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Masquerade - These Masks We Wear

Zephrun’s Imperium

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34 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:



Teach me your ways!!! ;)

Seraphina finished her book. She was not happy. Now that she wasn't reading, would people ACTUALLY approach her? She felt so awkward in social situations. She sighed. Should she start re-reading the book? No. She wouldn't. She put the book away with a sigh, and ate her snacks.

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4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Seraphina finished her book. She was not happy. Now that she wasn't reading, would people ACTUALLY approach her? She felt so awkward in social situations. She sighed. Should she start re-reading the book? No. She wouldn't. She put the book away with a sigh, and ate her snacks.


Don't look at me for a social interaction; Caden has had his moment, and he showcased his character perfectly.


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7 hours ago, Condensation said:

Aliénor looked back at the man. "Do you still want to dance with me? And I don't believe I heard your name."


"Oh, so you are the king's betrothed? I don't know how I missed such a thing." He puts his hand to his forehead as if to condemn himself for such an oversight, but his eyes are still sparkling beneath his sapphire mask. "I am Will Dellré, heir to my house. I would be honored indeed if you would, and if the king has any objections I will answer to them as befits my honor."

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10 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

“I asked you his name, woman,” Riva snapped. “No matter your rank, you do not have the authority to disregard a direct question from me.”

"Lieno Havenkar, you killed him about a month ago because he was scudding around doing who knows what. But like I said, that was the past, and now is the present. I'm sorry, I really should be more direct with you, but there's no reason to get snappy." Aelyon said, waggling a friendly finger at The Raveness. "Although I was surprised that you didn't piece together who I am even after I told you that I was a noble lady, who's son was murdered, and who'd been away from court for a few months; I really did narrow down your guessing. But no matter, I suppose a women as outstanding as you has no need of knowing the local courtiers."

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9 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

"Oh, so you are the king's betrothed? I don't know how I missed such a thing." He puts his hand to his forehead as if to condemn himself for such an oversight, but his eyes are still sparkling beneath his sapphire mask. "I am Will Dellré, heir to my house. I would be honored indeed if you would, and if the king has any objections I will answer to them as befits my honor."


I added another middle name because it felt right.

"Yes, that's me. Princess Aliénor Marie Lumen Baudelaire of Jolie, Betrothed of King Ivian I of Mendahar." Aliénor stood and curtsied. "I'd love to dance, then."

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9 hours ago, Lecky Twig said:

"Lieno Hvenkar, you killed him about a month ago because he was scudding around doing who knows what. But like I said, that was the past, and now is the present. I'm sorry, I really should be more direct with you, but there's no reason to get snappy." Aelyon said, waggling a friendly finger at The Raveness. "Although I was surprised that you didn't piece together who I am even after I told you that I was a noble lady, who's son was murdered, and who'd been away from court for a few months; I really did narrow down your guessing. But no matter, I suppose a woman as outstanding as you has no need of knowing the local courtiers."

Riva had, by now, decided that this woman was not worth her time. She glared beneath her mask. "Your compliments are empty and your veneer of friendliness is thin. Whatever you hope to gain by talking to me, you won't be getting it. I will be reporting your suspicious behavior to the king. Watch yourself in the future, or you will end up just like your fool of a son. Do I make myself clear?"

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On 2/2/2021 at 5:44 PM, Fallapede said:

Jasper wandered gloomily through the palace, silently lamenting the hours he'd wasted surveying the palace for points of entry. Well, if they'd wanted him to go in through the front door, they shouldn't have left a weakness in the defenses! Reassured by this flawless line of logic, he tried to find the ballroom, but accidentally bumped into two people clearly engaged in something that was none of his business. Given that one of them was wearing a crown, he figured they might like to know about the security issue. "Ah, Your Majesty, might I have a moment of your time? I worry that there is a deficiency in the palace defenses." Jasper knelt as he spoke, with a perfunctory nod towards the other man.


On 2/2/2021 at 6:49 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Let her start an affair with him for all I care."


"Not him sire," Caden gestured towards the man who approached from the hall with a scowl, "him."


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6 hours ago, Condensation said:

"Yes, that's me. Princess Aliénor Marie Lumen Baudelaire of Jolie, Betrothed of King Ivian I of Mendahar." Aliénor stood and curtsied. "I'd love to dance, then."

Will held out a hand to her and bowed.

The music playing was fitting for such a ball, regal and majestic, but not overstated and garish. It acted more as an accent to the dancing rather than a conduit for it.

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15 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

Will held out a hand to her and bowed.

The music playing was fitting for such a ball, regal and majestic, but not overstated and garish. It acted more as an accent to the dancing rather than a conduit for it.

Aliénor took his hand, not sure what to expect. Different people danced differently.

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5 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Aliénor took his hand, not sure what to expect. Different people danced differently.

Will, of course, had been tutored in the proper way to dance since he was old enough to walk. His training as an assassin only added a peculiar grace to his stride as he lead Aliénor to the floor.

"Well, mi'lady, you have me off guard. I wished to ask you what brought you here, but being betrothed is enough of a reason for anyone. How do you find our country?"

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Just now, Negative_Null said:

Will, of course, had been tutored in the proper way to dance since he was old enough to walk. His training as an assassin only added a peculiar grace to his stride as he lead Aliénor to the floor.

"Well, mi'lady, you have me off guard. I wished to ask you what brought you here, but being betrothed is enough of a reason for anyone. How do you find our country?"

"It's lovely so far. Most everyone's been so friendly."

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

"It's lovely so far. Most everyone's been so friendly."

"Well,' Will stopped, and looked around them, as if looking for eavesdroppers on the dance floor. "Not everyone is being friendly for friendliness's sake. But I'm glad you've found it pleasant so far. Have you seen the forests around the castle? They do look lovely this time of year."

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10 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

"Well,' Will stopped, and looked around them, as if looking for eavesdroppers on the dance floor. "Not everyone is being friendly for friendliness's sake. But I'm glad you've found it pleasant so far. Have you seen the forests around the castle? They do look lovely this time of year."

"I haven't."

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