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Everything AWESOME about ROW

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I've seen several hate posts floating around on here, and while I completely understand needing to rant, sometimes you just need to rave about things instead.  So here ya go!

This post is ONLY for things that make ROW great.  NO criticisms, NO hating on characters or plot points, NO talking about things you wish had happened.  If someone loves something you hate, DON'T SAY ANYTHING.  I don't want any arguing debates, no matter how polite it may be.  This is a safe place for fans to be fans.

Talking about sad or terrifying things is totally allowed, as they add to the overall stakes and make the book more exciting.  Hopes and theories about the next book are also allowed.

I'm going to start out by talking about the one scene (ok, scenes) that made me cry: The Fourth Ideal.  Teft's death did not make me cry (I was too much in shock for that), but it DID put me on an emotional high that just kept rising when Kaladin gave up, and then Tien showed up and that was it.  I was gone.  I'M SO PROUD OF KALADIN.  Also, I'm fascinated by Dalinar's powers, because not only did he send Kaladin the vision-y thing, he also ACCEPTED THE WORDS.  Imo, this is the best argument I've seen that he'll ascend later.  The Coppermind makes Bondsmith powers seem so simple, but all they did was list the Surges.  There's something BEYOND that when it comes to Bondsmiths.

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Man what got me really emotional was the Raboniel + her daughter scene. It was so powerful. I could go on and on about it - the way it humanised one of the fuzed, the way mercy, love and death came together, the way it spoke about parenthood - I definitely wish I did not read that scene in public because it made me a little teary lol. 

Raboniel overall as a character was a huge highlight for me. I enjoyed her's and Navani's relationship and interactions immensely

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6 minutes ago, Vailima said:

Man what got me really emotional was the Raboniel + her daughter scene. It was so powerful. I could go on and on about it - the way it humanised one of the fuzed, the way mercy, love and death came together, the way it spoke about parenthood - I definitely wish I did not read that scene in public because it made me a little teary lol. 

Raboniel overall as a character was a huge highlight for me. I enjoyed her's and Navani's relationship and interactions immensely

I completely agree on that.  Raboniel is honestly one of my favorite villains ever now.  She was extremely intelligent, cared about her daughter, and was legitimately impressed when Navani outsmarted her.  And despite all that, she was still definitely a villain.  You rarely see so much depth in the evil characters, especially when they're female.

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Adolin and Maya's interactions at the trial are literally everything I hoped for.  Adolin continues to be an absolutely wonderful, supportive, altruistic person at exactly the right time for the right reasons, and I love it.  

My mind was blown by Taravangian becoming Odium.  I have absolutely no idea where the heck he'll go from here.  

I am a MASSIVE Navani fan and loved that she got the chance to really shine this time.  

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My favorite scene was in chapter 34, when Adolin takes Shallan to see the starspren. It's a pretty cheesy romance scene, but it works for Adolin and Shallan. What really makes this scene for me is that it's a scene where Adolin is helping Shallan when she's feeling a bit overwhelmed as usual, but she also gives him a shoulder to lean on as well, letting him unload some of his own stress as well. Just a really wholesome moment of the two characters being emotionally vulnerable with each other, which is exactly what I want out of fantasy romances.

Adolin in general was pretty great in this book, I feel like his character got fleshed out a lot more and he had a much more concrete role.

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@GroundPetrel Adolin is amazing.  Honestly it's a miracle he and Renarin turned out so well, with Blackthorn!Dalinar being Blackthorn!Dalinar...

Todium is quite frankly the most terrifying thing Branderson has created (perhaps excluding The Scene in Warbreaker, though that was terrifying for different reasons).  Why?  Well, Rayse was, despite being a Shard and all that, not very smart.  Either that or he was done trying.  But Taravangian is extremely crafty, and with that much power, well, the Cosmere had better pull their act together or they're all doomed.

Yesssss Navani's chapters were so good!  It was especially interesting drawing some earth similarities from stuff I've learned in my chemistry class and YouTube videos.

@Kingsdaughter613 Wow...  I don't feel like I have the right words to respond.  I never once thought of that before, but you can be sure that'll never be the case again.

@LuckyJim I think we all need an Adolin in our lives.

Edited by Truthwatcher at the Rim
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This is gonna be a long rant....


From beginning to end, every darn part which featured Kaladin was phenomenal. So well written, so engaging that I was sitting of edge of my seat, screaming and sputtering nonsense about what would happen next! Part 1, him being badass, fighting Pursuer for first time and then Leshwi, getting powers supressed but still managed to kill 4 singers along with freaking Pursuer within seconds--talk about skills now!

Then Moash came and it was heart-breaking. I actually froze when Kaladin did...I wanted to move, I wanted him to move but I KNEW we could not. We just couldn't. And then seeing Teft, Lopen and Skar talking to their Highmarshal, making sure he's alright was touching. And then he became surgeon and all I imagined him as wearing apron with wide-broad shoulders and stormy blue eyes, looking fiercely handsome as storms was to die for. Then Kaladin planning to bring a medical revolution, making path to become Roshar's first therapist...they need that difference, and he was being that difference-- Brandon did extraordinary out of extraordinary. 

All those interactions between Adolin and Kaladin, the former making sure the other isn't alone...that is the ultimate friendship, the best Sanderson has ever written. I'm hoping they get to have such interactions again in book 5. 

And then, whatever came next kept me tittering on edge. When Radiants fell and Kaladin didn't, I understood his fears of facing failure and witnessing others succumbing while he remained standing...watching and reeling. The whole chase in dark hallways, running from Pursuer and I was like Don't GET CAUGHT! RUN! Then Kal and Syl talking to each other, sharing parts of lingering darkness in their souls...promising each other to be their lights made my heart melt. Syl is the ONLY one I could accept for Kaladin. They have something so deep, so unfathomable that only death shall do them apart. Then Kaladin being all badass again without half of his powers, shooting around DIE HARD and always coming right in time to foil plans of Reboniel, escaping--then interacting with Dalinar as Rider. 

Then came The Dog and The Dragon. I was just...damn...uncontrollable tears began leaking out listening to this story. I was scared and confused and petrified when Odium kept torturing Kaladin in freaking Braize, and then Wit came and he's like...yeah, things are going to be worse after this but by the end of it...you'll be warm again Kaladin, you will have the light you need in this night...

Part 5...it was an avalanche I expected but was flabbergasted each page. The whole sequence of Kaladin walking, headstrong, eyes confronting darkest storms-- being HOPE for his people, being SHIELD that they needed, being the POWER and STRENGTH they flared within and then locking gazes with Pursuer, and then defeating him--the glorysprens and people revering him with chants as Stormblessed...I was shaking, trembling...and then Teft...I wasn't crying then. I was too stunned to even turn the page. I was too stunned to even move and pick what Kal does next. I was just frozen in time just like Kal, kneeling beside Teft body, kneeling beside the man who has always believed him from beginning--who had loved him like his own son--was now...gone, never to smile and laugh again...

What came next was a scene that would haunt in my nightmares. Kaladin going all berserker and then brutally murdering Pursuer--ripping his freaking head out then proceeding to kill two more Fused without even blinking--that fear, that expression raised hair on back of my neck. 

And then he jumped. I'm not strong enough.

Then whole scene with Tien was...alright, I was horribly crying by this time. Emotions were running so high, so bad...you're good enough, Kal for me. You're strong enough for me. You are here with me...it doesn't matter how painful it becomes, the enemy cannot have our moments. He cannot have our light, our Connection. He cannot take what we make, we cherish....and then Kaladin rose, in the black storm, in black winds-- a lance of light as he spoke 4th Ideal holding Syl's hand...it couldn't have been better. It couldn't have been so cinematic, so ground-breaking when thousands upon thousands of Windspren chose to Connect with him, forming a tunnel of Radiance light and HOLDING BACK A FREAKING HIGHSTORM! And then they slammed into him--finally rewarding him a living Shardplate to be reborn as Kaladin Stormblessed, the Knight Radiant! Just wow! 

Plus, the way he used his Shardplate to protect others...clever, crafty and wonderful. And then, he finally bid goodbye to Teft, embracing his statue then smiling to fulfil what his old friend would've wanted. To start healing himself. 

Can't wait for next book and his adventures! 

Maya and Adolin

I don't think this scene needs any description because "WE CHOSE" had me trembling, cursing tenth name of Almighty at the ferocity of those words! "YOU CANNOT HAVE MY SACRIFICE!" Yes Maya, yes! Show them girl, show them all that you are not dead. Show them all that it was your choice, not theirs. Show them that you sacrificed to save Roshar! And Adolin, dear, you amazing man! Lending support to his spren, teaching her kata, teaching her to fighting side by side!


A show stealer she was. Killing her daughter so that she could be free, protecting Navani from Vyre even though she was nearly gone... Her last interaction with Navani...together singing Rhythm of War was...damn, it got me. 


"Ask your spren..." she whispered, attuning to joy, "Ask your spren does she know a honorspren Riah? She was my friend...they have returned! They have forgiven us!" 

This moment when this creature of thousand years became overwhelmed and fell on her knees, remembering a friend who was long gone...Sanderson, why do you keep stabbing us!


I'm your veil, Shallan...you made me so that I can protect you, and now it's time for me to go so that you can protect yourself. You are strong enough. You can do this. 

A satisfying acceptance to her arc. 


Aw, Teft...when I reel back to TWoK and recall how he supported Kaladin throughout his journey as a Knight Radiant, then waited right at mouth of chasms for him to come back...struggled with addiction but swore his Ideal...then stayed back in RoW with Kaladin so that both of them can lean on each other, whispering about their trauma....their battle shock. And then...his interactions with Phendorana are so funny-- both of them carved out of same wood. 

He shifted as Phendorana poked him. He looked over and caught her grinning as well.
“Fine,” he muttered. “You were storming right. You have always been right.”
Teft was worth saving.

And when they were going to save radiants, yes Teft, you did good with Kaladin. Maybe your life wasn't the way it is but you did with Kaladin for which he loves you so, so much...and your spren does too. Yes, she is one of the best thing that happened to you. 

And then...Vyre came and everything shattered. But like I said, it made me cry...I was heaving from sobs but in end I knew it wasn't Moash who won because just like Tien said, the enemy cannot ever have what we do. It cannot have our moments, the feeling of being loved and feeling of loving someone more than your life. And Teft died knowing that in world, there are people who love him, people who will never, ever forget the legend he lived. The better man be became. Confident, and somehow still full of hope....


Keep fighting, a voice said in his head. Salvation will be, Rlain, listener. Bridger of Minds. I have been sent to you by my mother, at the request of ­Renarin, Son of Thorns. I have watched you and seen your worthiness.
Speak the Words, and do not despair.



Life before death

Yes! Yes! 

And Finally Navani

"Journey before Destination, you bastard!" 

In your face!

Edited by Ramona Tehradin
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Tbh,and I'll always say it ,the Navani Raboniel dynamic was the best thing about this book,I loved it. I don't even see Raboniel as a villian because from their perspective,they are just fighting for what's rightfully theirs. This to me is the very top thing I want to see Brandon explain,how is he gonna reconcile millenia of fighting between the two races. Anyway,I digress,The Lady of Wishes and The Voice of Lights killleeeddddd ittttttttt

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Lot of good responses already and I agree with all of them. The Fused felt very one dimensional before this book and I really appreciated the individualism this book gave us. I loved the dynamic between Raboniel and Navani as well as Leshwi and Venli especially the scene about the spren bonding. Dabbid and Raln also awesome. Kaladin of course and I thought this book did an amazing job with his character growth. I loved the trial of course and Adolin is the man. One of my favorite scenes was Jasnah in the battle. I am realy hoping we get more of her POV in the next book she remains a badass boss lady. 

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9 hours ago, Truthwatcher at the Rim said:

@GroundPetrel Adolin is amazing.  Honestly it's a miracle he and Renarin turned out so well, with Blackthorn!Dalinar being Blackthorn!Dalinar...

I blame their mother.  

Also, @Kingsdaughter613 basically hit the nail on the head for Adolin and Maya's arc, but for me, as someone with multiple neurological issues who's in the middle of a depressed misery spiral of epic proportions, Adolin's small kindnesses and supportiveness are what really stuck out for me.  

Granted he's been this way since TWOK and he really showed it in WOR, but the trial really empathized for me what a storming good person he is.  As I said in another thread, Dalinar is the kind of paladin who gives everybody a grand ideal to aspire to.  Shallan is the paladin who gives hope to the hopeless.  Kaladin is the kind of paladin who forges a team into a loyal family.  And Adolin is the paladin who comes in at the end of the day when those people are exhausted and worn out and about to break and gives them all a big loving hug, then goes back to playing with the developmentally delayed kid he spent most of the day hugging and entertaining.  

(which is why I firmly believe in Edgedancer!Adolin, at that)

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@Ramona Tehradin "This is gonna be a long rant" tbh I didn't really believe you at first, but then I scrolled down and STORMS that was a long rant XD

@wotbibliophile I love Design, and she's barely even been in the story at all.  I'm dying to get more of her...

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Venli in the present when she's showing character and actually acting.  Sure, she's not a good person, but she's not particularly worse than the vast majority of all humanity.  And she struggles with what she did, refusing to let others take away the blame and responsibility for her actions.  Timbre tries giving her an out multiple times, that it was due to Odium's influence and Ulim's manipulation that she did what she did, but she refuses to give herself a pass for that, knowing that she still could have made a difference choice but didn't.

It's not often when we see the point of view from a character whose selfishness and self-centeredness causes the destruction of their entire people and ushers in a war to ravage the world, but it turns out they were being used the entire time and the promises are not fulfilled with the same Intent they had been made.  And now they're learning how to live in this new world where they know nobody and are of use to only slightly more.

Mistborn spoilers:


It's actually a really interesting contrast to Vin.  Venli took up the Voidspren for personal gain and power, and so ended the world.  Vin did not take up the power in the Well of Ascension, and so ended the world.

The scene when Venli finds out that there are still Listeners that are alive, and what she wants more than anything is to see if the one person who might still care about her is alive.

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One of my favorite moment is one i don't see anyone talking about.

It was that Dabbid chapter. Where he explains how he tried to strangle himself onetime to understand how it would have felt to be strangled by the cord in the womb.

I don't know why that stuck with me...but it felt so sad, but so...real at the same time? I felt like i had completely situated Dabbid at that moment. I will remember that line forever.

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“He will bring the Heralds,” Jasnah said. “Until he returns, perhaps we can discuss the proposal I showed you before you left for Hearthstone, Uncle.”

Oh dear, Navani thought. Here we go.… Jasnah had been pushing toward a singular law for Alethkar. A dangerous one.


“I forbid this,” Dalinar said. “You can’t simply free every Alethi slave. It would cause mass chaos.”

“I wasn’t aware,” Jasnah said, “that you could forbid the queen from taking action.”

“You called it a proposal,” Dalinar said.

“Because I am not finished with the wording yet,” Jasnah replied. “I intend to propose it to the highprinces soon and gauge their reactions. I will deal with their concerns as best I can before I make it law. Whether or not I will make it law, however, is not a matter I intend to debate.”

Dalinar continued to pace. “I cannot see reason in this, Jasnah. The chaos this will cause…”

“Our lives are already in chaos,” Jasnah said. “This is precisely the time to make sweeping changes, when people are already adjusting to a new way of life. The historical data supports this idea.”

“But why?” Dalinar asked. “You’re always so pragmatic. This seems the opposite.”

“I seek the line of action that does the most possible good for the most people. This is in keeping with my moral philosophy.”

Sanderson, Brandon. Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive) . Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 

(emphasis mine)

Jasnah for President.

I love this passage, and the later one where she discusses proto-democracy, because it is such a good display of how atheist, logical reasoning arrives at morality. And in practical terms, it severely undercuts the rationale for the singers' war by potentially removing the concern of being made into slaves again. 

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Lots of stuff to choose from, but I want to focus on something that seems like it should have been a bigger deal in world.

A: Hey, did you hear? This guy took on like fourteen armed guys to save someone, and lived!

B: Let me guess, a Radiant?

A: No! No stormlight, no supernatural edge of any kind!

B: Shards, then?

A: No! No Blade, no Plate, just a steel sword and not even regular armor!

B: Then he must have had help, right?

A: Just a deadeye and his horse.

B: Okay. Wow, fourteen, you say. That IS impressive... wait, is this Adolin Kholin we're talking about?

A: Yeah, why?

B: Yawn. I thought you had something interesting to talk about. Wake me when something unusual happens.

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14 hours ago, wotbibliophile said:

@Truthwatcher at the Rim You have to wonder if she would be as much fun if she had bonded Elhokar. I think maybe not. Wit makes a good contrast.

I would have loved to see this,she's like a Witteir(Wit) Pattern. I think it would have been amazing and would show a different side of Elhokar. Miss that dude..RIP


14 hours ago, zxlime said:

One of my favorite moment is one i don't see anyone talking about.

It was that Dabbid chapter. Where he explains how he tried to strangle himself onetime to understand how it would have felt to be strangled by the cord in the womb.

I don't know why that stuck with me...but it felt so sad, but so...real at the same time? I felt like i had completely situated Dabbid at that moment. I will remember that line forever.

Trueeeee, I loved his chapter. I was honestly surprised to find out more about him. And did he try to strangle himself or tried to see how it would feel around his neck or something? I seem to remember that he didnt want to strangle himself

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Agree with pretty my all the posts in the topic. Just to throw out some of my favorites: "We Chose!" "Honor is not dead as long as he lives in the hearts of men!" The dog and the dragon and Hoids words to Kaladin afterwards, there will be darkness but there will also be light again. Raboniel best antagonist of the series so far. 4 new Shard names! Just so much goodness throughout.

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