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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
Just now, Condensation said:

Like... what? Do you have questions I can answer?

It sounds slightly evil, but I'm thinking it's like an escape room, could you please confirm which one it is?

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Not a trap, imprisonment. Purpose... to hold a fifteen-year-old boy or girl indefinitely.

Looks at Vapor, oooooooh

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Indefinitely you say?

Well with infinite funding I would make a submarine and leave it submerged at all times, when forced to re surface for air, make sure all prisoners are unconscious, because drugs.

Additionally now opening in the cell is no larger that the size of the prisoners head, and only feed them once a day.

With limited funding just do that but underground, exit must be though a ladder in the ceiling, it must be several feet from the wall and at least twice the height of the prisoner.

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Given infinite resources, place them in two hanging cages at the center chamber of an underground maze. The walls and floor of this chamber, outside of their cages, are eternally moving sandpaper of a rough grain. Should they manage to escape the cages and land on the moving sandpaper, they'll get scoured, not to mention any ankles that may break in the fall, because again - hanging cages. If they, by some miracle, get out of the cages and have managed only minimal injury from the sandpaper, make sure you've had a chip implanted in both of their heads to generate a new number based on brain activity (roughly every half-second should work) that will be the key to the first stage of escape from the central chamber. If they managed to crack that, by some grace of God, then they enter the maze. Think Maze Runner but worse: fifteen levels, the exit closes at every half-hour strike, upon which the entire maze reorganizes itself in a truly unpredictable pattern based again on the brainwaves of the two participants, ensuring that randomness. Jokes on them if they manage to make it out of the "exit" too, since they'd be immediately greeted by the sight of pure darkness pressing in on a dome around them, for they've been sunk into the Mariana Trench.
Good luck, children.

Wait you said nothing too overkill. Disregard the last half of that, could probably stop at the sandpaper room.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial

Create a room with chalkboard on the walls, to make scratching through as difficult as possible, put a hole at the top of the room were food can be dropped from, only drop boneless meat and the water can be poured down into a dip in the ground, outside of the chalkboard walls put a strong metal after that add wood after that dirt and after that sand.

If you want a character to get out just take away the non wooden outside layer and give the person a knife.

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Make your house out of gingerbread and offer to let them come in after they've eaten some.


In seriousness, part of this depends on who is doing the imprisoning. Is it an eldritch being that can trap them in another dimension, or a regular human with a basement in their house?

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41 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

That didn't seem too overkill. Overkill would have laser sharks swimming around the maze.

Laser Sharks, Shardfish, Killer Whales(oh wait thats actually a thing), Metal Crabs, Attack Starfish.

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