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Games you would like to see remade


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The obvious popularity of the Final Fantasy VII remake has had me thinking recently about what other games I would like to see remade.  It turns out to be a pretty long list, but they mostly fall into 2 categories, so I'll give one example from each.  I'm also curious what games others would pick.  As far as I'm concerend a remake of a game can be anything from just updating the graphics to completely redoing the gameplay and graphics, while keeping the core story and/or mechanics more or less intact.

Category 1 - Graphical upgrade to PS1/N64 era games
For anyone growing up in the 90s, I figure this category is going to be a huge draw, and FFVII is sort of the poster child for it - it took the extremely basic and, quite frankly, ugly character designs (backgrounds too, but the characters were always much worse) from the PS1 original and made them absolutely gorgeous.  There are plenty of games from my childhood that I'd want to see receive this same treatment (and some already have and/or are in the works!) but for me the number 1 contender is probably another Finaly Fantasy game: Final Fantasy IX.  FFIX was my first FF game, and in fact one of the first games I had for the Playstation, so it holds a special place for me, and while its graphics hold up a lot better than FFVII's do, I'd still absolutely love to see it rendered in high quality format.  beyond just basic graphical upgrades, I'd like for places like the cities to be rendered more fully with full maps, rather than just a few streets with a few shops each.  I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to gameply upgrades here, but I honestly don't know of any i'd specifically request.

Category 2 - graphical and gameplay updates to 8 and 16 bit games.
I have tried my hand at a bunch of older NES and Gameboy era games, and often, though not always, I am terrible at them.  A lot of the time this is down to limitations on the hardware preventing these early games from doing things that would be commonplace later.  Password save systems for instance, or enemies that respawn as soon as you move out of view of their spawn point - most later games would do away with these things, in favor of save slots, and a more persistent game state where a defeated enemy stays defeated, at least for a bit longer.  Another thing is that if I've played later games in a certain series, going back to earlier games can be difficult because there are common controls and abilities that didn't exist in the earlier version.  For example the 2 button layout of the gameboy and NES controls limit the options for what you can do in a game, and won't allow things like Metroid Fusion's diagonal aiming by holding the shoulder button, making it harder to hit enemies above and below you in the original.  In these cases I would generally want to update the graphics at least to the SNES era graphics, if not further, and update the gameplay with newer controls and features to streamline the experience.  My top pick here is probably a bit more controversial than the category 1 pick, but it is probably my overall #1 choice for a remake: Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link.  I played this game a while back, and it is pretty embarrassing, but buried in there is the bones of a good game.  I think if it had been developed for the SNES, it would have been a bigger hit, and may have changed the Zelda formula entirely.  for this game, I would actually try to port it all the way to a decent 3-d console (presumably the Switch), rather than trying to recreate it as an improved 2-d version of itself.  I think the 2-d sidescrolling fight style is a much closer match to the modern 3-d zelda games than either is to the traditional top-down fighting in most 2-d zelda games, and I think a lot of the abilities you get in game would translate better to 3-d than to enhanced 2-d.


So there you have my choices, and I'm curious to know what games other folks on the forums would like to see remade.

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To many to be realistic and I generally don’t like the idea of going backwards instead of forward but FF 1,6 and 8. The Chrono games. The Grandia games. Would all pale in comparison to Skies of Arcadia it’s a legit crime to the game world that will never ever get a sequel.

And yet I would snub my nose at any of them if they went the same route FF7R is going with unknown multiple entries with no official communication on its overall plans.

one game or I ll wait like I am with that for the final bundle package.

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1 hour ago, Snorkel said:

Aliens vs Predator 2.  Such fun multiplayer, I'd love to come back to it with shiny graphics and netcode.

It's never going to happen, unless they can make a breakthrough in figuring out who owns the rights to the original AvP2.

I'm not much for multiplayer, especially not online multiplayer, so it never even occurred to me that there would probably be a bunch of games whose multiplayer would be drstically imrpoved by simply bringing it up to the normal online modes available today, but now that you mention multiplayer, that also seems like an obvious route for some

39 minutes ago, Briar King said:

one game or I ll wait like I am with that for the final bundle package.

Agreed.  Given the overall response to FFVII part 1, i'm actually pretty confident that it will likely turn out pretty good, but even so I don't like the idea of getting it piecemeal, especially in this case where each piece costs as much as an entire game.

side note: while googling Grandia, since I've never played it, it looks liek there may actaully be an HD remake of the first 2 games available for the switch (and steam and possibly some other consoles too it looks like).  I didn't dig around too much, but its called the "Grandia HD Collection" and it was released last year.  I assume they probably polished the graphics up some for it.

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Fire Emblem 4-7

While all of the these games could very much use some QoL updates as well as graphic updates* (and after Three Houses they'd have a HUUUUGE audience) one of the biggest boons these games can use is an adjustment to their stories. 

I don't mean changing anything big or important, but the little, smaller details. Fire Emblem 5 (Thracia 776) is an interquel to the two parts of FE 4 (Genealogy of the Holy War). There are parts of Thracia that take place during Genealogy, and combining these two games - or at least reworking the stories for them at the same time - would allow the games to flow pretty seamlessly together as a narrative. 

Gameplay is a very valid concern here - Genealogy's gameplay is very different compared to the rest of the series, and the switch from "having every unit on these giant maps at once" back to the limited amount of units as well as other things Thracia does (Fog of War, Stamina, Capture, etc) would be very jarring. But even that can help players think more strategically than "send strong unit here, let him demolish." Let that mindset carry over, and you've got smarter players. 


FE 6 & 7 are an even larger issue. Fire Emblem Blazing Blade (or just "Fire Emblem" here in the West) is actually a prequel to Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade (FE 6). This shows in some aspects of the characterization, but many more things are left out because of it. Hector's wife and Eliwood's wife are dead** by the time the story starts, and Lyn is nowhere to be found in FE 6. Zephiel's motivation has changed a bit, given he was a kid in FE 7 , and other things happened. Like the previous games, combining these two also works to make a tightly woven narrative between the two parts. 

In terms of gameplay, FE 6 NEEDS a remake. Maps are too large for many non-mounted units (of which there are a lot), the balance is apparently all over the place (even from the small amount I've played, the RNG is all over the place), and Roy is useless for the rest of the game when he reaches level 20 (he promotes in the second to last chapter I believe, and it's VERY possible to get him to level twenty before the halfway point of the game...and since he's the main character, he's MANDATORY ON ALL MAPS. So you've got an XP sponge of a character with middling stats that you have to ferry around these giant maps...yeah, this game needs a redesign). Lilina should be upgraded to Lord or Noble status as a unit also.

Combining the games allows for players to ship characters together in 7 and have child units with slightly boosted stats in 6. This isn't a new mechanic to Fire Emblem, but seeing it between games would be an interesting twist. This works best with Fire Emblem Fates' shipping mechanics (where the child will inherit one class from each parent, along with any stat modifiers and an average of their growth rates. It can be more complicated than this, but that's a conversation for another time and place). 

For those worried about playing FE 7 just to get to FE 6, there should be a workaround. In Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 on Mass Effect 3 on the WiiU, there was a little comicbook/recap session at the beginning of the game, that summarized the plot of the previous games while letting players choose the important choices from said previous games. In Fire Emblem Fates, after beating the game once, when playing a new game one is allowed to skip straight to the choice instead of playing the first five chapters again and again. Either one of these things can and/or should be implemented, so that players can skip straight to the new content if they want.

Lastly, doing this for FE 6 & 7 gives the game an epic scope that larger and more popular games in the series have (the Tellius duology, Genealogy, and Three Houses). 


However, I will note that Fe 7 doesn't need an actual remake, just a re-release on the Nintendo e-shop. But if they're remaking FE 6, then why not do FE 7 as well? Also, re-releasing the game when the announcement of the remakes hit could be a very interesting marketing move, especially if they allow players to transport materials/gold/special stat-boosting items or even a special character or two from the original version to the remake, if the games are registered on the same Nintendo ID or Switch console. Pokemon did a similar thing with Sun/Moon. Players who downloaded the demo were able to play as Ash-Greninja and eventually transfer it over to the real game when it was released. 


*The GBA game sprites are actually amazing and the gameplay ones still hold up to this day. 

**A symptom of "Anime Dead Mom Storytelling, and it's stupid

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A couple more I thought of.

Final Fantasy VI. Metal Gear Solid 1/2 hold up great, but a remake of either wouldn't hurt. Too bad Konami only makes Pachinko machines now. A new Pilotwings like Pilotwings 64 or Pilotwings on SNES would rock. 


Not necessarily a remake, but I'd love a real, non GBA sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics. I know lots of people love the GBA games, but I just want something of a bigger project. Same vein, a third Chrono game - follow up to Trigger and Cross, would be fully sick.  

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10 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Combining the games allows for players to ship characters together in 7 and have child units with slightly boosted stats in 6. This isn't a new mechanic to Fire Emblem, but seeing it between games would be an interesting twist. This works best with Fire Emblem Fates' shipping mechanics (where the child will inherit one class from each parent, along with any stat modifiers and an average of their growth rates. It can be more complicated than this, but that's a conversation for another time and place). 

For those worried about playing FE 7 just to get to FE 6, there should be a workaround. In Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 on Mass Effect 3 on the WiiU, there was a little comicbook/recap session at the beginning of the game, that summarized the plot of the previous games while letting players choose the important choices from said previous games. In Fire Emblem Fates, after beating the game once, when playing a new game one is allowed to skip straight to the choice instead of playing the first five chapters again and again. Either one of these things can and/or should be implemented, so that players can skip straight to the new content if they want.

I was never a huge fan of the shipping mechanics in Fire Emblem, but this actually sounds like a pretty good use of it, and a cool way to link the 2 games together.  if you kept them seperate enough, it should be possible to "complete" the FE 7 story and just retain that save.  then if you wanted to start up, or restart the FE 6 story, you wouldn't necessarily have to replay all of FE 7 to get there - as long as youd done one playthrough you could just use that data.  it sort of puts me in the mind of transferring data between the Zelda Oracle games or between Golden sun 1 and 2


9 hours ago, NattyBo said:

Not necessarily a remake, but I'd love a real, non GBA sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics

I never finished Tactics, but Tactics Advance 1 is one of my favorite FF games, and one of probably only 3 or 4 that ive beaten multiple times, (TA2 is decent, and improves on some things from TA1, but I still like 1 better).  If they did do a sequel to Tactics, or even just another game with Tactics-like gameplay, I'd actually prefer them to keep all the Tactics Advanced races for your characters, including the limited job trees (though i'd hope they expand the overall number of jobs some).  basically one of the things I liked about TA vs Tactics is how much more colorful it seemed.  part of that could jsut be down to image setting on the old TV, but Tactics always seemed sort of dull ot me, compared to the bright and energetic TA.

Edited by Dunkum
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10 hours ago, Dunkum said:

I was never a huge fan of the shipping mechanics in Fire Emblem, but this actually sounds like a pretty good use of it, and a cool way to link the 2 games together.


I love shipping in FE (always have, always will), but I think for 2nd gen units all depends on the game. In FE 4 it works because that game is a generational story (although with a remake and actual supports and more dialogue, it could work even better). The same is true for Awakening, and that has the added bonus of a story about time travel (for better or worse). The 2nd gen units fit here because the story telling allows for them to exist, and in some ways necessitates them. 

In Fates, they pushed in a popular mechanic without understanding why it worked (in story, for the characters, and how to use it to make units feel unique instead of Parent 2.0), and everyone got screwed over because of it. They could have taken those units out and given the paralogues to different characters ala Three Houses* or used that screentime and those supports to flesh out each character more instead of of "let's have a baby and then throw them into an alternate dimension!" 

All of that said for Fates, I LOVE how the inheritance mechanics work in this compared to Awakening. There's room for so much complexity, and sometimes giving a character a certain skill or class feels like a super fun puzzle (assuming you don't cheat and say "marry Corrin/Kana."). Want a Shiro that knows Pavise and Tomefaire? There are, like, three separate paths to that. Or would you rather have use your Sky Knight!F!Corrin pass down Wyvern Rider to Kana without marrying Percy instead? That is indeed possible. 

I think shipping in this game would be fine so long as IS keeps the support options limited to what they were in the original game (for FE 7 only. FE 6 is far overdue for a revamp in its support options and paired endings) and combine it with the inheritance of Fates.

...that would probably require units to have a Secondary class though...yeah, I'm cool with that...although that raises some questions: Lyn would most certainly get Myrmidon or Nomad, and Hector would have Knight or Fighter...would Eliwood have Cavalier? Then again, if Eliwood becomes one of the best swordsman in the world by the time FE 6 rolls around, maybe it's more fitting for him to have Myrmidon as a Secondary class and Lyn gains Nomad, in accordance to her heritage. ...but then if inheritance works like it does in Fates, and I marry Lyn and Rath to create Sue, Lyn would have to pass down something else since Lord is exclusive to her and Rath already passes down Nomad...what would be an alternate version of Nomad...? 

...I'm having too much fun with this. please excuse me as I think of how this would work going forward...


10 hours ago, Dunkum said:

if you kept them seperate enough, it should be possible to "complete" the FE 7 story and just retain that save.  then if you wanted to start up, or restart the FE 6 story, you wouldn't necessarily have to replay all of FE 7 to get there - as long as youd done one playthrough you could just use that data.

Oh absolutely. One shouldn't have to play both games every time; but I do think one should be rewarded for going through the complete story at least once. 

10 hours ago, Dunkum said:

between Golden sun 1 and 2

Oh good comparison! I totally forgot about that!



*This is me looking back, however. At the time (or at least before Valkyria Chronicles 4), that would have been more difficult to imagine. 

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11 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

...that would probably require units to have a Secondary class though...yeah, I'm cool with that...although that raises some questions: Lyn would most certainly get Myrmidon or Nomad, and Hector would have Knight or Fighter...would Eliwood have Cavalier? Then again, if Eliwood becomes one of the best swordsman in the world by the time FE 6 rolls around, maybe it's more fitting for him to have Myrmidon as a Secondary class and Lyn gains Nomad, in accordance to her heritage. ...but then if inheritance works like it does in Fates, and I marry Lyn and Rath to create Sue, Lyn would have to pass down something else since Lord is exclusive to her and Rath already passes down Nomad...what would be an alternate version of Nomad...? 

you could give Lyn Myrmidon and Eliwood Hero.  Lyn definitely should have Myrmidon, and Hector should be Knight/General, I'd say, but Cavalier does seem off for Eliwood.

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47 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

you could give Lyn Myrmidon and Eliwood Hero.  Lyn definitely should have Myrmidon, and Hector should be Knight/General, I'd say, but Cavalier does seem off for Eliwood.

I actually considered Mercenary before Cavalier, so you're not alone there! But in the end I decided to switch it due to Eliwood gaining a mount in his promotion rather than his stat gain model (although Eliwood's resistance is very high, much like Pegasus Knights and the occasional Paladin). For Lyn it's easier since she turns into a Blade Lord and has the stats akin to a Myrmidon. For Hector it's the same. Armor Lord and General. For Eliwood, he's to well-rounded to be a Paladin IIRC, but he gains that mount. And then you have how he's represented in other material. In the trial maps for Binding Blade, Eliwood's class is actually Paladin. During the Spotpass missions in Awakening, Eliwood is always represented as a Paladin. In three of his four alts in Heroes, Eliwood is depicted as being on a horse. Granted, the latter two tie into his Knight Lord class rather than his base one, but the comparison still stands.  

I couldn't find the info about Eliwood being famed as a swordsman again, so I'll consider that apocryphal and stick with Cavalier (although I really do like the suggestion of Hero too). 


But then there's canon material that doesn't always line up with what characters want or should have (i.e. Cherche's history as a cleric is reflected in her class options even though no one should EVER put her in that class unless it's to pass down Dual Support+ to Gerome...and that grind is so, so painful, even with the DLC map and Rescue spamming...), and how skills work in this hypothetical remake. Are skills tied to a class like in Three Houses, or are they tied to a level and transferable like in Awakening and Fates? Because if it's the former, then Lyn would probably gain Swordfaire once she promotes to Blade Lord, making Swordmaster a bit redundant. If it's the latter, then maybe Myrmidon would be good, but it'd also make Lyn a sort of one-build unit (Swordfaire, Vantage, and whatever other exclusive skills the Lord and Blade Lord classes offer). Other than that, I think having Lyn's Secondary class be Nomad would be a nice way to reference her heritage (and keep Rath from being the only playable Nomad in the game). Lyn doesn't lose any real weapon experience since the Blade Lord class can use bows and the Nomadic Trooper class uses swords. But I see what you mean...

There's always the "Azura-Shigure Solution," (in which the game treats Azura's Primary class as Sky Knight and her Secondary one as Troubadour, despite her having to Friendship Seal Elise to gain access to Troubadour herself; so Shigure inherits Troubadour from Azura because his Primary Class is Sky Knight*) but that doesn't fix the issue of Lyn not having access to Myrmidon. The Lords could also just have access to two classes, splitting the difference...and if it was only them who got that, the amount of branching classes would be limited...that could work...


*The exception to this rule is when Azura marries Jakob, and she'll pass down the Wyvern Rider class instead. Inheritance is Fates is fun and complex at times. 



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I want to see Minish Cap remade.

I also would really enjoy to see a remake of one of the Pokemon Platinum, pearl and/or diamond games for 3ds, even though its most likely never going to happen I think that would be awesome. Gen 4 is just the best. Favorite Pokemon: Empoleon.


Sorry that was cheesy......:ph34r:

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Kingdom Hearts 1 with the current graphics and ‘open’ worlds. Instead of it being a 1:1 I could see it tying into the current story by having it be an alternate worldline where things went differently like Sora not meeting Donald & Goofy or it could be the Verum Rex version of the events which could help to explain some of the backstory to Yozora.

Assassin’s Creed 1. There’s been so many gameplay improvements since the original. I could see the modern day going back to Altier and show there were ‘missing‘ scenes pointing to the macguffin of the game because Vidic was only concerned with the location of the Apple and had the Animus ignore anything not pertaining to his desired macguffin. Heck it could extend into the Revelations events as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last week I read as much of the main FE 4 manga I could find, and now I NEED a remake. I think having one come out within the next 12-18 months would be perfect for Fire Emblem and the Switch as a whole. 

First off, like I said before, they could combine FE 4 & 5 into one game. Yes, the mechanics between the two are insanely different, but that shouldn't matter too much depending on how one frames the story. In Shadows of Valentia, the story was framed as a sort of history and prophetic manuscript come to pass. A Jugdral remake could do the same. Call it Fire Emblem Echoes: The Saga of Jugdral or Fire Emblem Echoes: The Jugdral Saga (in reference to modern recordings of Icelandic stories...specifically The Saga of the Icelanders and The Vinland Saga repectively). The game itself can be broken into three parts: Part 1 is Sigurd's story, Part 2 is Lief's story, and Part 3 is Seliph's story, bringing closure to it all. And considering how rooted in Norse and Icelandic mythology FE 4 & 5 (and Heroes) are, this would be a PERFECT fit.* 


In terms of content, I think FE 4 could fill a void that cultural void that Game of Thrones** left. Genealogy has epic battles, incest, complex family trees, incest, tragedy, redemption, and most importantly INCEST.***

The grand scope of the game could feel even grander with new additions such as battalions and exploring the castles freely now (which in turn may help castles feel unique if items purchased and things done in castles were individualized). 

Lastly, Kaga had some notes about how he imagined Part 3 of Genealogy would go. I think DLC would be a great way to include some of those things.****


*To make it more like a story, have an older Chrom reading the Saga of Jugdral to a younger Lucina (left ambiguous to which timeline) so we can have a nice subtle shoutout to Matt Mercer's narration skills in Critical Role. 

**More in terms of the show than the books. Sanderson sort of fills the Song of Ice and Fire book void by sheer speed and length with The Stormlight Archive and the Cosmere as a whole. In terms of shows, Wheel of Time and the Lord of the Rings shows are looking to be strong competitors, but I do think for the first time a game could compete on that level too. 

***In Kaga's original notes, apparently Lachesis and Eldigan, WHO ARE BROTHER AND SISTER, were going to be Ares' parents instead of Eldigan and an NPC. A remake would be a good time to add that back in. Not because the game is missing anything without it, but because the audience can handle that after dealing with Jaimie and Cersei Lannister. It would be a cool way to explore that relationship and deconstruct the "Big Brother Worship" trope that Fire Emblem loves so much. What does it mean to love ones' brother in a non-romantic setting? What does that do to one's family? Friends? How one views all other men? How others view that one? The game is already pretty dark and deconstructs so many themes, why not add one more to the pile?

**** [SPOILERS FOR A 20 YEAR OLD GAME] It mostly involved: 


Characters who survived the massacre at Belhalla coming back and meeting their children. In Kaga's eyes, this meant that certain pairings were canonical (something that Thracia 776 followed through on for the most part anyways), but with today's technology that doesn't have to be the case. The conversations could be linked to the father and the child, and if certain pairings didn't happen those conversations were missed, adding to the replay value of the game. It's no different than not being able to support Flayn or Claude when you chose the Crimson Flower route. In theory anyways. 

Anyways, these meetings would probably feel like fan-service (and potentially non-canon material - see how people view recruiting all of the Spot Pass Paralogue characters in Awakening) after such a long and emotionally taxing game, so having it as optional additional content seems to be the best of all worlds: Thracia is included in the main game while keeping it's gameplay, Kaga's original dreams are realized in some way, fans who want more Genealogy content get their wish, and Nintendo gets that DLC money. 


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  • 4 months later...

Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure Battle 2. Those games are some of the best Sonic games ever IMO. Yes, they have their flaws. Giant, gaping flaws. But I think in a remake those flaws can be replaced with some really cool stuff that'd make the games flow a lot better while still carrying on the nostalgia from the late '90s/early '00s. I DO NOT want this treatment for Sonic 06 however. (But if they do decide to do that, more power to them.) I think a new game titled Sonic Adventure 3 with some of the more modern cast and levels would be ideal instead. Get the writers of the Sonic Boom cartoon to help out (although please keep the Adventure level characterization for Knuckles. I hate what he's become.)


Custom Robo and Gotcha Force deserve remakes on the Switch as well, or at least new entries in their series. I could see both of them doing really well on the Switch. Gatcha games are more popular than ever, and I loved the idea of "mobile mechs" in Custom Robo. Now, with the Switch and mobile games, that can be fully integrated into the game without feeling weird. I'd feel a bit like Pokemon Go (or how Pokemon would feel in real life) but that's a cool experience. 

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I want a Remake of The Last of Us.  Demon's Souls opened up the possibility of having PS3 games re-made to ps5 levels.  I'd love to see my favorite game Re-done with the high fidelity of ps5 graphical power, as well as the gameplay improvements from Last of Us 2 (even if that one... wasn't a favorite.)

Outside of that, I'd love:

-Resident Evil: Code Veronica

-Parasite Eve (but like, actual parasite eve, nothing like the horrendous Third Birthday)

-Silent Hill

-Assassin's Creed 1.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

All I'm asking for is the Star Wars Republic Commando.

An epic Star Wars tactical shooter that needs a graphical uplift. It honestly deserves a full on sequel, but I know that's asking for a lot. I'm only slightly satisfied that we got to see the Commando in BF2, even though he didn't get any Delta Squad skins.

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Now that I'm going back to FFVIII (and hopefully this time the console won't die halfway through), well, that. This is one of the most cinematic games I've played, but not like a graphic adventure, or an actual interactive movie. This game goes to great lengths to look like a movie without taking away any of the freedom you would find in any other rpg. 

I'm always so impressed whenever the gameplay switches to a cutscene, using prerendered backgrounds allows it to be perfectly seamless and it looks amazing. Then we have all the camera angles and little details like the animations or the image changing focus as you move across the screen. 

Also the characters animations. They're perfectly designed for the dialogue to fit inside them. Most of the time you have to let the full animation play before going on, and there are also those times they are timed to play close to each other to give the impression that the character was interrupted for example. All sorts of details like that. It's like the dialogue too was designed to flow like a movie, but the lack of voice acting doesn't do it any favors. 

So I would love a remake that keeps that idea of making the game look just as cinematic, and fully voiced, but with today's resources and letting it still be a full-fledged rpg. I think it would make for an amazing experience. 

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