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Let's go find a dragon


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3 minutes ago, Tesh said:

Yours would affect Fadran's character. If he's okay with it, I personally think that what you wrote works pretty well with this whole thing.

We'll have to see how the two magic systems fit together, though. We could probably get them both to work pretty easily.

Since we have a few characters now, should we start? Someone could either run into Talnic in the town or in the woods farther out. He's in Zemel at the moment, by the way.


xino's system seems to differ quite a bit from what I was thinking of, so I guess mine will just be separate? But who knows? Connecting magic systems on a whim is a thing I love doing.

I'm in a different town, but I could say that the academy's in Zemel (it really doesn't matter where it is).


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Valzwyn collapses on her bed, totally done with all that freaking homework.

Her roomate wasn't back yet; Ellie liked spending her evenings hanging out with her boyfriend. As if she didn't see him at all during the day; you couldn't swing a cat without hitting someplace that they liked to make out. Though the thought of kissing made her mind turn to Tom--

No. She didn't even like him that much anymore.

Eager to switch her mind to a different subject, Val took out her spellbook and began flipping through the pages. She liked leafing through them and picking a random page of spells to practice whenever she was bored. Settling on a page about manipulating an object's texture, Val set her book on a music stand that she'd borrowed from her guitar teacher (even though she was hopeless on the instrument), then mirrored the stance pictured in the book and visualized her tendrils.

They appeared in all different shades--the colors of the rainbow and more. This particular spell required to her draw on mostly orange and a small amount of purple. She breathed in the fumes--they smelled differently every time she used them, this time not unlike milk chocolate--and set her hands on her bedstand. The polished wooden texture turned rough and sandy.

She smiled at her accomplishment, then removed her hand and willed her fumes to disappear. Normally, she'd practice a variety of spells--but tonight, she was tired.

So Valdwyn collapsed on her bed and fell asleep.

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22 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

xino's system seems to differ quite a bit from what I was thinking of, so I guess mine will just be separate? But who knows? Connecting magic systems on a whim is a thing I love doing.


The important thing is the Dichotomy, which is a fundamental law. Your character following the Dichotomy would simply mean that they have to get magic from an outside source - say, in their food - instead of generating it themselves.


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8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The important thing is the Dichotomy, which is a fundamental law. Your character following the Dichotomy would simply mean that they have to get magic from an outside source - say, in their food - instead of generating it themselves.


I'm not sure if my magic system works that way yet, but I guess I'll get back to you.


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Okay, here we go.


Name: Kreare

Ancestry: Dwarf

Age: 300 (Human equivalent of 45)

Magic: He has two magical abilities. He can sniff out magic like spoiled milk, and is able to forge, craft and enchant magical items and weapons. The catch is that he needs to find someone with those magical abilities to copy them.


Physical Appearance: He is quite tall for a dwarf, at a staggering 4’7”. He has a long, brown, braided beard on a square jaw. His face looks like someone took a shovel to it.


Personality: He has the personality of a brick. He is extremely stubborn and hard to impress. He has little patience for those that he doesn’t have business with.

History: Kreare grew up in the dwarven territories. Like most dwarves, he served in the militia and, eventually, turned to craftsmanship. Kreare gained much prestidge due to his unique gift of being able to copy magical abilities into items and given to others. Most newer magic items you find will have his seal on them.



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I did it! I finished. Here ya go.


Name: Orpheus

About: 16-year-old male of the human species. Is average height, and has dark tan skin. Is clean-shaven, and has black hair.

Personality: Cares deeply for those he loves, and doesn't much care for anyone else. Kind of hard to get to know. Unusually solemn for his age, but that is in part due to his magic. Also due to his magic, he (not by choice) instills an uneasiness in those around him, though that can eventually go away.

Magic: Due to some unfortunate circumstances in his past, he has ended up Contracted to a powerful demon. In return, he is given some dark and shadowy magical abilities (the details of which shall be forthcoming).

HistoryHe never knew his father and does want to find out. He was raised by a single mother along with his younger sister. He moved to Zemel a couple of years ago and found it very difficult to make friends, as he lacked proper social skills as well as the supernatural uneasiness and anxiety given to all those around him. He has given up on that. Instead, he has focused on trying to make a career out of hunting and fishing.

And to @Condensation, Orpheus's window is unguarded.


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Talnic could have sworn that he had heard something. And it had sounded hauntingly familiar.

He looked about, trying to pinpoint the origin of the sound, remaining all but motionless in the middle of the road.
A few hurried passersby shot him odd looks, but it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t remain in their minds for long. It wasn’t like he had drawn his sword or fallen and spouted off a random prophecy.
Not yet, at least.
He heard the sound again, louder, more insistent. It was accompanied by shouting, this time, and it was familiar. Distant, yes, but he would recognize that sound anywhere.
Metal on metal, shouts coming from an instructor or from a sparring match.
The noise was coming from behind a tall stone building, one that Talnic hadn’t seen on his previous trip to Zemel. It didn’t, however, seem like a Satheth monastery or martial arts school, which was a little odd. But then again, Talnic himself had had very little experience with organized fighting or training besides his time spent with Satheth Rine in Cazimar, so for all he knew, the building might be a perfectly normal place to hold swordsmanship training.
He watched the building, listening to the sounds of swords clashing, and the faint shouts, feeling distant from the snow covered street around him.
Talnic decided to go in.
He pushed his way through the wrought iron gate, the cold of the metal seeping through the thick cloth of his gloves. He closed the gate behind him, and began walking up the cobblestone path, swept clean of snow.
The sounds stopped, then started again. Talnic paused, his hand resting on the handle of the thick wooden door.
His mind warred against itself, part of him wanting to leave behind the foolish notion of watching the training, but the other wishing to see something familiar after so many months away from Cazimar.
Talnic closed his eyes for a moment, thoroughly annoyed with himself, and then pushed the door open.
He stepped into a wide hall, lit and warmed by braziers that were placed at regular intervals along both walls. The space was empty, likely due to the approach of evening.
Talnic walked down the hall at a brisk pace, towards the tall double doors at the end of the hall. If this building was similar in depth as the others he had seen in Zemel, then those doors would lead out into the courtyard, where he assumed the sparring was taking place.
The part of him that had wanted to just turn and leave wanted to hide, to sneak out before he was spotted, use the shadows and the flickering light of the fire to hide his escape. He wasn’t welcome in this place. He had to turn, run and hide. What did it matter that people were training ahead? He had been planning on returning to Cazimar to visit Rine soon. He could watch then.
But all the people there knew him. They knew his name, his face, his skill. These people here would not. He might be able to watch, undisturbed, not being asked for a bout every five minutes, not having to turn down people asking for him to teach a class on swordsmanship.
The part of him that wanted to continue won the mental fight. That part of him knew that he might not return to Cazimar. His bonds with the city were too tight, and were beginning to restrict him. That part of him wanted to make sure he was able to watch a fight at least one last time without having to hold the blade himself.
Talnic reached the doors, and opened one a crack. It glided open on well-oiled hinges, and he slipped through, pulling it closed softly in his wake.
Talnic had to resist the urge to gape as he saw the training that was taking place. He forced himself to move into a shadowed corner, where he could stand partly hidden and watch without fear of someone coming up behind him. He stood tall, keeping his hat low, acting like he was supposed to be there, even though he was in awe.
He had apparently found his way to the academy of magic.
A group of students stood in the courtyard below, some fighting, others watching. The ones who were fighting were fighting not only with swords, but with magic as well.
The scene was lit by braziers similar to the ones in the hall, and the students cast dancing shadows in the light as they moved about gracefully with their swords.
The instructor called out, and the students switched places. The new group was obviously less skilled, but with the aid of magic, they still would have had an undeniable edge in a fight against any normal foe.


Oops, that's longer than i expected. Hopefully it helps get things get rolling a bit, though.


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Valzwyn woke up to the sounds of metal.

What in the world...?

She opened the blinds, releasing an exasperated sigh at the conglomerate of students fighting each other. Couldn't they wait until morning?


Is Val's school an academy of magic? I kinda designed it to just be a regular high school.


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Orpheus held still, careful not make a sound. The wild hog, a true rarity in the forests around these parts, was grazing not very far away. Orpheus gripped his bow, and breathed in slowly. He couldn't make this shot; he was too far away. He would have to move in closer if he wanted a chance to bring down this precious beast. It could get him quite a bit of money.

And so he was presented with the difficult task of getting as close as he can without alerting it to his presence. However, stealth wasn't the problem. Orpheus navigated the trees, branches, and controlled his steps carefully to avoid the loud crunching of the snow. No, Orpheus was too good at that, as shown as he was able to sneak to a different vantage point to have a better shot.

His problem was his powers. Orpheus lay, unmoving, in his new vantage point and watched to see if he was pushing it with his range. He held his breath, waiting.

The hog looked up and sniffed around. Orpheus quickly drew back an arrow he had taken from his quiver and fired as the hog turned to look directly at him.

He was too late. The hog had already darted, and ran deeper into the wilderness.

Orpheus stood up, frustrated. How was he supposed to hunt with this... this abomination of his powers?

After Orpheus had made his way back to the town and picked up some bread from the local market for the night, he walked on by the school. Orpheus did not go to school, as he thought he would be better at hunting than learning about anything. He hadn't cared to learn at all. His mother had disagreed, but Orpheus was too stubborn. And he wondered what would have gone differently if he had chose that path. Because now... now he yearned to know.

He heard the clamor of the magical students as they battled. Orpheus had thought before about asking if anyone knew anything about his predicament, but had refused to consider it. And for good reason. What Orpheus had was not something to be utilized to its potential. To all, he pretended it didn't exist, though everyone knew something was off about him. But he couldn't get rid of it either... it was--he was--a necessary evil.

Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴏᴜʀ Cᴏɴᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ, Dᴀʀᴋɴᴇss ᴏꜰ Nɪɢʜᴛ, spoke an impossibly deep voice in his head. The voice who was always listening, always watching, who always knew.

His demon.

Orpheus lingered outside of the school, debating whether to go in.

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I meant to post this yesterday! I'm sorry... Here, I'll write this up quickly and read the backlog later to catch up. Promise I didn't forget about this!

I'm gonna use the magic system from my book I'm writing (Yes I'll post it eventually. No it won't be for awhile) So you get a sort of sneak peak but I'm not gonna explain it super well ;) 


Name: Traige Harris

Age: 17

Skills: Traige is an accomplished Mindward, at the level of Thoughtstealer. Traige can sense thoughts and read minds, force thoughts into the mind, and take and replace thoughts into the mind. His telekinesis powers can command around 12 objects of about 25 pounds each. Gravity applies based on objects lifted. Decent with a sword, but carries a less-obvious knife.

Physical Appearance: Sandy hair, in between long and short. Tan and tall. (Think Kenton :ph34r:)

Personality: Rough around the edges, but relatively calm. Has spontaneous bursts of emotion, most often anger and regret, sometimes one after another and related. Generally unemotional.
History: Traige's parents still live, though he has no idea where they are. When he was 13 they both vanished in the middle of the night, leaving no tracks. Traige lied to the village he resided in for over a week, telling them that his parents both were sick and could have no visitors, and living alone, but eventually he was found out and driven out of the village. His neighbors believed he had done something because he had lied about their whereabouts. 
So where is everyone else, what's the plan, and where is Traige? 


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5 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Erm no :P. Thanks. It's supposed to be Thoughtstealer.


That's what I thought, that's why I checked.

Ugh I'm so mad! I had the greatest entry post ever on my Pi and then Mom took it when she went to work so I'm stuck on the other one! It'll probably be there when I get back on it, but I can't post it now.


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7 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:



The three characters who have introduced themselves into the roleplay are all currently in Zemel, I believe. Orpheus is standing outside the high school academy or whatever, Talnic is inside the academy in the courtyard where students with magical abilities are swordfighting or something, and then Valzwyn is, I believe, inside the academy in like a house or something. All very close to interacting, yet nothing yet.


5 hours ago, Condensation said:



Looking forward to it.


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Here’s my character! Sorry it took so long, character sheets are the bane of my existence. 


Name: Avren

Age: 19

Skills: A necromancer, but he’s ashamed of his power and tries to hide it (an exception to this is the small potted plant he owns, which he keeps on resurrecting since he keeps accidentally killing it) As a result, he’s not very skilled and doesn’t know the full extent of what he can do. He is also able to sense the presence of dead creatures within a short radius (much to his chagrin). Also a skilled flute player. 

Appearance: Shorter than average, curly black hair, brown eyes, generally has a faraway expression.

Personality: Very reserved, and difficult to get to know. Polite and sensible, but prone to daydreaming. Generally pessimistic. He often wishes his powers were different. 

History: Born and grew up in a small village near Tafen. When he was 15, his parents discovered him using necromancy and forced him to leave, as associating with the dead is forbidden (he would’ve been killed otherwise). He had always viewed his powers with revulsion, and believed he was tainted as a result, and this only served to heighten those feelings. He made his way to Zemel in search of a new life. An old innkeeper took pity on him and gave him lodging and meals in exchange for his help and playing music for guests most nights. 

I’ll write an introductory post later when I have some more time. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to interact, your character could be staying at the inn Avren works at. 


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14 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

A necromancer, but he’s ashamed of his power and tries to hide it (an exception to this is the small potted plant he owns, which he keeps on resurrecting since he keeps accidentally killing it)


This is my favorite thing ever. Feel free to pop in whenever!

I think I'm just waiting for Fadran...

@Channelknight Fadran?

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

AH! What do you need me to do?


*quietly* I didn't mean to scare you...

Do you want your character to go find Talnic in the courtyard? If you've got something else planned, I'm good to go with whatever.


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