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Quick Fix Game 41: The Lord Mistborn's School for Gifted Allomancers

Young Bard

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Wow all the votes at the end!

Wonko: DeTess

Lemonelon: StrikerEZ, Abstrusity, Coda

StrikerEZ: Wonko, Lumgol, Straw, Sart

Coda: Lemonelon

Thanks for posting, Coda. I'm not sure what to do with this train, so I'll watch for a little longer

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....can I seriously not go two games without getting lynched C1? I guess I am the Shield of the Lynch for a reason. :P

For what it’s worth, I didn’t think the whole role claiming thing would be taken so seriously. Like I’ve said before, I didn’t really mean it as a serious suggestion for C1. It was more me thinking aloud. I was thinking of who might be likely to claim this early, and how they’d spin it to their advantage. 

Anyway, this bandwagon feels very suspect to me. The moment Lemon, Coda, and I ended up tied for a moment (which would’ve resulted in all 3 of our deaths), there was all of a sudden a huge push to get me lynched. If they’re both elims, then the elims must’ve been going crazy trying to make sure they didn’t lose two teammates in the span of one cycle.

Of the people that have voted on me, I think I trust Sart the least since he’s the one who broke the tie between me and Lemon. Wonko’s reasoning made sense at the time he voted on me (wish I’d had time to respond to his post, but there’s only half an hour now). Lum’s might be the most suspect, considering it put me as a viable option for a counterlynch. I never now how to read Straw, so I don’t know what to make of his vote. 

Anyway, if I do get lynched, I’d say the next targets, in order of importance, are Coda/Lemon, Sart, Lum, then Wonko. 

I’m gonna go hop in the shower, and hopefully I can get on before the end of cycle to see if I survive. :P

Edited by StrikerEZ
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3 hours ago, DeTess said:

Given that the roles are most likely allomantic powers, and since people do get told their power, the logical conclusions seems to be that 'type' refers to different variants of that power. For example: Steel type 1 is a redirect power, while steel type 2 is a night kill. 

So in your scenario, if I'm Steel Type 2, then the only thing withheld from my GM PM is the number 2? That doesn't seem like enough. It says we don't know our own Type; that has to mean something, doesn't it?

3 hours ago, DeTess said:

Anyway, one other thing I'm curious about, and that is the information disadvantage several players have mentioned. There might be such a disadvantage, but it there is, it won't be with the roles everyone has, and it will have to do with factions beyond what has been revealed so far. I don't see how the village is disadvanatged by not really knowing its own roles. Without PM's coordination will be impossible anyway, so the only ones really disadvantaged by being unaware of the villages abilities are the elims, as they won't be able to plan around that. The village, on the other hand, will do what the village always does. People will discuss in the thread, and individual owners of power roles will use them as they think is best. This is no different from a non-blackout game where the exact role-distribution is unknown.

That's entirely true. Learning each others' roles is not really helpful. The thing you're leaving out, though, is that roleclaiming also allows for information roles to share their findings with the thread. If no one ever claims (and there's not private communication), then these roles only ever help the people who have them.

I'm sticking with the lynch I started, though I admit I wasn't as certain about my suspicions as others seem to be. It was just my best read for C1. Now that it's happening, I think people should move for a majority lynch, so we can decide the "Type" question once and for all. 

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10 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

So in your scenario, if I'm Steel Type 2, then the only thing withheld from my GM PM is the number 2? That doesn't seem like enough. It says we don't know our own Type; that has to mean something, doesn't it?

I think it's withheld for two reasons. First of all, it would let you know the exact role ability of a dead person. If someone with Steel #2 was revealed, everyone who was told that they were a Steel #2 would know that person's exact ability. The second reason is that it'd let you know how many other variations there are. If you were a Steel #3, you'd know that there were two other possible variants, but if you were a Steel #1, you might only think there was one other variant.

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Striker(4): Wonko, Lumgol, Straw, Sart
Lemonelon(4): Striker, Abstrusity, Coda, Devotary
Wonko(1): DeTess
Coda(1): Lemonelon

I had suspicion of Striker, but it's lessened now with the quick votes on him after the third vote for Lemonelon. I'm not super enthusiastic about a double lynch, which is a likely possibility if I vote for Lemon. There may well be vote manipulation though, so I'll add the fourth vote and see what happens. 

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4 minutes ago, Straw said:

I think it's withheld for two reasons. First of all, it would let you know the exact role ability of a dead person. If someone with Steel #2 was revealed, everyone who was told that they were a Steel #2 would know that person's exact ability. The second reason is that it'd let you know how many other variations there are. If you were a Steel #3, you'd know that there were two other possible variants, but if you were a Steel #1, you might only think there was one other variant.

Except that there is exactly one way in the rules to learn someone's Type. Are you saying you think even a majority vote will only give us a number? Or that a non-majority will give us the number anyway, despite apparently having no way to make use of it? Neither sounds reasonable to me.

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22 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

I'm sticking with the lynch I started, though I admit I wasn't as certain about my suspicions as others seem to be. It was just my best read for C1. Now that it's happening, I think people should move for a majority lynch, so we can decide the "Type" question once and for all. 

Well, in the interest of having as much knowledge as we can get StrikerEZ

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Mundric sighed. "New customers, I guess? Business has been going downhill lately - likely the work of those absolute frayers Ablott and Scring. Their products have no style at all! I would know - I wrote The Way of (the Hats of) Kings, after all. But they get their Allomancers doing the performances, and suddenly the masses flock to their doors. Depressing. But the hats spin as the hats spin, as my grandfather always said." He paused. "What about you? What are you hoping to find here?"

EDIT: Whoops, too late! I guess I'll transfer this to the next bit when it's up.

Edited by Abstrusity
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The students gathered in the central room, trying to figure out who it was that murdered poor El.

“I don’t trust that Lemonelon,” someone said. “They’re too quiet. They’re hiding something.”

“But what about Variel!”, someone else exclaimed. “They pushed for us all to reveal our roles! So we could be murdered by those 

Variel tried to be as patient as possible. “I didn’t say we should. I just said it was an option. I think Lemonelon may be the better candidate.”

“And now Variel’s trying to deflect! They seem way too defensive about all of this. They’re clearly one of the thugs!”

The debate raged on. In the end, it came down to one vote.

Elias looked at Variel. “Common scum like you have no place in a school like this, around people like me. Begone.”

Variel stood, and turned. “Fine. I’m one of the people that killed El. But I have friends. And they’ll make sure each and every one of you wish you had the mercy of El’s quick death.”

And with that, he turned and strode out of the room.

Everyone huddled in their own corners, peering suspiciously at anyone who went past.

That was the right approach. Watch carefully. Try to notice the slightest slip up. It’s how they’d gotten Variel, after all. They’d pay for that.

And yet, there was one, who wasn’t watching close enough. One, who’d helped to expel Variel. One, who needed to be taught a lesson.
Slowly, they approached the sleeping figure of Straw. Slowly, lit a match, and felt a warm glow spread across his face as he smiled, before dropping the match onto the blanket.
The thing about straw? It burns very easily.

Striker was expelled! They were a Tineye working for the Determined Thugs!
Straw was killed! They were a Tineye and a Student!

Striker(5): Wonko, Lumgol, Straw, Sart, Elkanah
Lemonelon(4): Striker, Abstrusity, Coda, Devotary
Wonko(1): DeTess
Coda(1): Lemonelon



Straw - Student Tineye
Wonko the Sane
StrikerEZ - Variel - Determined Thug Tineye
Darkness Ascendant - Dr. Steinman
Abstrusity - Mundric
Elandera - Emeril
Devotary of Spontaneity - Danjen
Elkanah - Elias

Edited by Young Bard
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- from last cycle - 

Mundric sighed. "New customers, I guess? Business has been going downhill lately - likely the work of those absolute frayers Ablott and Scring. Their products have no style at all! I would know - I wrote The Way of (the Hats of) Kings, after all. But they get their Allomancers doing the performances, and suddenly the masses flock to their doors. Depressing. But the hats spin as the hats spin, as my grandfather always said." He paused. "What about you? What are you hoping to find here?"

- new stuff - 

"Fire. Terrible material for hats." Mundric hummed. "It simply doesn't work." He hailed Elias. "Well done exiling that cheat. Deception cannot be condoned." He returned to shuffling his hats as he murmured the next few verses of the anthem.

Study is study

Now we cast our eyes

Where Education flies

Morals not be muddy


All things we learn

may they not burn

All times that turn

We shall not spurn


Our school's a school and that's how it will stay!


All right. I have had an interesting revelation. I think I understand the types now. If I'm right... oh boy. This will be an exciting one.

For now, I'll place my vote on Coda. Added a vote to a single target and ran off. No one else seems terribly suspicious at the moment. 



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Alright, so no (apparent) vote manipulation.

Devotary doesn't look great right now. The last minute vote is just straight up suspicious, especially when it was to tie Striker with Lemon.

Elkanah is looking pretty good in my books right now, seeing as they were the deciding vote for an elim Lynch. Pretty sure their village.

Interesting to note that Striker was pushing hard for claims, makes sense now, for target acquisition reasons.

Striker's final post leaves a few interesting tidbits:


Of the people that have voted on me, I think I trust Sart the least since he’s the one who broke the tie between me and Lemon. Wonko’s reasoning made sense at the time he voted on me (wish I’d had time to respond to his post, but there’s only half an hour now). Lum’s might be the most suspect, considering it put me as a viable option for a counterlynch. I never now how to read Straw, so I don’t know what to make of his vote. 

Anyway, if I do get lynched, I’d say the next targets, in order of importance, are Coda/Lemon, Sart, Lum, then Wonko. 

I would guess that there is at least one elim in the above, just to throw suspicion off their back.

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7 minutes ago, Sart said:

No, I'm pretty sure it's fourteen

Oooooh I like that theory

So uhhhhh.... any fellow Tineyes speak up if they see fit? For theories?

If you have any role other than a Tineye, roleclaiming discouragement applies as usual.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait someone has to counterclaim if we were to disprove the Tineye theory. So if you're not a Tineye I guess say that you're not a Tineye? For SCIENCE and THEORIES?

Edited by Lumgol
added moar stuff
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6 minutes ago, Sart said:

No, I'm pretty sure it's fourteen

More evidence: The Lord Mistborn began as a Tineye, makes sense his school would be such. Additionally, thugs are given a whole new meaning! It could mean allomantic thugs aren’t welcome, rather than just “thugs”

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2 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

what if there's a rolescan ability and the theory holds true

then it would literally just scan everyone as a tineye

Lord Ruler that would be hilarious

No wonder there are “types”. Types are just roles, and when the last Tineye dies, that’s the end of the game, so of course all roles will be revealed (assuming the elims are not Tineyes)

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Just now, Snipexe said:

No wonder there are “types”. Types are just roles, and when the last Tineye dies, that’s the end of the game, so of course all roles will be revealed (assuming the elims are not Tineyes)

Striker was literally a tineye

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Okay, so let me blow the GM (and everyone else's) minds with my incredibly prescient theory (maybe.) For starters, we know that all students are likely Tineyes. I will confess to being one myself. Tineyes are all about senses and knowledge, so they likely discover something. Since roles seem to be all Tineyes, then being one gives the ability to uncover alignment (the only hidden fact about a player). My ability does, at least, and if all the roles are identical others will too. At first glance, this theory may seem flawed. Why would the elims, of all people, need that ability? To blend in. If all the abilities are the same, then the villagers can identify each other by knowing who has the ability and what it does. But here is the real secret. Did anyone use the Tineye ability on Striker or Straw (the only players with confirmed alignment?) I selected Striker for my target before the end... and learned something crucial. My result was that he was Village. Unless the GM made an error, then some or all of our abilities lie to us. Those are the "types" they mentioned. Normal Tineyes... and those whose eyes lie. I'll dub them Tinlies until further info. There might also be rolescout Tineyes, but since my ability was listed as "learn alignment" and no one knows their type, it would work incorrectly immediately, unless the GM actually gives different descriptions to the same role with different types. I think there are at least two types, maybe as many as four. Tineyes, Tinlies, Tinroles, and Tinrolies, at maximum. Mind blown? Maybe. Maybe. I'm really hesitant to post this, as it may get me hunted down. I'm laying all my knowledge bare, do with it as you will.

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1 minute ago, Abstrusity said:

Okay, so let me blow the GM (and everyone else's) minds with my incredibly prescient theory (maybe.) For starters, we know that all students are likely Tineyes. I will confess to being one myself. Tineyes are all about senses and knowledge, so they likely discover something. Since roles seem to be all Tineyes, then being one gives the ability to uncover alignment (the only hidden fact about a player). My ability does, at least, and if all the roles are identical others will too. At first glance, this theory may seem flawed. Why would the elims, of all people, need that ability? To blend in. If all the abilities are the same, then the villagers can identify each other by knowing who has the ability and what it does. But here is the real secret. Did anyone use the Tineye ability on Striker or Straw (the only players with confirmed alignment?) I selected Striker for my target before the end... and learned something crucial. My result was that he was Village. Unless the GM made an error, then some or all of our abilities lie to us. Those are the "types" they mentioned. Normal Tineyes... and those whose eyes lie. I'll dub them Tinlies until further info. There might also be rolescout Tineyes, but since my ability was listed as "learn alignment" and no one knows their type, it would work incorrectly immediately, unless the GM actually gives different descriptions to the same role with different types. I think there are at least two types, maybe as many as four. Tineyes, Tinlies, Tinroles, and Tinrolies, at maximum. Mind blown? Maybe. Maybe. I'm really hesitant to post this, as it may get me hunted down. I'm laying all my knowledge bare, do with it as you will.


I'm an alignment scanner person. I didn't scan Striker or Straw.

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