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Does @Anguished_One (formerly Just-A-Stick) make you happy?

(As a bonus, this question can be answered by the next 5 people who want to as a secondary question)


@Lunamorsaid “Do you like pistachio ice cream?”

To which I consider it my solemn duty to reply:




Edited by WhyEverNot_8
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...that's quite the question. Yes... in a way. A lot of times, in a way. I wouldn't say they're paranormal really, but I could definitley sense something spiritual going on. DM me if you're more interested, I'd prefer not to discuss it publicly.

Is there something that you're really passionate about. Like, everytime you're given freedom on a school project you choose this subject. You're always reading up on it and just have an insatiable thirst for it?

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1 minute ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Is there something that you're really passionate about. Like, everytime you're given freedom on a school project you choose this subject. You're always reading up on it and just have an insatiable thirst for it?

*cough* sanderson *cough cough*

Alternately, anything space or electronics-related I find fascinating.

Have you ever been on a date?

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4 hours ago, Wittles said:

A grand piano.

Do you have synesthesia?

That's pretty specific, and now I need to know why. :lol:

Not the question but I do have synesthesia

1 hour ago, The cheeseman said:

I have been on a lot :) my gf and I have been together for almost nine months.

Have you seen Dune 2?

(Congrats on 3/4 of a year together with your gf!)

Have not seen Dune 2 YET, but I promise I will as soon as I have time.

How many colors are in your signature?

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13 hours ago, Aeternum said:

That's pretty specific, and now I need to know why. :lol:

Not the question but I do have synesthesia

Need to know why my question or my answer?

I have it too!

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40 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:


What's it like having synesthesia? (i need to know more now fsr)

Basically all the letters and numbers and sounds and basically all the senses have colors associated with different things, so if I see the letter E for example, it's green. It's hard to explain, cuz I still see it as black on the screen, but it just turns green in my head. Full words usually have a main color, usually the same as the first letter, but the main color kind of overshadows the rest of the colors. Same for numbers. It also happens with sounds and music. Music's especially cool because it's like a bunch of colors just swirling around, usually based on one color that the overall song sounds like. And it's all like, just naturally built in, all the things are just naturally whatever color they are. As a kid I would get confused in alphabet books or whatever when the letters didn't have the right colors.

Idk if that made any sense, cuz it's really hard to accurately describe thoughts, but yeah. 

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4 minutes ago, Wittles said:

Basically all the letters and numbers and sounds and basically all the senses have colors associated with different things, so if I see the letter E for example, it's green. It's hard to explain, cuz I still see it as black on the screen, but it just turns green in my head. Full words usually have a main color, usually the same as the first letter, but the main color kind of overshadows the rest of the colors. Same for numbers. It also happens with sounds and music. Music's especially cool because it's like a bunch of colors just swirling around, usually based on one color that the overall song sounds like. And it's all like, just naturally built in, all the things are just naturally whatever color they are. As a kid I would get confused in alphabet books or whatever when the letters didn't have the right colors.

Idk if that made any sense, cuz it's really hard to accurately describe thoughts, but yeah.

Actually, that does make sense.

Yeah I'm pretty dang sure I don't have that. 😆

I will say, this weird thing happens what I listen to music. When I'm listening to pretty much anything, I get this like... physical sensation. I'm not sure how to explain it, um...

Imagine, like... uhhhhhhh. Struggle.

Oh! Imagine that when you're listening to music, there's, like, one of those rubber ball massage things being rolled over your skin (idk how else to describe it). Kinda weird, but I literally don't know how to describe this at all. Like when the music gets higher I'll feel it a lot in my head, but when it gets lower I'll feel it in my shoulders and arms. If the song has a beat at all I feel that in my chest, and I can actually feel the lyrics in my head; it's strange. I only listen to music with headphones, so I'm not actually feeling heavy vibrations, my brain is just wigging out I guess.

It's weird. I kind of like it though. It's useful for picking apart songs because I can literally feel it lol. 🤷‍♀️

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20 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Actually, that does make sense.

Yeah I'm pretty dang sure I don't have that. 😆

I will say, this weird thing happens what I listen to music. When I'm listening to pretty much anything, I get this like... physical sensation. I'm not sure how to explain it, um...

Imagine, like... uhhhhhhh. Struggle.

Oh! Imagine that when you're listening to music, there's, like, one of those rubber ball massage things being rolled over your skin (idk how else to describe it). Kinda weird, but I literally don't know how to describe this at all. Like when the music gets higher I'll feel it a lot in my head, but when it gets lower I'll feel it in my shoulders and arms. If the song has a beat at all I feel that in my chest, and I can actually feel the lyrics in my head; it's strange. I only listen to music with headphones, so I'm not actually feeling heavy vibrations, my brain is just wigging out I guess.

It's weird. I kind of like it though. It's useful for picking apart songs because I can literally feel it lol. 🤷‍♀️

That's awesome! 

Music is just super awesome in literally every way. 

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15 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:


Oh wait I forgot what this thread was lol. 😂


Do you have any indie artist you would recommend?

Lol, oh yeah. Questions!

They're kinda more indie rock, but I really like the band Half Alive.

Do you do Duolingo? If so, what's your streak?

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On 4/23/2024 at 8:44 PM, Aeternum said:

I can't say we've ever met, so therefore N/A.

What's something expensive that you really really want but do not technically really really need?

It’s Just-A-Stick, she just changed her name

I don’t do Duolingo, though my Kindergarten teacher recommended it so I can continue my Latin. (I see her sometimes at gatherings at the church that she teaches at)


Side question for @Wittles, what color is

1. Lean on Me by Bill Withers

2. 33 Max Verstappen (it says it’s explicit but there’s no swearing or innuendo)

3. The Ultra Instinct Theme (official version [the one with the violin])

AAA question: What are your top 3 Favorite and Least Favorite Songs?

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Top 3 favorite songs:

1.  Trees - Twenty One Pilots

2. Move Me - Half Alive

3. Forbidden Friendship - HtTYD soundtrack

Top 3 least favorites:

1. Me - Taylor Swift

2. Driver's License - Olivia Rodrigo (to clarify, this song isn't bad, I just have some very negative experiences associated with it)

3. Taylor Swift in general just really bugs me. Don't get me wrong, her music isn't bad, it's just not my thing and my sister plays all her songs on repeat and it gets old


Answer for your question:

I haven't actually heard any of those songs (I don't recognize the names at all at least) 😅 but based on the names alone,

1. Kind of a yellow blue mix. You can tell it's yellow, but it's got a blue overlay sort of

2. Green kind of absorbed into Orange

3. Red but in the dark. Not dark red, but red in the dark

None of this probably makes sense, but that's what it looks like as close as I can describe

AAA question: 

Do heights freak you out?

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9 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

What's it like having synesthesia? (i need to know more now fsr)

8 hours ago, Wittles said:

Basically all the letters and numbers and sounds and basically all the senses have colors associated with different things, so if I see the letter E for example, it's green. It's hard to explain, cuz I still see it as black on the screen, but it just turns green in my head. Full words usually have a main color, usually the same as the first letter, but the main color kind of overshadows the rest of the colors. Same for numbers. It also happens with sounds and music. Music's especially cool because it's like a bunch of colors just swirling around, usually based on one color that the overall song sounds like. And it's all like, just naturally built in, all the things are just naturally whatever color they are. As a kid I would get confused in alphabet books or whatever when the letters didn't have the right colors.

Idk if that made any sense, cuz it's really hard to accurately describe thoughts, but yeah. 

THE LETTER E IS NOT GREEN SMH. CLEARLY BLUE. I know for certain that I have the letters/words to colors kind. It's pretty helpful for memorizing stuff. My experience is like what Wittles wrote. Some words/letters have a more "demanding" color as well (i.e the name "Rya" basically is red to me in a way that I can't ignore when I see/hear it).

7 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

It’s Just-A-Stick, she just changed her name

Don't think I've met her.

7 hours ago, Wittles said:

Do heights freak you out?

Yes, they're terrifying.

Do you like to use emoticons or emojis more?

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Synesthesia sounds very interesting.

Also what if I don’t know the difference?

Who is your middle-favorite Cosmere character
(not most favorite and not least favorite, right in the middle)

Synesthesia sounds very interesting.

Also what if I don’t know the difference?

Who is your middle-favorite Cosmere character?
(not most favorite and not least favorite, right in the middle)

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14 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Who is your middle-favorite Cosmere character?
(not most favorite and not least favorite, right in the middle)

Middle favorite? Marasi. (Favorites are Jasnah, Shallan, Lift, and Syl [you can tell what my favorite series is, can't you?]; least favorites are Wayne, Sadeas, Nale, and Kaladin when he's beating himself up emotionally.)


On 4/25/2024 at 10:17 AM, Wittles said:

Basically all the letters and numbers and sounds and basically all the senses have colors associated with different things, so if I see the letter E for example, it's green. It's hard to explain, cuz I still see it as black on the screen, but it just turns green in my head. Full words usually have a main color, usually the same as the first letter, but the main color kind of overshadows the rest of the colors. Same for numbers. It also happens with sounds and music. Music's especially cool because it's like a bunch of colors just swirling around, usually based on one color that the overall song sounds like. And it's all like, just naturally built in, all the things are just naturally whatever color they are. As a kid I would get confused in alphabet books or whatever when the letters didn't have the right colors.

Idk if that made any sense, cuz it's really hard to accurately describe thoughts, but yeah. 

On 4/25/2024 at 7:20 PM, Aeternum said:

THE LETTER E IS NOT GREEN SMH. CLEARLY BLUE. I know for certain that I have the letters/words to colors kind. It's pretty helpful for memorizing stuff. My experience is like what Wittles wrote. Some words/letters have a more "demanding" color as well (i.e the name "Rya" basically is red to me in a way that I can't ignore when I see/hear it).

Don't think I've met her.

Yes, they're terrifying.

Do you like to use emoticons or emojis more?

That sounds really cool; I now want to use synesthesia in a story! (I've heard it said that Beethoven had synesthesia, though I'm not entirely sure off the top of my head and would have to research.) To me it sounds like a really fun way of experiencing to world, though I'm sure it comes with its own drawbacks as most things tend to do.

AAA question: In general, do you think spears or swords are cooler?

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