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Hello viewers! I'm Akira444, an aspiring fantasy writer from Brooklyn who decided to get involved with all the fun on this forum considering how many Sanderson books I read. I just wanted to dish out this little intro and all. Never really done this on a forum before, so sorry if this feels a bit unbalanced.

I've started reading the cosmere books with the Mistborn trilogy (of course) and worked my way up from there out of curiosity. I think the Rithmatist (still eager for that sequel) came next before I discovered the Wax and Wayne series. Then came the Reckoners trilogy, and after a while of obsessively reading more of Mistborn era 2 I decided to try out White Sands, Elantris, Warbreaker, and finally the Stormlight Archive. Haven't had the time to read anything from Elantris onwards yet, but I'm ready for it! Oh, and I've gotten started on reading the Wheel of Time series. Figured might as well before I never get the chance again.

Reading Sanderson's Hard/Soft magic systems piece and comparing it to how some of my favorite cartoons, books and anime follow these laws in their own way has helped me create my own magic system for my in-construction fantasy series I'm posting online. It's certainly a big help at any rate, even if I can't decide on what system to use. Anyway, that's all I have to say, and I hope this intro wasn't too long. Thanks for taking the time to read it, whoever was curious.

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26 minutes ago, Akira444 said:

Reading Sanderson's Hard/Soft magic systems piece and comparing it to how some of my favorite cartoons, books and anime follow these laws in their own way has helped me create my own magic system for my in-construction fantasy series I'm posting online. It's certainly a big help at any rate, even if I can't decide on what system to use. Anyway, that's all I have to say, and I hope this intro wasn't too long. Thanks for taking the time to read it, whoever was curious.

Feel free to ask on the creator's corner.  Welcome to the shard!

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Glad to have you here! Welcome to the Shard! I would say this is definitely the place to be if you have even a remote interest in fantasy, writing, or Brandon Sanderson's work and you happen to have all three! Don't worry at all if things are a bit unbalanced, everyone here is super friendly and supportive and completely understanding. We were all new at some point (and some of us still are lol).


Quite the collection there glad you have worked your way through them all. "Obsessively" is quite fitting for a Sanderson read, I actually am starting to wonder if it is even possible to do so without :D. And yes, always read when you can, never know when you will have more time!


As far as a more in depth discussion of hard/soft magic systems I would definitely do as Karger said and head over to the Creater's Corner page (In the Community section at the bottomish of the main forum page). I would also maybe check out the Writing Excuses section (although a more aspiring author-forum member could probably confirm or deny this). So cool that his work has helped you develop your own series! Always great when you can learn from someone whose work you enjoy. As another thing you might enjoy checking out the Reading Excuses page. There you can get and share critiques with other people and improve together. You could probably even link parts of your online series for people to take a look at. Absolutely not too long (although this might be sorry) for an intro, enjoyed getting to read about you.

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2 hours ago, Akira444 said:

Hello viewers! I'm Akira444, an aspiring fantasy writer from Brooklyn who decided to get involved with all the fun on this forum considering how many Sanderson books I read. I just wanted to dish out this little intro and all. Never really done this on a forum before, so sorry if this feels a bit unbalanced.

I've started reading the cosmere books with the Mistborn trilogy (of course) and worked my way up from there out of curiosity. I think the Rithmatist (still eager for that sequel) came next before I discovered the Wax and Wayne series. Then came the Reckoners trilogy, and after a while of obsessively reading more of Mistborn era 2 I decided to try out White Sands, Elantris, Warbreaker, and finally the Stormlight Archive. Haven't had the time to read anything from Elantris onwards yet, but I'm ready for it! Oh, and I've gotten started on reading the Wheel of Time series. Figured might as well before I never get the chance again.

Reading Sanderson's Hard/Soft magic systems piece and comparing it to how some of my favorite cartoons, books and anime follow these laws in their own way has helped me create my own magic system for my in-construction fantasy series I'm posting online. It's certainly a big help at any rate, even if I can't decide on what system to use. Anyway, that's all I have to say, and I hope this intro wasn't too long. Thanks for taking the time to read it, whoever was curious.

Hello, and Welcome!

Do you have a favorite magic system?


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59 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Hello, and Welcome!

Do you have a favorite magic system?


The metallic arts, specifically Allomancy. A bit biased in this regard since Mistborn was the first series I've ever read from Sanderson. Rithmatics comes in as a second.

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