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Masquerade - These Masks We Wear

Zephrun’s Imperium

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*me who's written this scene out weeks ago* Perfect.

Nicolae woke with a massive headache and a nasty case of self-loathing. He groaned, rolling over in bed. This was why he didn’t drink all that often. Sure, it made the world fall away for a moment, but mistakes and responsibility were still there in the morning. And of course, his drunkenness last night would probably get him fired or sent to Lady Raven sooner or later. 

To be fair, he was deserving of either one, but that didn’t mean he was looking forward to it. 

Stars above, facing the king today was going to be painful. Facing Eleanor even more so, but… well, he intended to avoid her for as long as was feasible. He had the displeasure of remembering every moment of their interactions the night previous and the memories made his stomach turn. He’d hugged her. Stars above, he’d hugged the king’s bride-to-be. If Ivian found out… He was known to sleep around; Ivian would undoubtedly suspect the worst and that would be the end of it, head on the chopping block.

With a gulp, Nicolae bit his lip and sat up in bed, his brown locks a tangled mess. He was trembling all over and soon enough he felt tears rise up. I die today, were his grim first thoughts. They played in his head while he got dressed and while he tidied up his room. As he walked down the halls to go do his morning chores, he wondered if this would be the last time he’d ever see the corridors he’d become so familiar with. Even while the cook berated him over breakfast - smacking him on the head with her rolling pin as he left the kitchens - he couldn’t help but think it, trying desperately not to cry into his oatmeal. I die today. It wasn’t long after he arrived at the king’s chambers - his head pounding from being hung over, holding back sobs, and stress in general - that it all came crashing down. 

The serving boy set down Ivian’s breakfast tray with shaking hands. “Mornin’, sir,” he muttered, voice breaking with terror. Only a few seconds later did it all burst. He gasped and fell to his knees, bawling. "Oh, Majesty, I's sorry. I's screwed up before, I has, but I... I don't wanna die, sir, I doesn't. I know I make mistakes, I do, but I'm loyal, I swears I am.” 

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"I know you will." Ivian smiled. "Now, obviously you are to still take orders from all your higher-ups, including me, but you will attend Eleanor instead of myself from now on. That being said, you are dismissed." He waved, then as an afterthought added, "oh, and if you see the general, let him know that I've requested his presence."

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