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Ask me anything cosmere related (spoilers)


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What is the wildest theory you can think up that actually has good evidence behind it? 

Same as the above...but instead of a theory, a ship? 

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One I've mentioned in the "What is your wildest cosmere theory thread" would be Hoid being a dragon, or the Diagram being a convoluted plan by Cultivation to defeat Odium. As for ships, I'm not really a shipper, but the best I got is Kaladin/Adolin, because they're just so gay for each other. It's very obvious. Kaladin is just a tsundere.

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A spren if the user takes up a Shard will probably do one of two things. Either stay the exact same, or become immensely more powerful. Or maybe the Shard holder can choose to.supercharge their spren.

Era 4 ships will absolutely have some way of warping through space without going through the CR. It would be too inconvenient for everyone en masse to just use Shadesmar to travel, and I don't see how he could make a Scifi story without having his characters use ships of some kind. Plus it will give a possible way for the people of Sel to travel around, since at current it's impossible thanks to the state of the CR.

Possible, though I doubt all of them. If there is only one, it's probably the weapon that splinters Shards (since iirc Odium has something like that). But I'm not ruling out that there are more.

Animal Radiants are absolutely gonna be possible, but I think it's a matter of intelligence. I think it would have to intelligent enough that it knows its swearing an oath. 

Edited by aneonfoxtribute
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@aneonfoxtribute I don't mean the ship uses the perpendicularity to travel, but rather than the core of the ship - the warp drive of the ship - would be a perpendicularity as a possible side effect due to the amount of investiture contained, allowing for cognitive realm travellers to board the ship while it is travelling. So do you think that might happen? :-P

Also, for the spren, something I'm wondering about is if the spren would be at risk of dissolving into the shard, or their mind merging with the knight, or both minds simultaneously holding the shard while being separate. If I'm following you correctly your take is that the spren maintains their bond to the knight but now investiture can flow back into the spren? :-)

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Ooooh, I see. Well, the two are sort of related. I imagine it has to have a perpendicularity to run. But even if it doesn't need one, one will most likely be made, unless the warp drives are entirely technological which I kinda doubt.

Yes, that was what I was thinking. And now I'm just imagining Syl becoming a spren on the level of the Stormfather. 

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I think Ryshadium are. I'm fairly certain that others given a specific level of intelligence and awareness of itself could. A good example would be the kandra. We kinow that they could theoretically bond spren, but I guarantee you a mistwraith wouldn't be able to do that. I'm sure there are animals that are sentient enough to be able to bond spren

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Just now, aneonfoxtribute said:

Hero is the last book of the sequel series. But of course I have read Gone

Wait, that’s what that is? I didn’t know the third one was out yet! I’ll have to go track it down. 

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