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4 minutes ago, lightshaper123 said:

Oh wow that's hard! I haven't read a ton, but I really love the Stormlight Archive, Words of Radiance is my favorite, and I also loved Skyward a lot. How about you?

Ayy, I like Words of Radiance too. I also like Hero of Ages (the third book in the first era of Mistborn; give the series a read if you haven't, because that ending is worth it), and Warbreaker, whose ending almost had me b r o k e n, but I digress.

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8 minutes ago, lightshaper123 said:

Oh wow that's hard! I haven't read a ton, but I really love the Stormlight Archive, Words of Radiance is my favorite, and I also loved Skyward a lot. How about you?

Welcome to the shard! :) I also really loved Skyward. What did you like better, Skyward or Starsight?

Who’s your favorite character?

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4 minutes ago, Mystic Syn said:

Ayy, I like Words of Radiance too. I also like Hero of Ages (the third book in the first era of Mistborn; give the series a read if you haven't, because that ending is worth it), and Warbreaker, whose ending almost had me b r o k e n, but I digress.

Also, I read Hero of Ages, and loved it! I love the Mistborn series! I really need to reread it. Also, I haven't read Warbreaker, do you recommend it?

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1 minute ago, lightshaper123 said:

Also, I read Hero of Ages, and loved it! I love the Mistborn series! I really need to reread it. Also, I haven't read Warbreaker, do you recommend it?

I mean, I've heard mixed opinions on Warbreaker, but you're asking for my recommendation and the book is now officially Mystic Approved. It can get weird sometimes, but I'm sure that it'll be fineeeeee.

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5 minutes ago, Mystic Syn said:

I mean, I've heard mixed opinions on Warbreaker, but you're asking for my recommendation and the book is now officially Mystic Approved. It can get weird sometimes, but I'm sure that it'll be fineeeeee.

Errr.... okay. Well, I'll add it to my list of practically one million books I still need to read. First I need to read RoW!!

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Just now, lightshaper123 said:

Yup. School is blah when you want to read books.

That's why I went on vacation before I started school, lol. I did a heck ton of reading there, because I wasn't in service and I didn't have my phone to bother me, lol.

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1 minute ago, Mystic Syn said:

That's why I went on vacation before I started school, lol. I did a heck ton of reading there, because I wasn't in service and I didn't have my phone to bother me, lol.

Smart! My school does a special thing where the three weeks after Christmas break we only have school from 9-2 and do special stuff so I've had barely any homework so I read the first three Stormlight books in two weeks. And now schools about to be back on so... there goes my reading time.

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Just now, lightshaper123 said:

Smart! My school does a special thing where the three weeks after Christmas break we only have school from 9-2 and do special stuff so I've had barely any homework so I read the first three Stormlight books in two weeks. And now schools about to be back on so... there goes my reading time.

Rip man. I feel that tho, on a personal level. Homework never seems to end and then we can hope that we'll have at least one day off.

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