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Hoid's Spiritweb


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Hoid kinda thought the Shattering was necessary, so it'd be weird for him to want to kill Adonalsium with the intention of trying to bring him back to life.

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The Investiture arts are accessed via the Spiritweb and Hoid still has his original Yolish magics, so it's unlikely that his Spiritweb was reset to default at the Shattering.

The Shattering did have an effect on the magics of the time, but we don't know much of it

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So, you talked about a weapon made by the enemies of Adonalsium, and you said it doesn't exist in it's original form. Do any remnants of it still exist in the Physical Realm?

Brandon Sanderson



Have we seen any of those remnants on-screen?

Brandon Sanderson

*pause* RAFO.

In current continuity (and people would know this), Hoid's immortality comes from this. People who have read Dragonsteel know that.

Idaho Falls signing (July 21, 2018)



Pinpoint (paraphrased)

If Hoid got beheaded, would his body grow a new head?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Pinpoint (paraphrased)

What if Hoid got cut by a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

The Shardblade cuts the soul and what Hoid does heals the soul.

Words of Radiance release party (March 3, 2014)


from these two WoB's we can confer that Hoids immortality is from the remnants of the "adonalsium weapon" and that when his spiritweb is injured he uses this to heal his spiritweb

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1 hour ago, Booknerd said:

Here's my question with the WoB that @Eternal Khol provided why would the body grow a new head, not the head a new body, for the most part killing Radiants at least kill the brain and they stop healing, wouldn't the brain be the point of healing?

His method of healing is dealing heavily in the Spiritual Realm.


My theory currently on Spiritwebs is that they are-- when they exist on the Spiritual Realm a person exists as nodes connected between concepts, Physical makeup, and whatnot, that’s what makes up your Spiritual DNA.

Brandon Sanderson



Is there a different set of nodes for each person or do they all kind of share?

Brandon Sanderson

You're kind of imagining it the wrong way, each person is a node.

Shadows of Self release party (Oct. 5, 2015)


I think that the biggest part of the body in the PR get restored.

If each person is a node in the SR the then getting your head cut off might be like cutting off a small part and the bigger part would be restored


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I think the Shattering had a deleterious effect on almost everyone in the Cosmere. 

Like in stormlight after BAM was captured by Melishi , it let to the Parshendi losing thier connection and identity. Both are intricate parts of the spiritweb from what spiritual feruchemy implies.

So adonalsium getting murdered probably pushed everyone in the Cosmere into a similar state which they got over through Shardic intervention or by natural evolution. 

Khriss mentions that  sel had a Stone age and human prehistory. That's strange considering they must have been descended from Yolish immigrants with medieval levels of society and tech .

It would also explain why non Shardic planets are so backward even after experiencing 10000 yrs of peace without any Shardic conflicts. 

It took them that long to become normal again without Shardic intervention. 

The ppl involved in the plot to kill adon might have used something to shield them from it. Aluminum foil perhaps :P

So I don't think hoid was affected much by it , but pretty much everyone else in the Cosmere was.

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47 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

I think the Shattering had a deleterious effect on almost everyone in the Cosmere. 

Like in stormlight after BAM was captured by Melishi , it let to the Parshendi losing thier connection and identity. Both are intricate parts of the spiritweb from what spiritual feruchemy implies.

So adonalsium getting murdered probably pushed everyone in the Cosmere into a similar state which they got over through Shardic intervention or by natural evolution. 

Brandon said in a WoB that the Identity part of the Parshmen was really more of a culture type thing. It was pretty much just Connection they lost.


Khriss mentions that  sel had a Stone age and human prehistory. That's strange considering they must have been descended from Yolish immigrants with medieval levels of society and tech .

It would also explain why non Shardic planets are so backward even after experiencing 10000 yrs of peace without any Shardic conflicts. 

It took them that long to become normal again without Shardic intervention. 

There's a simple explanation for this. Different things evolve at different rates. Maybe life didnt appear on some Planets till later.

Not all humans originate from Yolen. Even if they did that doesn't mean that they'd have to be in the medieval era.

Adon made humans on Ashyn that aren't from Yolen, he could a done the same with Sel

Which planet had 10000 years of peace?

Zach G

Dunno if you can answer this now, but if everyone is from Yolen way back when, is there a migration story?

Brandon Sanderson

Not all humans originated on Yolen, but the first humans were there. Watch the books for myths that hint at more.

General Twitter 2016 (Jan. 3, 2016)



There's a WoB that the Shattering meant everything and nothing to investiture.

Edited by Eternal Khol
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5 hours ago, Eternal Khol said:

Brandon said in a WoB that the Identity part of the Parshmen was really more of a culture type thing. It was pretty much just Connection they lost.

There's a simple explanation for this. Different things evolve at different rates. Maybe life didnt appear on some Planets till later.

Not all humans originate from Yolen. Even if they did that doesn't mean that they'd have to be in the medieval era.

Adon made humans on Ashyn that aren't from Yolen, he could a done the same with Sel

Which planet had 10000 years of peace?

Zach G

Dunno if you can answer this now, but if everyone is from Yolen way back when, is there a migration story?

Brandon Sanderson

Not all humans originated on Yolen, but the first humans were there. Watch the books for myths that hint at more.

General Twitter 2016 (Jan. 3, 2016)



There's a WoB that the Shattering meant everything and nothing to investiture.

Culture type thing ? What exactly does that mean and y couldn't the same happen to humans or other races. 


Ok true. Maybe adon just seeded different planets with intelligent almost humans still I believe it's a greater possiblity that all humans are descended from immigrants from Yolen. 

And well since Yolen was in a mediaval era at the time. I'm guessing the migrants were too. 

Wait , adon created Ashynites. I didn't know that. I thought Scadrial was the only anomaly in that respect and the rest of humanity were descended from Yolish ancestors. 

By 10,000 yrs of peace , I meant no extreme interventions by shards .

No Desolations or rashek like Ascensions and no autonomy to enforce inter and intraplanetary isolation.

Hell it seems autonomy and her avatars literally makes things as extreme as possible to enforce autonomy and survival of the fittest. 

And no , we don't have a migration story. 

It's possible adon first created humans in Yolen and then proceeded to crate them in other worlds.

But still he would have created them and would be Connected to them. His Shattering would have had an effect on them , like the parshmen at the end of the false desolation.

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1 hour ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Culture type thing ? What exactly does that mean and y couldn't the same happen to humans or other races. 


Ok true. Maybe adon just seeded different planets with intelligent almost humans still I believe it's a greater possiblity that all humans are descended from immigrants from Yolen. 

And well since Yolen was in a mediaval era at the time. I'm guessing the migrants were too. 

Wait , adon created Ashynites. I didn't know that. I thought Scadrial was the only anomaly in that respect and the rest of humanity were descended from Yolish ancestors. 

By 10,000 yrs of peace , I meant no extreme interventions by shards .

No Desolations or rashek like Ascensions and no autonomy to enforce inter and intraplanetary isolation.

Hell it seems autonomy and her avatars literally makes things as extreme as possible to enforce autonomy and survival of the fittest. 

And no , we don't have a migration story. 

It's possible adon first created humans in Yolen and then proceeded to crate them in other worlds.

But still he would have created them and would be Connected to them. His Shattering would have had an effect on them , like the parshmen at the end of the false desolation.

I just found the WoB

It wasnt culture but the Identity part was right


In terms of discussing Identity, I know that in Emperor's Soul, they talk about Identity, and the Parshendi talk about losing their Identity, and then I was just rereading Bands of Mourning, and one of the kandra talks about how the spikes are their Identity. Are all of those things connected somehow or are they different forms of Identity?

Brandon Sanderson

They are connected, although the Parshendi losing their identity is a little more metaphorical. But yeah, the idea of these things-- Identity is an innate attribute in the cosmere that is related to your soul, your spirit, and it is one of the things that Hemalurgy can fiddle with and Feruchemy can fiddle with. It's kind of important to how the [Metallic] Arts play out, but it's important to all the magics...

Identity is involved in why you can't use another person's metalminds, right, that kind of thing. And those are all related. The Parshendi is more metaphorical. 

Orem signing (March 10, 2018)


The very first humans were on Yolen, but not all of them came from Yolen pre-shattering. Adon created them on other planets, such as Ashyn


Finallity (paraphrased)

We've seen a number of human/singer hybrids (Unkalaki and Herdazians) and even human/Aimian hybrids (Natans). How is such a thing possible biologically or is there some outside influence there?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

He said that they (humans and parshendi/aimians) can interbreed because they were made by the same person, or rather that they were made with the same intent, that they were made that way on purpose. They don't have a common heritage or anything though.

English Reading Series at BYU 2018 (Feb. 23, 2018)

Human and singers and interbreed because Adon created them both.


" His Shattering would have had an effect on them , like the parshmen at the end of the false desolation."

we don't know this. We don't know the exact details of what happened to the Parsh, and to say the same thing would happen to human after the shattering is pure speculation

The Parsh were connected to BAM to get forms of power which humans can't do. I think the Connection would be different. Their lack of Connection just took away their ability to change forms.

it would certainly have an effect, I agree, but I don't think it would be as bad as you think

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19 minutes ago, Eternal Khol said:

English Reading Series at BYU 2018 (Feb. 23, 2018)

Human and singers and interbreed because Adon created them both.


" His Shattering would have had an effect on them , like the parshmen at the end of the false desolation."

we don't know this. We don't know the exact details of what happened to the Parsh, and to say the same thing would happen to human after the shattering is pure speculation

Yeah. They were both created by adonalsium. Doesn't mean he independently created humans on Ashyn. They could have migrated there from Yolen pre or post Shattering. 


And yeah it's pure speculation. I don't have any evidence or text but seeing that capturing BAM didn't just deprive them of higher forms. It reduced them completely into slave form. Beyond even dullform. 

The Parshendi could access dullform , mateform , workform, nimbleform and warform. 

They escaped the fate of the rest of the parsh cause they declared themselves neutral.

Now during adons time it's possible that everyone worshipped it as God and were connected with it . Maybe Adonalsium even designed them that way with intent or accident. 

Either way he created them and hence would probably be connected to them. 

Preservation getting splintered might have had a similar effect on Scadrial. 

Again pure speculation. But eh who knows. 

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23 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Yeah. They were both created by adonalsium. Doesn't mean he independently created humans on Ashyn. They could have migrated there from Yolen pre or post Shattering. 

Adon crafted the Roshar system for a specific purpose. 

Spren and singers existed pre-shattering on Roshar. I don't see why humans couldn't exist on Ashyn too

Brandon specifically said not all humans originate from Yolen. Just that the first one were there. 

So that means he made humans on Yolen first. Then other planets

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1 minute ago, Eternal Khol said:


Brandon specifically said not all humans originate from Yolen. Just that the first one were there. 

So that means he made humans on Yolen first. Then other planets

Or it could be in reference to the fact that ruin and preservation created humanity on Scadrial independently. 

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24 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Or it could be in reference to the fact that ruin and preservation created humanity on Scadrial independently. 

Or events similar to it; but Adonalsium probably created Humans outside of Yolen.

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37 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Or it could be in reference to the fact that ruin and preservation created humanity on Scadrial independently. 


What planet did humans originate on? Or did they originate on Scadrial when Preservation and Ruin got together?

Brandon Sanderson

Humans did not originate on Scadrial, because they were on Yolen, which is a planet before Adonalsium-- the story that takes place before Adonalsium was Shattered. They may have been on other planets, but they-- the very first ones you would care about are probably on Yolen.

Shadows of Self San Diego signing (Oct. 8, 2015)


Brandon Sanderson

Alethi use the word "soil" on occasion in their language to mean "dirtied" or similar. It's a holdover from an earlier time. But they don't associate it with the ground, and if you see it used instead of stone like in this quote, it should indeed raise an eyebrow.


Sooo... I mean, my eyebrow was already raised. :D Let's not bait the RAFO too hard, and drop the worldhopper part - is there more to this particular ardent than meets the eye? :)

Wait, hold up. How can "soil" be a holdover from an earlier time if Roshar was always a rocky place? Or did you mean that it's one of those words that carried over from Yolish, or whatever other language people spoke before they migrated to Roshar (like "hound")?

Brandon Sanderson

It is similar to hound, which is one of the ones that Hoid pointed out as an oddity. But people did not migrate from Yolen to Roshar. Roshar was inhabited before the shattering of Adonalsium.

Stormlight Three Update #4 (Oct. 3, 2016)



I didn't realize Horneaters had parshmen blood, didn't even realize that was possible. How closely are humans and parshmen related, do they have a common ancestor? Or is one an artificially created version of the other?

Brandon Sanderson

There was intermixing long ago. Horneaters and Herdazians are both a result. (Signs of this are the stone carapace on Herdazian fingernails and the Horneater extra jaw pieces--in the back of the mouth--for breaking shells.)

Humans and parshmen don't have a common ancestor. And as a side note, both of these strains of humanoids predate the ascension of Honor, Cultivation, and Odium.


Are there Aimian-Human hybrids as well? (Either type of Aimian) If so, are the Thaylen people one of these?

Brandon Sanderson



*via private message*

Some of us believe that you are saying that humans and listeners existed pre-Shattering while some of us believe that you are saying that Horneaters and Herdazians existed pre-Shattering (you have mentioned that humans had been on Roshar since before the Shattering recently). What were you trying to say here?

Brandon Sanderson

Humans (other than those on Yolen) existed pre-Shattering, as did parshmen.

Footnote: Blightsong's parenthetical statement is mistaken; there is no source claiming that humans had been on Roshar since before the Shattering.
General Reddit 2015 (Nov. 16, 2015)


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