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the "Powerful Pose" of Gavilar Hypothesis


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this post will have spoilers for stormlight through oathbringer and also warbreaker


i just did a stormlight reread (oathbringer twice) as well as warbreaker. two things seem possibly connected:

- Gavilar was soulcast into stone in stormlight

- the stone army in warbreaker, with human skeletons inside them


considering, the "rebirths" of fused and heralds of stormlight and the Returned of warbreaker, I would not be shocked if Gavilar's statue reanimated ... possibly for odium


has this been discussed in the past? and if so, can someone point me to a thread on it. I have not yet thought through this hypothesis in detail, so it'd be sick if yall have already brainstormed/discussed the viability of such a hypothesis


or am I completely off my rocker? wouldn't be the first time lol

Edited by bridge4
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I mean, it is possible to Awaken Gavilar-statue, and there currently are Awakeners on Roshar but we don't know of any magic on Roshar that could have similar effects, granted we don't know much about Voidbinding but they seem to be based on Surges too.

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5 minutes ago, Honorless said:

I mean, it is possible to Awaken Gavilar-statue, and there currently are Awakeners on Roshar but we don't know of any magic on Roshar that could have similar effects, granted we don't know much about Voidbinding but they seem to be based on Surges too.

yeh i hear. thanks for the reply!!

interesting tho that we get a few world hoppers from warbreaker, including a native (vivenna). so im totally pulling for this. esp if it leads to a dalinar vs gavilar awakened type fight, which would be wild on both the brotherly level, king level, and nivani level lol

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6 minutes ago, bridge4 said:

yeh i hear. thanks for the reply!!

interesting tho that we get a few world hoppers from warbreaker, including a native (vivenna). so im totally pulling for this. esp if it leads to a dalinar vs gavilar awakened type fight, which would be wild on both the brotherly level, king level, and nivani level lol

Not just Vivenna, Vasher's there too (and he's native too... so is Nightblood actually)

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8 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Not just Vivenna, Vasher's there too (and he's native too... so is Nightblood actually)

oh wow. I didn't realize vasher was born there. thsts gnarly, thanks!


oh. im dumb that makes sense. has it been confirmed tho that he was born there or is it just implied since he was part of the "many war" (or whatever that was called

and can we assume or do we have proof that all five scholars were born there?

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30 minutes ago, bridge4 said:

oh wow. I didn't realize vasher was born there. thsts gnarly, thanks!


oh. im dumb that makes sense. has it been confirmed tho that he was born there or is it just implied since he was part of the "many war" (or whatever that was called

and can we assume or do we have proof that all five scholars were born there?

All 5 Scholars were Nalthian born, though they did Worldhop

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51 minutes ago, Elsecaller_17.5 said:

There might be something here. Vasher awakened the bones sealed inside the statues not the actual stone because he needed a human element. A previously human statue might fulfill that requirement as well.

exactly. i had totally forgotten about them soulcasting him as a statue until this recent reread. so that had jumped out at me

and similarly, I had forgotten that there were bones inside the warbreaker statues as you mentioned. so that jumped out as well

seems so similar and brandon is such a great writer. I feel like this could happen. would be so intense.

regardless, rythym of war is gonna be so good :))))

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We even have emtities on Roshar with similar properties. Entities literaly made from stone.

Yep, thunderclasts.

We know that tis is some powerfull voidspren, some speculate that this can be one Order od Fused, but this seems to be unlikely. But maybe it can be posiible to bond Cognitive Shadow with Statue?

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My friend, I have just the WOB for you.



So the lighteyes that get Soulcast into stone, can they be Awakened?

Brandon Sanderson

*pause* So… Yes, but their soul is gone. When they get Soulcast into stone it is only the corpse, so yes they could.


Would it be a lifeless or a-- Would it be like Awakening something inorganic or would them once being alive help?

Brandon Sanderson

The fact that they were once alive will help. There's a Spiritual Connection that still exists on the Spiritual Realm and that is going to help. But you're not going to get the person back. The fact that it is the exact form of a person is going to be really helpful. It would be a lot easier to Awaken that than it would be to Awaken other stone.

Shadows of Self release party (Oct. 5, 2015)
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Oh...Oh no...a terrible theory is forming...well, let's get it out of my system. 


11 hours ago, bridge4 said:

this post will have spoilers for stormlight through oathbringer and also warbreaker


i just did a stormlight reread (oathbringer twice) as well as warbreaker. two things seem possibly connected:

- Gavilar was soulcast into stone in stormlight

- the stone army in warbreaker, with human skeletons inside them


considering, the "rebirths" of fused and heralds of stormlight and the Returned of warbreaker, I would not be shocked if Gavilar's statue reanimated ... possibly for odium


has this been discussed in the past? and if so, can someone point me to a thread on it. I have not yet thought through this hypothesis in detail, so it'd be sick if yall have already brainstormed/discussed the viability of such a hypothesis


or am I completely off my rocker? wouldn't be the first time lol

What if this happens, and then it turns out that 


Gavilar is wandering around the Cognitive Realm ala a certain person in Secret History. So from there, Gavilar waits until his body is Awakened, and then he finds a way to staple his soul back to said body. If Gavilar's plan was to work with Odium from the beginning, I can see this terrible thing where Dalinar has to use his Bondsmith powers in some way to defeat his own brother in Book 5. Or something. 

I think it's possible, but not very plausible. But it needed to leave my system! 

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19 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

We even have emtities on Roshar with similar properties. Entities literaly made from stone.

Yep, thunderclasts.

We know that tis is some powerfull voidspren, some speculate that this can be one Order od Fused, but this seems to be unlikely. But maybe it can be posiible to bond Cognitive Shadow with Statue?

great point, thanks

and im going to tread very lightly here since this isn't the rythym of war forum, but


you may find this interesting: in ch 3 of rhythm of war, theres a two sentence combo that is semi-related to this topic, with mentions of "color" and "stone" in the first and second of those two sentences respectively



18 hours ago, Invocation said:

My friend, I have just the WOB for you.

oh you rock! thank you for that

I'm new here, at least in usage. gonna look for the "words of brandon" section and do some test searches to see if i could have found this

my bad if this thread came across as a waste of time since the question had already been asked, but sincere thank you for this WoB reference and to everyone adding insight :)))


18 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Oh...Oh no...a terrible theory is forming...well, let's get it out of my system. 


What if this happens, and then it turns out that 

  Hide contents

Gavilar is wandering around the Cognitive Realm ala a certain person in Secret History. So from there, Gavilar waits until his body is Awakened, and then he finds a way to staple his soul back to said body. If Gavilar's plan was to work with Odium from the beginning, I can see this terrible thing where Dalinar has to use his Bondsmith powers in some way to defeat his own brother in Book 5. Or something. 

I think it's possible, but not very plausible. But it needed to leave my system! 

I like the way you're thinking. well I don't like the implication lol but you know what I mean

boring personal tangent attached


for a long time, I've considered stormlight my favorite series, but due to both age and some bad head injuries, memory is not my forte lol. so I dont tend to truly understand characters/plote until around the third or fourth read of a book

I finally got in. a reread and second reread of oathrbinger and now, whoa, what a book! I love it as much as the first two

and im finally starting to understand some of the larger cosmere workings and plot a little better, but have a long way to go

so not gonna lie, you're post came across as funny to me in that it was a reminder of how far I've got to go, since you went right after some of the most important/complex aspects of the story and the cosmere: a world hopper id never considered, but not just any world hopper. one chillin in the cognitive realm, or rather, one limited to the cognitive realm; gavilars past intent with a lowercase "i" s well as his current ambitions and possible relationship to odium then, now, and/or soon; bondsmiths


ohhhhh just reread your comment. when i first read it, I thought you hypothesized gavilar defeating dalinar, which is why i had joked about "not liking the implications"

but you've got dalinar winning. if so, I want this type of subplot so badly :)))))


Edited by bridge4
to put some text behind a spoiler tag
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1 hour ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Pssst. Just a friendly bit  of advice; try not to multi-post. If you wanna reply to a lot of people, click the plus button next to Quote, then you can quote all of them together and respond in a single message.

I've merged the offending posts, but this is excellent advice for the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I responded to people at different times

to avoid causing further problems, ill stay away. thank you all for the insight tho.

one last thing before I go. i found something else that may be a nod to this theory if it pays off

in oathbringer 101, ico is described from adolins eyes as a "soulcast king" two sentences after adolin compares ico's eye appearance to what he has seen done with statues :)))

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