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Who is Harmony's B team?


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We know that Harmony specifically groomed Wax for events he foresaw. That looks like an awful risk to take if it is the only agent he prepared. Wax could always fall of a horse, eat soemthing bad or get hit with an obsidian blade. And how sure was Harmony that Wax would choose to live on?
That makes me suspect that Harmony has a B team and maybe a whole plan B. How does it look like? Might it indeed be --- the monks of Baz-Kor?

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I don't know how reliable a source Lady Sauvage is, probably better than Allomancer Jak but then again she does associate with him. The Monks of Baz-Kor might be made-up or a deflection or an exaggeration,... Her account of her encounter with Nazh does make her seem more trustworthy, in which case I'm much more interested in the pool she mentioned.

As for Harmony's team B: why not simply his own agents, the Kandra, Kelsier and Marsh. Harmony's other choices might not even have been seen on-screen.

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11 minutes ago, Honorless said:

As for Harmony's team B: why not simply his own agents, the Kandra, Kelsier and Marsh. Harmony's other choices might not even have been seen on-screen.

  • lack of metallic arts (in the Kandra)
  • willingness to kill (Kandra)
  • ability to operate among people without causing a panic (Marsh)
  • replaceability
  • relationship issues (Kelsier)
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23 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:
  • ability to operate among people without causing a panic (Marsh)

Heh, I have wondered whether Marsh normally lives in all his Steel Inquisitor glory or if he disguises himself most of the time. I mean, his larger frame can't be concealed, but letting his head and facial hair grow, black-tinted wraparound glasses - like Crowley wears in the "Good Omens" series, and a little make-up in a pinch would surely hide everything else. And koloss-blooded people are huge, so it isn't like even his size would really set him apart from normal(ish) population. I see no reason for Marsh not to do it if he isn't living as a complete hermit.

Concerning the actual topic, I would expect Harmony to have a number of possible assets on his radar, most of whom don't work out. He does subtly nudge likely people, but they have free will, so...

Edited by Isilel
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4 hours ago, mathiau said:

What if Wax and Wane are already Harmony's B team?

They are in most respects.  Also a being like Harmony does not have an A and a B team.  He has several different teams that he uses for different problems.

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26 minutes ago, Quazzi said:

Pretty sure Harmony tells Wax to lay off giving Marasi a hard time that he, Wax, isn’t the only person doing his work. 

I need to find the correct WoB but other Pathians have earrings that work the same way Wax's does.  I wonder if their are people in the scadrain scientific community who Harmony just encourages a little bit every now and again.  Same with low level government officials and such.  The occasional small push to do better.  They way I see it Harmony has a entire roster of people who he can pull up as needed.  He goes around a recruits talent he needs and pushes them into places where he thinks they will have the best opportunity to have a positive impact.

Edited by Ookla the Prolific
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11 hours ago, The traveller said:

I always thought that Marasi was also part of plan B 


3 hours ago, Quazzi said:

Pretty sure Harmony tells Wax to lay off giving Marasi a hard time that he, Wax, isn’t the only person doing his work. 

Also, at the beginning of Bands, VenDell chooses Marasi for the quest to recover ReLuur's spike, after Wax initially refuses to listen to him.

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16 hours ago, Honorless said:

I don't know how reliable a source Lady Sauvage is, probably better than Allomancer Jak but then again she does associate with him. The Monks of Baz-Kor might be made-up or a deflection or an exaggeration,... Her account of her encounter with Nazh does make her seem more trustworthy, in which case I'm much more interested in the pool she mentioned.

As for Harmony's team B: why not simply his own agents, the Kandra, Kelsier and Marsh. Harmony's other choices might not even have been seen on-screen.

Kell is no one’s agent but his own. And Marsh has made clear that he doesn’t always agree with or follow Saze. I think Marsh is better termed an ally than agent. As for Kell, well, it seems he hasn’t spoken with Saze for some time. It’s possible that they are no longer working together.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Prolific said:

That is an open ploy.

No it is not a ploy to get Wax, that is how Wax chides to see it. Like you said, Harmony would not rely on just a single person and he has several different people working for him. So where Wax was his first choice, Marasi was a close second. 

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21 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Like you said, Harmony would not rely on just a single person and he has several different people working for him. So where Wax was his first choice, Marasi was a close second. 

I think your view is too limited.  Harmony is playing odds and can see exactly how likely each out come is.  He is increasing the likelihood of Marasi joining(to almost 100% now since she has said yes and backing out is unlikely) and Wax joining at the same time.  Harmony's dream team in this scenario is what we actually got but even if it had not been and Wax and Steris did not come we would likely have had a similar result.  Marasi would not have tried to rescue Wax's sister(blanking on the name) and would not have been distracted by Suit's traps.  Additionally many people underestimate her so Suit may not have bothered with her as much.  To me this indicates that she would have tracked down the second location at around the same time and she would have rescued Allik...  The results would not have been quite as good but the major points could still have happened as normal.

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41 minutes ago, Ookla the Prolific said:

I think your view is too limited.  Harmony is playing odds and can see exactly how likely each out come is.  He is increasing the likelihood of Marasi joining(to almost 100% now since she has said yes and backing out is unlikely) and Wax joining at the same time.  Harmony's dream team in this scenario is what we actually got but even if it had not been and Wax and Steris did not come we would likely have had a similar result.  Marasi would not have tried to rescue Wax's sister(blanking on the name) and would not have been distracted by Suit's traps.  Additionally many people underestimate her so Suit may not have bothered with her as much.  To me this indicates that she would have tracked down the second location at around the same time and she would have rescued Allik...  The results would not have been quite as good but the major points could still have happened as normal.

Precisely Marasi is a close second choice as far as Harmony is concerned! We can not deny that he did want Wax first. I fail to see where you think you are saying anything different from me. I agree that she might have been better for this mission. She is smart and efficient. She is often underestimated. Set virtually knows nothing about her, they would not have known what to make of her! She would have managed just fine on her own too! Also Marasi not having any connections to wax’s sister, would not have fallen into the trap also! If she were alone, she would have been more cautious around her!

besides it is Wax that sees Marasi’s involvement solely for the purpose that Harmony is manipulating him to join indirectly which I take strong objection to! I think he is thinking too highly of himself and is also underestimating Marasi here! And therefore he does get called out on that by Harmony!! Do not be too hard on her! Wax you are not the only one doing my work!!!!!


Edited by The traveller
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10 hours ago, The traveller said:

Precisely Marasi is a close second choice as far as Harmony is concerned! We can not deny that he did want Wax first

He wants them both actually.  A team without her would not have succeeded.  Wax would have gotten distracted by Suit or he would have failed to locate the airship crash.  However without Wax the set would not have been exposed and Suit would still be on the loose.  It is not a matter of one or the other it is as many as you can get.  The different team combinations give you different results only the ideal combination gives you the best result.  So the invitation is both a ploy and a genuine offer.

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Crazy thing is, if Wax went alone or if Marasi went alone, neither succeeds without Wayne. Wayne is the linchpin.  He does the dirty, in the trenches work for Wax and provides the street smarts and experience for Marasi. Marasi/Wayne is a good squad for subtle work, Wax/MeLaan is a good squad for heavy work, all 4 together is a dream team scenario.  Steris is the ultimate supporter. And it took all 5 to cripple the Set. 

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On 15.12.2019 at 0:09 PM, Isilel said:

Heh, I have wondered whether Marsh normally lives in all his Steel Inquisitor glory or if he disguises himself most of the time. I mean, his larger frame can't be concealed, but letting his head and facial hair grow, black-tinted wraparound glasses - like Crowley wears in the "Good Omens" series, and a little make-up in a pinch would surely hide everything else. And koloss-blooded people are huge, so it isn't like even his size would really set him apart from normal(ish) population. I see no reason for Marsh not to do it if he isn't living as a complete hermit.

Marsh taking of glasses to show his Iron Eyes to someone is the ultimate aesthetic.

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