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The Unknown Order

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Ok, so I'm new, so tell me if I am/do something wrong, but I think this will be a good way to meet people. So, on to the roleplay. 


This magic system is pretty soft (within boundaries), so just ask if a type of magic exists. Chances are it will. Here's how you get the magic:

Not all people are born with the magic. It is genetic, but people can get the magic from seemingly nonexistent roots, and there is always a chance a person won't have the magic.

There are three types of absorption. You can only have one type. The first and most common is Energy Well absorption, this draws from naturally occurring Energy Wells, these are fairly common and give large (sometimes harmful) amounts of Energy. The second and least common is death absorption, this type of absorption takes life from sentient beings (humans and animals). The third is of a mid-range commonality, more common than death absorption, less common than Energy Well absorption, this type of absorption is called life absorption and it takes Energy from non-sentient things (plants mostly, non-living things have very little Energy).

There are also three main types of magic, revitalization, absorption, and prolongation. I person will generally only specialize in one type, but some people will be moderate in two, I slightly knowledgeable in three.

The shape of the world is fairly similar to Earth, however there are far fewer mountains, and most travel is done by boat, due to the fact that most continents have a decent amount of sea in between them. This heavy reliance on boat transport is what caused the peoples of Energus to find the continent of Aukarnit, much quicker than we found America. 

This roleplay will take place in Aukarnit, which is in a similar situation to when we found America, however, the settlers have medieval weaponry, not guns. 

If you want any more information, just ask. 


EDIT: I was told that I should put a player list and some other stuff, so here I go.

Players: Unknown Order (me), Channelknight Fadran, Exotwo, Condensation, Omi the Counselor and I think I am here.

I will also include my character for reference. There is no set character sheet, but it would be nice to have a description, their magical skills, a simple (or complex) backstory, and a name.

Name: Arknon (called Ark by his friends, and definitely not his subordinates) Tericho.

Description: Ark is the highest ranking man in the army, and perhaps even the entire country of Aukarnit. He looks authoritative with an imposing suit skillfully made with metal attached in some areas. While not the best armour, it has saved his life a few times. He has a rugged look, and was a common man before rising to his current position. He has black hair that is common of the poor folk of Alausoo (changed the name closer to how it's pronounced). He has normal looking green eyes and a tall, wiry build. 

Magic: He is a Well Absorber, who has learned up to Telekinesis in Revitalization and Minor Protection in Prolongation. 

Skills: He generally uses a sword with a spare crossbow, but he is also proficient with a bow.


I spoilered this because it's long, and kinda complicated. If I could do the image well I would, but I can't, so this is how the magic works:

Revitalization starts with minor  healing. It then splits into the Talking Dead (partial Necromancy) and major healing. The Talking Dead splits into the Returned Dead and the Controlled Dead. Major Healing Splits into Pain Dulling, Group Minor healing and Perfect Healing. The Controlled Dead leads into Telekinesis and Mind Pockets (splitting your conscious). Group Minor Healing goes on to Group Major Healing. Perfect Healing goes into Emotion Influencing and Injury Sensing. Mind Pockets goes into Multiple Mind Pockets and Thought Casting (making a person hear your thoughts). Group Major Healing goes onto Group Perfect Healing. There are more but I'll leave it at that.

Prolongation goes into Minor Protection and Minor Age Prevention. Minor Protection goes into Major Protection and Minor Suffocation Protection. Minor age Prevention goes into Major Age Prevention and Minor Disease Prevention. Major Protect goes into Perfect Protection (near invincibility) and Millisecond Foresight. Minor Suffocation Protection goes into Major Suffocation Protection, Minor Heat Protection, Minor Cold Protection, and Major Suffocation prevention. Millisecond Foresight goes into Second Foresight (seeing a few seconds into the future) and Minor Memory Recollection. All the Minors become Majors and Perfects but I'm not going to go any further.

Absorption is split into three types of which a person can only use one (Other than the Energus). They are Death Absorption, Life Absorption, and Well Absorption. Death Absorption goes into Knockout Absorption and Minor Memory Stealing. Life Absorption goes into Meditation Absorption  (gaining Energy through meditation), Minor Plant Control, and Minor Growth Enhancement. Well Absorption is essentially unexplored. Minor Memory Stealing goes into Major Memory Stealing and Minor Telepathy. Minor Plant Control goes into Major Plant Control. Minor Growth Enhancement goes into Major Growth Enhancement. Major Memory Stealing goes into Perfect Memory Stealing and Minor Memory Planting. Minor Telepathy goes into Major Telepathy. That's it for that, like the last one they go to Major and Perfect.


Edited by The Unknown Order
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5 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

Ok, so I'm new, so tell me if I am/do something wrong, but I think this will be a good way to meet people. So, on to the roleplay. 


Hi! No, you’re not doing anything wrong, and yes, this is a great way to meet new people! :) I’d be interested in this RP, though some more information on what revitalisation and prolongation is would be good to make a character. Are they exactly what they sound like, revitalising something else with life-force and prolonging your own life with it?



Hi! Your RP idea sounds great, though you should probably make a separate post for it so people can find it easier, and so you can gauge interest for it rather than posting in another RP’s thread :) 


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1 hour ago, Omi the Counselor said:




2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



Great, two people!

4 hours ago, I think I am here. said:




Sure, I can explain that real fast.

Revitalization is healing at first, however, it can split of into necromancy (the magic kinda looks like a skill tree) then telekinesis. 

Prolongation is...odd. it starts with making you more resistant to dying, but then it turns into elemental resistance and near immortality. The tribes of Aukarnit are very skilled in Prolongation. 

Absorption revolves around the three types of absorption, each absorption has different abilities. Death absorption has mind reading eventually, life can control plants, Energy Well can ambiently take Energy, it is very unexplored however.


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Should we Put everything OOC in quotes?

4 hours ago, I think I am here. said:


uh why can't I quote things in Quotes? 

That's what I might do. Thanks for the Advice! I'll still be here though.


There are three types of absorption. You can only have one type. The first and most common is Energy Well absorption, this draws from naturally occurring Energy Wells, these are fairly common and give large (sometimes harmful) amounts of Energy. The second and least common is death absorption, this type of absorption takes life from sentient beings (humans and animals). The third is of a mid-range commonality, more common than death absorption, less common than Energy Well absorption, this type of absorption is called life absorption and it takes Energy from non-sentient things (plants mostly, non-living things have very little Energy).

There are also three main types of magic, revitalization, absorption, and prolongation. I person will generally only specialize in one type, but some people will be moderate in two, I slightly knowledgeable in three.

um so a person can only have one?
also what was America like again (I'm Canadian)...

Also does Ice Manipulation (control over Ice) exist?

@The Unknown Order


So you might want to establish rules for the thread and explain how it will work. (is it FFRP?)
then you might want to Create a character and really so should Everyone.

also, approxamitly how many people have Magic?



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2 hours ago, Exotwo said:

Yes a person can only have one, except the Energus, but he won't be making a major appearance. There isn't America, I'm just drawing analogies, Canadian history would work as well. It has a similar conflict with the natives. I thought about elements once, but I couldn't really fit them in. There is cold resistance though.

I think it will be, I won't be a GM or anything. I'll make a character as soon as I get a chance. There won't be any real rules, except for the standard roles for the roleplay section. I'm quite against controlling other people's characters. 


1 hour ago, Condensation said:



It is like stormlight, but it can be held indefinitely. And it can fuel way more than stormlight can. I'm pretty sure it's canon that a villain used Energy and necromancy to make themselves functionally immortal. Energy Wells are infinite sources, though they will ebb and flow like the wells they're named after.


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12 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:
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Yes a person can only have one, except the Energus, but he won't be making a major appearance. There isn't America, I'm just drawing analogies, Canadian history would work as well. It has a similar conflict with the natives. I thought about elements once, but I couldn't really fit them in. There is cold resistance though.

I think it will be, I won't be a GM or anything. I'll make a character as soon as I get a chance. There won't be any real rules, except for the standard roles for the roleplay section. I'm quite against controlling other people's characters. 


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It is like stormlight, but it can be held indefinitely. And it can fuel way more than stormlight can. I'm pretty sure it's canon that a villain used Energy and necromancy to make themselves functionally immortal. Energy Wells are infinite sources, though they will ebb and flow like the wells they're named after.



do you need to be able to absorb energy to cast magic? 
and can you just absorb energy and not do any other magic?


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Just now, Exotwo said:



Yes. Actually, you to obtain the Energy to do magic. If you can get it some other way you can use it.

Magic is like a skill tree in this. You can learn any "tree". You just need the magic. In order to use telekinesis, you need to learn Necromancy. In order to learn heat resistance, you need to learn basic resistance. You can use any magic, you just need to learn it and it's prerequisites.


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15 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:
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What is that? The Energy Wells have been in my head for years. The Energy Wells are tied to how this world is quadrillions of years old and still in the mideival period. 



Don't worry. I'm not calling plaigarism. I just found the similarities funny.

The Beorin Collective is a series of short stories that I haven't shown anyone yet :ph34r:


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I was thinking of a character that is a death absorber, but they have very Terrible control over their powers.

so in theory, people could be immortal as long as they are Magic-born (I'm going to use this term for Magical people). 
So what are the Factions?


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26 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



Wait now there are multiple collectives!! Fadran, when you release all this stuff, your website (Don't dispute it, it's inevitable) might have to be called the collective collective.


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Just now, Exotwo said:



Kinda, Necromancy can cause that. But they are reliant on Energy like Returned are reliant on Breaths.

Factions? It's kind of a revolutionary war. So it's our characters rising up against the old world. My character will be a general. Soldiers and politicians will likely be the majority of the cast. I plan on it being a combination of the characters trying to keep peace with the natives, and trying to fight the Alosoo, this world's analogie to the Europeans.


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1 minute ago, Omi the Counselor said:

Wait now there are multiple collectives!! Fadran, when you release all this stuff, your website (Don't dispute it, it's inevitable) might have to be called the collective collective.



Iconar Collective, Beorin Collective, and the Colier Collective, to name a few.

And if I ever get a website (BIG 'if'), it'll probably be called "The Omniverse" or something dumb like that.


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