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RoW Chapter 16 Discussion


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Finally Sadboi hours are back  !!!!! . Szeth is in 

1). What the ....they sank Nergaoul in the ocean!!!!!!!!

Dude u had nightblood , he could have finished the Unmade once and forever. 

Of course I guess they don't know it's true strenght and perhaps were afraid of freeing it by breaking open its prison. 

2).Still sinking it in the sea doesn't seem too wise to me. Not against a Shard. Although perhaps cultivation could take care of it. Hmmmm

3). Jeez navani . Don't treat him as such . He even technically did u favor by murdering gavilar. I mean sure he tried to dalinar too .. twice but still he's been through enough and was instrumental in the victory at thaylenah . 



Szeth sighed softly. “He did not speak of the sphere. He was dying; he could barely force out his last words. I am not certain they are prophetic, as the voices of the dying sometimes are in my land. 

So it seems Moelach resided in shinovar as well. Hmmm , I wonder ,the Unmade don't require stormlight and as such , if moelach could reside there , which other Unmade could.  Could they be responsible for the cruelty of the Shamanate ?

Also I'm surprised szeth didn't make the connection with the death rattles he heard when he met taravangian in WoK. 

And that he is not aware of similar prophetic dreams across Roshar. 

Hey , has he not told dalinar and co that taravangian was killing ppl for death rattles , cause they didn't ask him. 



There were even a few Aimians, remnants of the humans who had escaped Aimia, the men with their beards bound in cords

Ah they also were in shallan's first pov when she comes to port in WoK. She doesn't recognise them as Aimians tho and yeah like @Honorless said it makes sense that humans would have lived in Aimia too. 



The child was still far too small for his age, and the doctors weren’t certain if something strange had been done to him during his time in Kholinar

Chekhovs gun ??? I mean Aesudan would have wanted her son to be strong . Unlike Elhokar as she would put it. 



Another of the engineers came over and accepted the sphere and loupe, whistling softly. “I have a higher magnification in my bag over there,” she said

Coming from the patriarchal world of ours , I automatically assume it's a male when someone is referred to as an engineer. Hopefully both Roshar and Earth will continue on the path to gender egalitarianism. 



But it feels painful. Voidlight is dangerously inviting, like if I touched it, my body would drink it in eagerly.

Voidlight is highly attractive to the Parsh !!!! Even Rlain who hates Odium but not to humans. Strange. Does he feel feel similarly about Stormlight ?

Is it just cause he has a gemheart or is there something more nefarious about it ?

Would a radiant feel the same ?

Also it doesn't make sense. Why is voidlight more efficient to storage and use ? 

I mean , shouldn't stormlight be better seeing honor and cultivation both have contributed a lot to Roshar compared to Odium. 

Is it just a random thing or is there some reason behind it ?

9). Why don't they use the term "voidbringers " any more. I mean singers refers only to the Parsh. Not the skybreakers or common Soldiers from Iri. 

If it does ,then again Voidbringers is just as good a title. 

10). Oh man Jasnah is gonna be onscreen next week. Yayyy


Edited by PrinceGenocide
Was originally 9 points but that just felt wrong for obvious reasons lol
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Sinking the perfect gem with Nergaoul in the ocean - facepalm...
What could possibly go wrong with that?

The tower reacting to an approaching highstorm...If that isn't a sign the Sibling is only sleeping as opposed to "essentially a deadeye".
And for me a sign of the tower being the physical aspect of the Sibling.

I'm going out on a limb here, but my guess is that Gavilar's sphere - a perfectly(?) cut diamond - contains a Fused.

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I'm only at the first "break", but Je-sus.


“Do you hate me?” Szeth asked

“Yes,” Navani said.

“Good,” Szeth said, the word echoing in the small chamber. “Good. Thank you.”


1 minute ago, Nathrangking said:

 Nightblood/ Szeth makes her ill. This is to be expected. He thanks her for hating him!!

I think this goes beyond him being the assassin.

Warbreaker spoiler


People pure of heart become nauseous around Nightblood. We see it with Vivenna and I think with Lift too.


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Just now, Pattern said:

Sinking the perfect gem with Nergaoul in the ocean - facepalm...

What could possibly go wrong with that?

I actually approve of this...

The seas of Roshar are dangerous to travel, and it makes more sense then locking it in Urithru, cliche style.

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1) So the Fused did have at least some Fabrial gizmos before though not the straight-up nah fam, no Stormlight for you one that Kaladin got smacked with in the prev chapters

2) Voidlight can be stored in gems, and is distributed by the Everstorm but no one's figured out how yet. Gavilar's spheres were different after all.

Edit: nope, they were perfect gemstones, diamonds to be exact

But the Light in it is still strange!

3) Szeth and Nightblood!

4) They punted Nergaoul's gem into the ocean, is that wise? Worldhoppers have already demonstrated the ability to recover objects lost in the ocean (Nazh with Shallan's sketchbook), presumably from over on the Cognitive Realm somehow

5) Wow, Szeth needs therapy, a lot of therapy. And the next book immediately after this one is his, welp. Also, a lot of focus on mental health in this book...

Mostly agree with what Navani thinks regarding Szeth's condition here

Also, oh look, Nightblood's repulsive aura

6) Some Makabaki chose to stay in the coalition, it seems, among them Emul who didn't have a lot of other options after a prolonged war with Tukar and getting overrun by Singers on their way to south central Roshar. Some Natan and huh, Aimian humans who escaped the Scouring. Aimia was home to human culture as well, makes sense in retrospect.

Edit: okay, so the part where Taravangian sending Szeth to assassinate Azish Primes resulted in "straining relationships and increasing tension within the Coalition" suggests that the Azish returned to the Coalition even after that Yanagawn PoV when Sadeas soldiers got possessed or whatever by the Thrill. Possibly Lift's influence and info

7) "In Alethkar, families—particularly lighteyed ones—would go to war together. The Azish thought it unnatural, but to the Alethi it was the way of things. Children as young as ten would learn to serve as officer’s aides, and boys would often be given a training sword as soon as they could walk."

No, just, no

“If I have a sword,” Gav said, “nobody will be able to hurt me. I’ll be able to find the man who killed my father. And I could kill him.”

*sigh* also just like his father

Thank you, Navani, for not even thinking about putting societal norms above your loved ones, quite a few irl ppl could learn something from your example.

She forced herself forward, nodding to those soldiers who chose to bow or—oddly—salute her, hands to shoulders with the knuckles out. Soldiers these days. She supposed with some of their commanders learning to read and some of their sisters joining the Radiants, life could get confusing.

Hahaha, she's learning to roll with the times.

Hopefully she gets a break from rolling with the punches but somehow I doubt that, for there are perils to becoming a more major character

8) Heat in front of a storm and a rise in pressure

Measurements are conclusive. At least five degrees colder on the plateau

is it being renewed by Stormlight or is this just how Urithiru's systems work

Because the structure was bracing itself. The tower could adapt to the storms

Ah Navani thinks the latter

9) Kholin soldiers morale a bit lower after Dalinar's revelations... that's it?

Taravangian's actions have been communicated to state heads.

A bit disappointed, thought more would come out of those things. Then again Adolin's murder of Sadeas got swept under the rug (not that I disapprove of that), so I suppose not all plot threads get the same treatment, some just get neatly resolved or stay there and get sour, instead of getting an action-packed conclusion or whatever

10) Dalinar's concentrating highest political power within the Kholin family itself. Brandon did say he's a monarchist.

11) Who else thought of Varys' little birds here? (GoT reference)

Too often down below, rooms and hallways felt oppressive. As if something was watching. Openings in walls—running as air ducts through the rooms—often led in bizarre patterns barely mapped by the children they’d sent to crawl through them. You could never be completely certain that someone wasn’t listening at an opening nearby, eavesdropping on private conversations.

12) I don’t know what that is, Brightness, he’d said. But it feels painful. Voidlight is dangerously inviting, like if I touched it, my body would drink it in eagerly. That thing… is different. It has a song I’ve never heard, and it vibrates wrong against my soul.


Same colour as Voidlight: hyperviolet/violet-black superimposed but warps the air around it. Is it just Corrupted Investiture? Hmm... perhaps twisted Cultivationlight? 

An imprisoned Unmade? Perhaps Ba-Ado-Mishram herself, like some have theorised?

13) the Mink, Dalinar and Navani: the guard ditching trinity.

Edit: Oof awkward, the Mink is not letting Dalinar forget Alethkar's and his own wars on everyone. I like this guy.

Dalinar is jealous of Shallan over Adolin, lol. Nice to see daddy dearest going protective over son, against gf/daughter-in-law. Daddy's girl cliché successfully subverted!

Also Shallan seems more confident and laid back here

14) Finally, Jasnah makes an appearance! is what I was thinking when Navani mentioned the meeting but Jasnah was a no-show.

15) Dalinar and Shallan had been practicing the map trick. Wonder what other synergies a Bondsmith might have with other Orders.

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5 minutes ago, Govir said:

I'm only at the first "break", but Je-sus.


I think this goes beyond him being the assassin.

Warbreaker spoiler

  Reveal hidden contents

People pure of heart become nauseous around Nightblood. We see it with Vivenna and I think with Lift too.


Indeed. Though I thought that the sickness came through contact does it just come from being nearby?

“If I have a sword,” Gav said, “nobody will be able to hurt me. I’ll be able to find the man who killed my father. And I could kill him.”

Poor boy. He thinks that he is Inigo Montoya!!

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3 minutes ago, Karger said:

Don't you guys know any better!  YOU DON"T THROW DEMONS IN THE OCEAN!

They never learn!! Besides Nightblood is not so easy to get rid of!! Supernatural thermostat!! Gotta love Urithiru.

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Adolin is Lift confirmed... :P


Dalinar passed by, rapping the boots with his knuckles. “Decorum,” he said. “Discipline. Dedication.”

“Detail, duel, dessert…” Adolin glanced at his father. “Oh, sorry. I thought we were saying random words that start with the same sound.”


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"Others found it encouraging to see the two kings together, but Navani did not miss the gap between them. She knew things others did not. For instance, Dalinar no longer met his former friend beside the hearth to chat for hours. And Taravangian no longer attended private meetings of Dalinar’s inner circle."


So Taravangian is no longer invited to the inner circle meetings!! Very good.


They hadn’t been able—nor were they yet willing—to excise Taravangian from the coalition of monarchs. His crimes, though terrible, were no more bloody than Dalinar’s own. The fact that Taravangian had sent Szeth against the Azish emperors had certainly strained relations and increased tensions within the coalition. But for now, they all agreed that the servants of Odium were a far more pressing enemy.

Someone make that man fall off the mountain!!

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So the shin have access to Foresight/Fortune? Like the death rattles? See this has always bothered me because of this one particular Death Rattle from a shin

" I wish to sleep. I know now why you do what you do, and I hate you for it. I will not speak of the truths I see. ”

—Collected on Kakashah 1173, 142 seconds pre-death, by the Silent Gatherers. Subject was a Shin sailor, left behind by his crew, reportedly for bringing them ill luck. Sample largely useless.[37]

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1 minute ago, Infinitysliver said:

So the shin have access to Foresight/Fortune? Like the death rattles? See this has always bothered me because of this one particular Death Rattle from a shin

" I wish to sleep. I know now why you do what you do, and I hate you for it. I will not speak of the truths I see. ”

—Collected on Kakashah 1173, 142 seconds pre-death, by the Silent Gatherers. Subject was a Shin sailor, left behind by his crew, reportedly for bringing them ill luck. Sample largely useless.[37]

Szeth may simply think Death Rattles are a Shin thing.

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Just now, Infinitysliver said:

So the shin have access to Foresight/Fortune? Like the death rattles? See this has always bothered me because of this one particular Death Rattle from a shin

" I wish to sleep. I know now why you do what you do, and I hate you for it. I will not speak of the truths I see. ”

It is possible the Moalach spent most of his time in Shinovar back in the day.  It would also explain that quote.  The Shin understands what the diagram is trying to do.

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The sphere gavilar had has an unmade in it, right?

Death rattles in shinovar?  Was that unmade hanging out there historically?  Moelach I think. 

"My name is Gavinor kholin, you killed my father. Prepare to die".  I want moash to survive just for that scene in the back 5.



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Just now, Karger said:

It is possible the Moalach spent most of his time in Shinovar back in the day.  It would also explain that quote.  The Shin understands what the diagram is trying to do.

Fair,I've always just thought that one Death Rattle weird,I thought that maybe they were more aware of the greater fight with odium or something since they had almost all the honorblades and they were xenophobic and somehow didnt lose all knowledge from the desolations

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Hmm... everyone says that Gavilar’s sphere is different from normal void light, and Rlain says it rubs against his soul (whatever that means). Combined with the fact that it is a perfect gemstone, I wonder- maybe Gavilar’s sphere contains part of the Sibling? Any thoughts in that?

Also- the Coalition did a really storming stupid thing in just tossing Neragoul into the ocean. Seriously? Are y’all kidding me? Well, at the very least it will prevent the Fused from stealing it once they come to the tower... and maybe some Santhid will pick it up and take it far away.

Other than that, I’m very interested in how little Gavinor turns out. I wonder if he could possibly be a point-of-view character in the back five books? Not necessarily a main character, but a recurring one for certain. Also, Adolin spending time with him is 10,000% an Edgedancer thing to do. 

Really cool chapter all-in-all.

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