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John and Alyssa were to involved with the figure beneath them to notice what Ryan said.

I am Light Magic, A very tired feminine voice said in everyone's head. I am the reason you're, you're...It trailed off, before returning with a bit more strength. I'm the reason you are here.

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John ignored Ryan's question, he was about to repeat himself when he heard a voice. It seemed to come from all directions at once and at the same time it was like it wasn't there at all. It said something quite noteworthy.

"You?" Ryan asked, not even sure if speaking out loud would accomplish anything given that he couldn't even see the other person talking. Was it the... humanoid... below them?

"You brought us here? But I thought..." he trailed off, looking at John, then shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Why then? What do you want from us?"

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I want... I want... Freedom. To walk... And to live... Ask John to tell you... At this the mental voice grew quiet. Ask him to tell you who he was, who he is. From that you will know what you need to do.

The voice echoed in their heads, showing no emotion at all, except to Ryan, who she believed was her servant as much as the Gáthen were. 

She never considered that she might be wrong.

Edited by John Flamesinger
Posted before I was ready.
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Cheh has stayed silent up to now. But now, it seemed he had to oblige the woman, being, whatever she was.

“Who... who are you?” He asked John. “This Light-Magic woman seems to care a lot about you, you know a lot, you brought all of us here... we’ve been chased every inch of our little adventure. Surely you’re more important than you want to let on?”

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John slowly turned to face them. "I was a rebel," he admitted. "Fighting against what I saw as oppression from the Orders. Finally I was forgotten, as we call it. Told to leave society and never return. My name was John Magiccaller then."

Alyssa spoke up. "He was more than a rebel; he was a leader. He damaged our government more than the Teirath ever could. It was a hard, but I convinced the Council to forget him."

John looked Failen in the eye, choosing a person at random. "I ended up in the center of the Universe. How I got past the Gáthen to get there, I'll never remember. For that night, I was visited by a dead person. Flamesinger. The first Gáthen to ever die. He was... I was there when Corielatha fell to the ground. When we lost most of our power. We've declined ever since."

"I was sitting in a desolate street in a human city when I noticed a fire. Overcome with curiosity, I walked over to it, and it burned me. I woke in a human hospital. They had no idea what to do with me; they had only level seven to eight technology. When I got out of bed, I had to kill them all." He turned to Jessy, a single tear falling from his eye and hitting the floor. "After that I looked at myself. I was covered in fire. I was Flamesinger, and Flamsinger was me. When a Gáthen patrol found me, they brought me home. I took my place among the council." He backed up against the railing sharply. "Why did you want to know?" He asked, confusion going through his voice.

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Failen nodded. "And how did he die? Tell us who he was... a person is more than their title, and more than their position. If I say my grandmother is the fairy queen, and that she is solitary in ruling the fae court, you have learned nothing about her. If I tell you she loves daisies, her greatest accomplishments were when she fought back the demons with her husband and trapped them in an eternal prison in order to save not only her people, but every magical race, and that her greatest loss was when her husband was taken captive during that campaign, and that she is a mother of dozens of children whom she loves more dearly than her own life... you now know much more about her. Tell us about who he was... not just his positions." He looked at John, hopeful. He really had an almost unearthly look about him sometimes- right now, this close to Light, his unicorn traits were more obvious than they normally were, making him look inhuman and almost ethereal, and far more innocent than normal. 

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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A person more than their title? But that's how they are defined. "He was... Flamesinger. He was one of the first Gáthen to fly on an inter dimensional ship, which he created. A warrior, a diplomat, and everything in between. He was Flamesinger."

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Failen thought for a moment. "I... I think most of us, the non-Gathen, come from worlds where we've never even heard of your kind. Worlds where names don't tell you who a person was, what they loved, what drives them. Knowing that he was is wonderful, but... what were his goals? What motivated him? What was his family like? Why did he die? What were his beliefs? What were his greatest fears and what were his morals? The title 'Flamesinger' doesn't tell us these things... All it tells us are words that hold deep meaning to you, but not to us. What were his greatest, most unlikely goals in life? What was he planning to do before he died? And how did he die?" He tried to explain, he tried his best- he just worried that that still wouldn't be enough to get through to the man... He hadn't recovered enough of his light magic to use telepathy, but he was regaining it far faster than before, so close to Light.

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The man had many names, some of which he wished he didn’t. Some of them were things he’d called himself, others were names given to him by his followers, or by his enemies. The man remembered them all, at least the ones that he’d heard or been told of. Names were important, in the man’s mind at least, for they were the keystone around which the very fiber of one’s being was built. One’s names were shaped by them and they were shaped by their names. 

The man’s mouth quirked in a smile, his current title was one of his choosing. It was a term from a time and place now forgotten to most beings, but the man himself remembered some of it, if only to come up with thematic titles for himself. The man stood up. Enough of relaxing, and reminiscing on long-forgotten languages. More than ever, events were requiring his direct action, something which hadn’t occurred in a long, long time. 

The man set his face, preparing for what was to come, and summoned his power, the spirit which granted him such power, the thing which all Stands were born from. It appeared behind him, looking like a hole in the world with the shape of a crude, humanlike figure. The hole was filled with a slightly red-tinged darkness, with bluish-white sparks trailing through it. Most mortals would go mad after looking at the figure for more than a minute. The man had seen it happen, and only Algai an Mikra could heal the madness. That was its name, in the same tongue as his own. He commanded the figure to move, and it did, slapping its arms together and slashing them down. As it moved, reddish light trailed after it, dissipating after a moment. The slashing motion opened a rift in the world, looking similar to his Stand, though they were about as different as two things could be. With a smile, the man stepped through the widening rift, mentally commanding Algai an Mirka to close it after him. 

He now stood on nothing, or maybe floated. It was hard to tell, and the man didn’t care anyway. He checked his watch, humming to himself. He wished he’d brought his pipe, just to have something to do, but what was passed was passed, most of the time, at least. 

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John ground his teeth frustrated. He had been... He was Flamesinger. What else was there to him?

"He was motivated by the thought that we, the Gáthen, are here to watch humanity in this universe. The next, they will watch and guide another species. He didn't remember his family. He died with a knife to the chest, assassinated in the middle of battle." He thought some more. "His greatest goal was to fly side by side with humanity, to explore the stars."


Edited by John Flamesinger
Why not?
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On November 24, 2019 at 5:10 PM, Ookla the Stand User said:

The man had many names, some of which he wished he didn’t. Some of them were things he’d called himself, others were names given to him by his followers, or by his enemies. The man remembered them all, at least the ones that he’d heard or been told of. Names were important, in the man’s mind at least, for they were the keystone around which the very fiber of one’s being was built. One’s names were shaped by them and they were shaped by their names. 

The man’s mouth quirked in a smile, his current title was one of his choosing. It was a term from a time and place now forgotten to most beings, but the man himself remembered some of it, if only to come up with thematic titles for himself. The man stood up. Enough of relaxing, and reminiscing on long-forgotten languages. More than ever, events were requiring his direct action, something which hadn’t occurred in a long, long time. 

The man set his face, preparing for what was to come, and summoned his power, the spirit which granted him such power, the thing which all Stands were born from. It appeared behind him, looking like a hole in the world with the shape of a crude, humanlike figure. The hole was filled with a slightly red-tinged darkness, with bluish-white sparks trailing through it. Most mortals would go mad after looking at the figure for more than a minute. The man had seen it happen, and only Algai an Mikra could heal the madness. That was its name, in the same tongue as his own. He commanded the figure to move, and it did, slapping its arms together and slashing them down. As it moved, reddish light trailed after it, dissipating after a moment. The slashing motion opened a rift in the world, looking similar to his Stand, though they were about as different as two things could be. With a smile, the man stepped through the widening rift, mentally commanding Algai an Mirka to close it after him. 

He now stood on nothing, or maybe floated. It was hard to tell, and the man didn’t care anyway. He checked his watch, humming to himself. He wished he’d brought his pipe, just to have something to do, but what was passed was passed, most of the time, at least. 

In the darkness, something watched. The thing that had scared beings for billion of years. It was the Dark itself. It wrapped around the Magic, binding it with something far more primal, untamed, something more powerful.

You have something of mine, Magic.

@Ookla the Stand User

Edited by OOKLA the Tenno.
Forgot Mention.
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The man sighed, shaking his head with a rueful grin. "You know, people always mistake me for what I'm not." he began, wishing he had somewhere to sit, "I'm not a Magic, I never was. I'm just an ordinary man. Well, 'ordinary' is a bad term maybe, for one like me. Now, if you'll release me, we can talk like civilized beings. You seem to think I've got something that you believe belongs to you. Well, I assure you, everything I have is rightfully mine." 

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"I'm not dead yet." The man said, sitting back, a chair appearing behind him as he sat. With a wave, he summoned his pipe from where he'd left it. It was heavily carved and lacquered with many colors. The pipe was suddenly lit, smoke rising from the bowl as the man puffed on it a couple times. 

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The avatar sat down, a very simple chair appearing behind him.

What I seek is a simple action. Currently, several of your people are interacting with... Gáthen. Could you perhaps have one of them, accidently, turn off the sensors? You, and they, would be rewarded. And don't say you have everything you want. No one does.

@Ookla the Stand User

Edited by OOKLA the Tenno.
I just realized you named your Ookla after your Magic.
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"Now, that's where you're wrong. I don't want for anything." The man blew a ring of smoke before continuing, "That assumption is likely a result of your nature, being a being of very literal darkness. My own nature is somewhat different, as I’m not an actual Magic, just a man. I like to think this allows me a somewhat more unbiased view of the Universe, but perhaps I’m wrong.” The man stopped himself, smiling wryly, “But enough of that. Why don’t we speculate on why, exactly, you’d need my people to do that. Likely, the Gathen have some kind of device that could detect you, if not totally prevent you from interfering with whatever they’re doing at the moment. And your minions as well, which is why you’d need me to do it.
“Regardless, I will not order my people to do your bidding, because then I would have associated myself with you, which is something I don’t intend to do anytime soon.”

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Very good points. He hated working with people who didn't know what they were doing. 

But it's to late. We sit here now, talking. You've already associated with me. The avatar smiled. In fact, everything that has ever interacted with the dark has associated with me, albeit in a roundabout fashion.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So... every magic exists all at once. Every single one is represented by a kind of god-like... thing, and they're in the middle of a war between light and dark magic, where grey magic is siding with light magic- who is dead, but also not(?), and we are the pawns chosen to decide the fate of the universe, but we also have no idea what is going on. 

... Make sense? :D


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