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Siren's Call: an RP


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Corwin felt awkward, encroaching on yet another reunion.  How did they know so many people?  And why did he always feel like every time he met a potential friend, they were already full up on friendships.  This Janice girl kept showing up and sniping candidates!  He wrinkled his nose, stuffing his pockets full of his hands, inching away from the bundle of giddy girls and Torao.  Giddy group?  Yes, that was probably better.

Edited by ProfetessaOscura
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50 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Corwin felt awkward, encroaching on yet another reunion.  How did they know so many people?  And why did he always feel like every time he met a potential friend, they were already full up on friendships.  This Janice girl kept showing up and sniping candidates!  He wrinkled his nose, stuffing his pockets full of his hands, inching away from the bundle of giddy girls and Torao.  Giddy group?  Yes, that was probably better.

"Hi, Corwin."

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"I think that Lloyd would get annoyed if we were looking for him instead of doing what we're doing right now: tryna fight the Qhoral Queen." Janice smiled. "So that's what we're doing. Actually, I was just going to find Cadenza so we could practice fighting. I'm... not really good at it, if you can imagine."

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On 7/27/2021 at 3:11 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I think that Lloyd would get annoyed if we were looking for him instead of doing what we're doing right now: tryna fight the Qhoral Queen." Janice smiled. "So that's what we're doing. Actually, I was just going to find Cadenza so we could practice fighting. I'm... not really good at it, if you can imagine."

"Can I come? I'm definitely out of practice."

22 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Corwin looked at Torao, at Cadenza, at Janice, and at Aryanna, whom he didn't know quite as well as the others.  He shrugged.  Sure.  He could stay.  He still felt tense, awkward, like a puzzle piece in the wrong box.  "Who's Lloyd?" he whispered to Torao. 

"He's our friend. Used to be one of the leaders of our little group. Him and Jay." Torao whispered back.

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Just now, DramaQueen said:

"I don't know. Because whispering is fun. Makes people wonder what you're saying." Torao said, still whispering.

“Oh,” Corwin said, understanding on his face, then confusion. “You mean- But then who- There’s more-?”

He froze, abashed and awkward when Janice spoke up. It wasn’t like he was hiding anything; he was just out of the loop, and he didn’t want to waste their time and attention while they were talking about what to do. He failed to voice any of this, instead opting for: “It’s nothing.”

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Aryanna observed everybody in the room, watching them smile and whisper. She gave a half-hearted smile and went to go sit down by the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest like she did when she was younger.

Edited by Vapor
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2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Well it's not my fault that you were bleeding out, and just sitting there like... when..." Janice reached up and grabbed her shoulder. "Nevermind."

“I have no clue what you even mean!” He protested, “Of course I was sitting and bleeding.  I’d just got slashed!”  He waggled his arm for emphasis. “And mooning means- well, focusing on something. Usually in a kissy kind of way. And mewling means kinda soft whines.”  He puffed one cheek full of air. “Aren’t you the one who has 90 friends?  Aren’t they all achin’ to go places and do things?”

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