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I really only need one thing.


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I just binged the whole stormlight archive in one manic push and am starting in on my second run. I have one desire. One boon to beg of the Sanderson Father. Adolin needs to find a way to revive/resurrect his shard blade spren. 

So what’s your one thing?

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A Lightsaber fabriel. There is even an equivalent to Khyber Crystals - the gems. The Surge of Illumination should theoretically be able to make lasers.

Since Radiants can summon their spren in any shape they want, and since gemstones can stick to Shardblades and be summoned-unsummoned with them, this could also be achieved by Knight orders with access Illumination.

Edited by TheFoxQR
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2 hours ago, earthexile said:

I would love to see what an extremely powerful and experienced Awakener can do on a Rosharan diet of Investiture.

Apropos of nothing, since Shardblades used to be alive, does that make them corpses that can be Awakened?

I wonder what an awakened supersword would look like?

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16 hours ago, BassNCatz said:

I just binged the whole stormlight archive in one manic push and am starting in on my second run. I have one desire. One boon to beg of the Sanderson Father. Adolin needs to find a way to revive/resurrect his shard blade spren. 

So what’s your one thing?

I agree that Adolin needs to ressurect Maya. I already love her SO MUCH.

As for other things I need, I need Jasnah to NOT be straight.

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On 7/26/2019 at 5:02 PM, BassNCatz said:

I just binged the whole stormlight archive in one manic push and am starting in on my second run. I have one desire. One boon to beg of the Sanderson Father. Adolin needs to find a way to revive/resurrect his shard blade spren. 

So what’s your one thing?

I agree. I want Adolin to revive his Blade, because he would be an Edgedancer, so he would end up going to Lift to learn the Surges, and Lift would be Lift. I can just picture Adolin asking Lift how to use Abrasion, and Lift saying something like “you make yourself Awesome and then Slick yourself real good.”

Edited by Ethan_Sedai
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On 7/27/2019 at 1:41 PM, Ethan_Sedai said:

I agree. I want Adolin to revive his Blade, because he would be an Edgedancer, so he would end up going to Lift to learn the Surges, and Lift would be Lift. I can just picture Adolin sassing Lift hoe to use Abrasion, and Lift saying something like “you make yourself Awesome and then Slick yourself real good.”

I expect they'll get along, though I do expect some sass, because Lift will always be herself and Adolin's not above countering with a little sass of his own.

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On 7/27/2019 at 3:23 AM, TheFoxQR said:

A Lightsaber fabriel. There is even an equivalent to Khyber Crystals - the gems. The Surge of Illumination should theoretically be able to make lasers.

Since Radiants can summon their spren in any shape they want, and since gemstones can stick to Shardblades and be summoned-unsummoned with them, this could also be achieved by Knight orders with access Illumination.

I apologies for being a star wars fan in advance but Lightsabers are not actually lasers.  They are a contained beam of ionized plasma.  I have no idea which surge you would use to make one.

15 minutes ago, BookishOcelot said:

The series to be completed. 


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On 7/29/2019 at 0:34 AM, CrazyRioter said:

I expect they'll get along, though I do expect some sass, because Lift will always be herself and Adolin's not above countering with a little sass of his own.

Yes. This. We need the Lift teaching Adolin scenes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/27/2019 at 1:42 PM, earthexile said:

I would love to see what an extremely powerful and experienced Awakener can do on a Rosharan diet of Investiture.

Apropos of nothing, since Shardblades used to be alive, does that make them corpses that can be Awakened?

Unlikely. Spren are, in fact, functionally immortal. Adolin's deadeye may seem dead but even before it was beginning to return to life, it was able to walk around freely through Shadesmar and when Syl was killed by Kaladin she explicitly said that a spren is only as dead as its Knight's oath. That's why the Knights can still hear screaming when they touch the Shardblades. It's less "death" and more "lobotomy". The only spren killed so far is one that was tormenting Gavinor in Kholinar and as far as I remember it did not leave a corpse that could be awakened. 

I'm much more interested in what an awakened object would look like in Shadesmar (especially Nightblood, seeing how he's basically a fake-spren) 

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On 7/27/2019 at 10:32 AM, CrazyRioter said:


As for other things I need, I need Jasnah to NOT be straight.

Well, Shallan is Bi according to Brandon and one of Bridge 4 is gay (Drehy?). So we know Brandon is willing to write LGBTQ characters. I've seen speculation that Jasnah could be ace but I don't think we have enough evidence to say that with confidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Vindo said:

A scene where Lirin and Jasnah play Angel/Devil on the shoulder for Kaladin, making him crazy. 


Maybe not my one thing, but I'd love to see this play out with Szeth, his spren, and Nightblood.

NB: Destroy him! Destroy evil!

Spren: We don't have the statutory papers signed.

NB: But look at him, he's hurting people. That's evil.

Spren: That would be breaking the law, which is also evil.

NB: Shashara taught me to recognize evil, we should kill him.

Szeth: Let's go find Dalinar...

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I really would like the front five to end in an abrupt and confusing note, leaving us wondering what happened after that during the long timeskip, both in world and in real life.

Also, I would like something to happen between Kaladin and Laral.

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Hoid leading a procession of a hundred chasmfiends marching in unison and singing an ode to his magnificence.

50 minutes ago, Elwynn said:

Maybe not my one thing, but I'd love to see this play out with Szeth, his spren, and Nightblood.

NB: Destroy him! Destroy evil!

Spren: We don't have the statutory papers signed.

NB: But look at him, he's hurting people. That's evil.

Spren: That would be breaking the law, which is also evil.

NB: Shashara taught me to recognize evil, we should kill him.

Szeth: Let's go find Dalinar...

I love it! And I think we can all agree that more Szeth/Nightblood interactions are something we all need.

How's this for another possible great Szeth line, which could be my Second Thing: He gets asked for a third time the 'What are you?' question by someone who's terrified and this time he answers: I am the Law!

13 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

I really would like the front five to end in an abrupt and confusing note, leaving us wondering what happened after that during the long timeskip, both in world and in real life.

I'd bet money on this being more or less what happens (like a Sanderson Avalanche squared), but I don't think anyone will take that bet xD

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4 minutes ago, Weltall said:

How's this for another possible great Szeth line, which could be my Second Thing: He gets asked for a third time the 'What are you?' question by someone who's terrified and this time he answers: I am the Law!

That would positively fill them with Dredd. :lol:

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On 7/27/2019 at 0:23 AM, TheFoxQR said:

A Lightsaber fabriel. There is even an equivalent to Khyber Crystals - the gems. The Surge of Illumination should theoretically be able to make lasers.

Since Radiants can summon their spren in any shape they want, and since gemstones can stick to Shardblades and be summoned-unsummoned with them, this could also be achieved by Knight orders with access Illumination.

I've actually theorized this before, and I didn't even think about the bit i bolded... you're totally right. Maybe not too important for the initial, purely-fabrial edition, but certainly as a KR adaptation... In fact, there's some thematic evidence for this, in colors.

Blue: Honor's color

Green: Cultivation's color

Red: Odium's color (well, sorta, specifically as he's corrupting the investiture of honor and cultivation, much like darksiders corrupt kyber crystals to use for red lightsabers).

So orders closer to Honor would probably use blue, and closer to Cultivation would use green. And that would mean Renarin would get a purple lightsaber because he's halfway between honor and odium :D hell yeah.

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On 7/27/2019 at 4:42 AM, earthexile said:

Apropos of nothing, since Shardblades used to be alive, does that make them corpses that can be Awakened?

Neither shardblades nor shardplate can be Awakened because from the perspective of the magic, they already are.

On 7/29/2019 at 10:27 AM, Karger said:

Lightsabers are not actually lasers.  They are a contained beam of ionized plasma.  I have no idea which surge you would use to make one.

The containment effect could probably be done with Gravitation but I'm not sure how you'd generate plasma with the Surges short of Transformation and fabrial-based Soulcasting is more limited in what it can do. Hmmm... some kind of localized Division field that breaks down whatever it touches at the molecular level would produce a similar effect if you could make that work.

Or if you want to go away from a plasma blade we actually know of a Surge that could produce something roughly equivalent: Take a monomolecular wire (which a Radiant should be able to make with Soulcasting) and use Tension to make it perfectly straight and rigid and you basically have one of Larry Niven's variable swords, or the 'Laser Rapier' from the original System Shock for anyone who remembers that game. Anyone? Wouldn't be all that good for stabbing but it could slice things up pretty nicely.

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17 minutes ago, Weltall said:

The containment effect could probably be done with Gravitation but I'm not sure how you'd generate plasma with the Surges short of Transformation and fabrial-based Soulcasting is more limited in what it can do. Hmmm... some kind of localized Division field that breaks down whatever it touches at the molecular level would produce a similar effect if you could make that work.

You would not get the deflection of blaster bolts(the thing that makes lightsabers significantly better then vibroblades).

17 minutes ago, Weltall said:

Or if you want to go away from a plasma blade we actually know of a Surge that could produce something roughly equivalent: Take a monomolecular wire (which a Radiant should be able to make with Soulcasting) and use Tension to make it perfectly straight and rigid and you basically have one of Larry Niven's variable swords, or the 'Laser Rapier' from the original System Shock for anyone who remembers that game. Anyone? Wouldn't be all that good for stabbing but it could slice things up pretty nicely.

Same problem.

For most things all you realy need in star wars is an energy field(surge of division basically).  The better and more useful effects are part of a different system sorry.

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If the surge of illumination is the ability to make photons, then technically, wouldn't it technically be able to make magnetic fields? photons are vibrations in the electromagnetic field after all, so is there anything stopping that if the Radiant knows the correlation between photons and magnetism?


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