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Thoughts & Opinions on the Sonic The Hedgehog Movie

Sonic The Hedgehog Movie  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What did you think of the movie?

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    • It was OK.
    • It was 50/50.
    • It wasn't that good.
    • It was terrible.

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I enjoyed it, and it was a lot better than I expected going into it.  It could have been a lot worse, and also could have won Best Picture at the Video Game Movie Oscars.  I would have been annoyed by all the Olive Garden product placement, but they leaned into the ridiculousness of it so hard I just found it amusing.  


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I think it was actually pretty good movie. My only real problem with it is that it didn't seem "Sonic-y" enough, if that makes sense. 

I'll explain it this way: I read a lot of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics when I was younger (and really, the only reason I haven't read any in a while is that I haven't had access to them). This series - especially the later ones - had some strong characters, decent plotlines, and a fascinating world. I would have loved a movie that brought us to the world of Mobius, gave us the Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix, Dr. Robotnik/Eggman, Shadow, Monkey Khan, etc.

Instead, we had a movie set on Earth, that's basically about humans. The only actual Sonic characters are Sonic and Robotnik.


Also Tails in the post-credits scene. And I suppose you could make a case for the echidnas at the beginning being the Dark Legion. But Longclaw the owl? Surely there's an established character who could have served the same role.

I liked the movie, and the (spoiled above) post-credits scene makes me excited for a sequel, but really, I think I'd rather they'd just made the sequel.

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1 hour ago, FriarFritz said:

I think it was actually pretty good movie. My only real problem with it is that it didn't seem "Sonic-y" enough, if that makes sense. 

I'll explain it this way: I read a lot of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics when I was younger (and really, the only reason I haven't read any in a while is that I haven't had access to them). This series - especially the later ones - had some strong characters, decent plotlines, and a fascinating world. I would have loved a movie that brought us to the world of Mobius, gave us the Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix, Dr. Robotnik/Eggman, Shadow, Monkey Khan, etc.

Instead, we had a movie set on Earth, that's basically about humans. The only actual Sonic characters are Sonic and Robotnik.

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Also Tails in the post-credits scene. And I suppose you could make a case for the echidnas at the beginning being the Dark Legion. But Longclaw the owl? Surely there's an established character who could have served the same role.

I liked the movie, and the (spoiled above) post-credits scene makes me excited for a sequel, but really, I think I'd rather they'd just made the sequel.

I think that's a fair concern, but what if we saw it as a build up to that stuff instead of them avoiding it? Think of it like the MCU - we didn't start with the Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy, we built up to those things, a step at a time. And when the time was right, we made the jump and everyone was happy for it. Or look at the Cosmere; Brandon didn't start with giant crossovers and major worldhoppers showing up in other works, he took his time getting there. 

But yeah, I was sad about the lack of Knuckles too. Hopefully they'll do his character justice...I have no doubt that if this movie is given a third instalment, Shadow will show up. He's too popular NOT to. 

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