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Masquerade - These Masks We Wear

Zephrun’s Imperium

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Hey Star, do you want to take some of the waitresses? I'd rather not one-off all of Wendy's story from here on out.

"Servants' quarters are right in here." The other waitress yawned loudly, but didn't seem too bothered by the fact that she'd been woken up at such an hour. "You're new here, right?"

"Yeah." Wendy poked her head into the room. It was full of sleeping waitresses, as could've been expected. "How does... waitressing work?"

"Well, you're expected to take the orders of any masters or guests of the palace. Disobeying their orders will get you beaten. Do your work, try not to get stabbed in the back by the others, don't try to seduce the squires, and save Kimby for a last resort." She rubbed her eyes. "And try not to make eye contact with any of the crusty nobles. You're technically allowed to say no if they try to pull you into bed, but that doesn't mean they'll take it for an answer. If it's a choice between running away and getting beaten or staying there and getting beat, then you can make the call; we won't judge you either way."


"Yup. This place is pretty much hell." The waitress pointed at an empty bunk. "You take that one. Call me if you need anything. Or... don't. Actually, please don't. I'd rather not... do. Anything. 'Night."

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Oh. Wonderful. I love Allivia.

I guess I'll post again for you...

Wendy lay down on her bunk, opting to keep keep on the bulky waitress uniform in the absence of a proper blanket. Or, well... it seemed like there had been blankets, but they'd been hoarded by a few older-looking girls in the corner. So there was a class system?

Don't get stabbed in the back by the others, Wendy recalled. Was she joking?

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I just had a very evil idea, but I think it's a bit much to actually have it be said explicitly. I'll PM you, I guess.

"Ah, well. You know, I'm actually not sure which is worse; being here because of debt or because you had no other choice. I'm the latter. Been here for almost a decade now."

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"That's fair. And, well, probably good for the Raven to have her dungeons full. I've heard that if she doesn't have enough people down there, she'll pull civilians to experiment on. She's not allowed to torture castle staff though, unless the king lets her, so that's a relief."

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"Eh, it's a throw away job," Allivia said. "We're really just glorified maids, to be perfectly honest. If someone important comes to visit, one of us gets assigned to them and at balls we're always rushing around getting stuff from the kitchens. Tonight was weird with that lockdown though." She shrugged. "You can definitely get away with slacking off, just be careful about getting caught too many times."

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"Ah, yes. We trade a lot of stuff here. We don't get paid much, so we pay each other in favors. The girls in the corner are newbies. I guarantee people offered to give up their blankets so they could cash in later. Winter is coming soon and when the weather gets colder, well... those blankets will be in high demand."

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"The higher-ups could usually care less what we do down here. If you have a grudge against someone, nasty pranks are pretty fair game. Just don't get too violent, I guess. That girl I mentioned, the one sent to the Raveness? She almost killed another girl. The castle staff is in rather short supply; working conditions aren't great, so very few voluntarily sign up. Severely injuring someone else here will get you, well, severely injured." Allivia chuckled darkly.

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