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Hi :)

So... probably a really similar story compared to most of you here, but here we go. 

I've been a long casual fantasy fan. I started WoT in middle school, took me three times to get through it. But when I finished I liked this new guy, Sanderson. A friend of mine said, "Oh you should read Mistborn!" So I did, and I was hooked. I stumbled across the 17th Shard Podcast over a year ago. Now, here I am. I live and breathe the Cosmere and am excited about digging more deeply into the fandom community. From my interactions so far I'm eager to get to know folks better.

Is it too cliche to say, "Journey Before Destination" here? Oh well. I will unite instead of divide. I will bring people together. 

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Ok ngl when I read your name the very first thought that came to mind was an Endermen... with Dalinar's head on it. Sooooo anywayyyy....

Welcome, welcome! I would say any friend that recommends Sanderson is a good friend right there! Thats a keeper! :D So glad are enjoying the Cosmere so much, you are in good company here so excellent that you found us. We look forward to getting to know you better as well!

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