just now, Shard of Thought said:

“In all honesty, love, I don’t know. I wasn’t even aware of her presence until I saw her just now. I can’t control her fate, but I guarantee I have a measure of pull on yours. You’ll be safe. With me.”

Ara bit into another cookie and smiled. "Okay."

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