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Trails of Cold Steel (and the Kiseki series in general)


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2 hours ago, Briar King said:

How is exp determined in this game cause I’m noticing it’s uneven. Not the set number of points with the less earned the higher character is. It’s kinda strange after 1&2

It's the same system as it has always been: the amount of exp a character earns scales in relation to the mob's level. If a character is underleveled compared to a mob, they gain a ton more exp. If a character is overleveled compared to a mob, they get a lot less exp. Hence, you can quickly get underleveled characters up to the required level with minimal grinding, and you are discouraged from trying to level grind any further.

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4 hours ago, Briar King said:

How is exp determined in this game cause I’m noticing it’s uneven. Not the set number of points with the less earned the higher character is. It’s kinda strange after 1&2

It should be exactly the same. The lower level you are compared to the enemy the more you get and vice versa.

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57 minutes ago, Briar King said:

It’s not doing the normal thing. It’s erratic one moment the lowest is getting the least then getting the highest then getting right in between. There’s something wonky going on enough for me to notice it today.

Are you talking about Rean not getting as much EXP as the students? I believe that's because for the segments where you can use Rean and New Class VII together, the mobs are higher levels than New Class VII but lower level than Rean, so Rean gets less EXP.

In the segments where you can use Rean but not use New Class VII, the mobs are higher level than Rean, so Rean gains levels rapidly as usual, so by the time the next Rean + NC7 segment comes along, Rean is once again higher level than the students.

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1 minute ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Yeah Rean is always higher leveled than the students. The way the game is designed ensured that unless you go out of your way to grind, the students will never be equal level to him. Its actually really smart design to show that Rean is stronger than them and it makes Rean's reputation even more concrete 

Eh, I felt that the gameplay difference was marginal. In gameplay, Rean only deals slightly more damage than the other characters.

There is a dissonance in this series where characters are canonically way higher powerlevel than others in lore, like Zin > Agate >> Joshua >> Estelle, but in gameplay they pretty much deal the same damage. I would rather that the gameplay difference in powerlevel be huge, like how in Fire Emblem Fates, Xander and Ryoma were monsters who were dealing like triple damage than everyone else. You really felt that Xander and Ryoma were legit the greatest swordsmen of their age.

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CS3 ch 1 exp stuff

the part with Millium, Altina and Rean in Enhell lvl 1. Altina was lowest character but at times she was getting the least exp pts. At times though several lvls lower she would tie with Rean with Millium coming out on top who was middle lvl wise. There was just no rhythm to it like I’ve been used to. I started wondering if they incorporated mechanics like most kills or something... gets more exp. I did wonder about M’s EX bit on MQ. The menu wouldn’t let me get in there and see what that stood for. 


Just trust me, it was strange to notice how off it all was.

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It's automatic, you don't have to do anything once you've obtained it.

As far as experience goes, the game has a hidden weighting system that's designed to enforce New Class VII being slightly underleveled compared to everyone else. You'll note in that shot that Rean and Claire are getting the same amount of experience at the same level, while the NC7 members are getting appropriately weighted experience relative to each other.

Edited by Weltall
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That makes since. I knew something was off from what I was used to. Wish I had taken pics before that as some of that stuff was really wonky looking.

Whats EX mean? I don’t see an explanation on menu and this is the 2nd character to have it now. I’m so grinding and taking advantage of the extra firepower in this area. Trying to get some $ built up and slots unlocked.

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1 minute ago, Briar King said:

That makes since. I knew something was off from what I was used to. Wish I had taken pics before that as some of that stuff was really wonky looking.

Whats EX mean? I don’t see an explanation on menu and this is the 2nd character to have it now. I’m so grinding and taking advantage of the extra firepower in this area. Trying to get some $ built up and slots unlocked.

What are you referring to specifically when you say EX

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EX Master Quartz are basically special ones locked to Guest characters. They can gain experience like normal but they can't be removed and don't get added to your inventory. It's basically a way of letting you see some MQ before they become available full-time or (in a couple cases) to see MQ that you're never going to get in CS3, usually at a slightly higher level than what you've got at the time.

Trails of Azure (the game that introduced Master Quartz) had its own version of this in the Prologue where you had a pair of guests with Lv4 MQ while the others were at Lv1.

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1 minute ago, Eluvianii said:

Hope you enjoy the journey. In SC things get started a lot sooner than in FC.

Yeah, not gonna lie, I love JRPGS, and dont mind a slow burn, but man, Trails 1 was the slowest of all burns.  Thank goodness the character development kept me interested.  I'm eager now having seen the end of part 1 to find out where this is all going. I'm still planning on working my way up to the crossbell PC fan translations, and then starting on Trails of Cold Steel. I already have Cold Steel 1 and 2 on my Vita, and 3 on Switch, will probably get 4 on Switch as well. I'd love to double dip and get all these on PC, but they really dont ever seem to go on deep sale!

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