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According to the Hemalurgy table Lerasium "steals all powers". My read on this is, that since it is Preservation's God Metal it will preserve the powers it steals. So does this mean it ignores the usual rule of "one power per spike"? And if yes could you use a Lerasium spike on a Full Feruchemist to steal all of his powers? (or for that matter a Mistborn, but that would be idiotic) Also would there still be some power loss?

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If it steals all the powers of the person it kills, then I could see a potential use for spiking a Mistborn. While yes, if you consume the Lerasium, you would be a Mistborn without killing someone and a powerful one at that. However, if you had access to enough Lerasium, I could see consuming some and making a spike to be used on yourself and you could very precisely leave most of your powers to your children and future descendants. If you just consume it, they will randomly become mistings, mistborn, or neither. But if you leave a spike and know how to prevent it from leaking to much before getting it to the new bearer, you could choose who gets to be Mistborn instead of leaving it to random chance. 


I hope that it steals all the powers instead of preserving the one that it does steal and prevents loss of power. If Lerasium only steals one power, unless you really need that power and it's not Allomantic, I don't see it being useful in Hemalurgy and think 9/10 times it would be better to burn the Lerasium instead of using it as a spike. 

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20 minutes ago, Harrycrapper said:

If it steals all the powers of the person it kills, then I could see a potential use for spiking a Mistborn. While yes, if you consume the Lerasium, you would be a Mistborn without killing someone and a powerful one at that. However, if you had access to enough Lerasium, I could see consuming some and making a spike to be used on yourself and you could very precisely leave most of your powers to your children and future descendants. If you just consume it, they will randomly become mistings, mistborn, or neither. But if you leave a spike and know how to prevent it from leaking to much before getting it to the new bearer, you could choose who gets to be Mistborn instead of leaving it to random chance. 


I hope that it steals all the powers instead of preserving the one that it does steal and prevents loss of power. If Lerasium only steals one power, unless you really need that power and it's not Allomantic, I don't see it being useful in Hemalurgy and think 9/10 times it would be better to burn the Lerasium instead of using it as a spike. 

I'm pretty sure Brandon has said that he has no idea why anyone would make a Lerasium spike. Which baffles me

Edited by Etherealness
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20 hours ago, Etherealness said:

I'm pretty sure Brandon has said that he has no idea why anyone would make a Lerasium spike. Which baffles me

It does somewhat make sense when you think about Atium's place in Allomancy. You can technically make the same point for burning Atium opposed to using it as a spike. It's really not that useful to burn unless you have other combat related powers to combine with it, or you're facing something/someone without Shard based powers. It's value was mostly based on the quick burn rate and relative scarcity. It's only known alloy, while useful to the plot, is possibly even more useless than it's Allomantic counterpart, gold. So, the god metals are insanely useful in their own magic systems and much less useful in the magic system of their opposite, but they can and do serve a purpose. 

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And lerasium spikes should actually break down fairly quickly if used for Hemalurgy. You’re technically using Preservation to store Ruin’s power and that doesn’t seem like it would last long... It’s the same sort of thing that happens when burning Atium; you use Preservation’s power to access Ruin. Atium spikes, however, take a long time to degrade.

Lerasium as a metalmind is what I really want to know. Also, how accurate are those charts? I don’t think anyone in-world has made a Lerasium spike...

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On 6/20/2019 at 0:20 AM, Harrycrapper said:

If it steals all the powers of the person it kills, then I could see a potential use for spiking a Mistborn. While yes, if you consume the Lerasium, you would be a Mistborn without killing someone and a powerful one at that. However, if you had access to enough Lerasium, I could see consuming some and making a spike to be used on yourself and you could very precisely leave most of your powers to your children and future descendants.

Given that mistings are not original in the final empire, we can be pretty sure that, for a few generations at least, mistborn of the first generation breed true.



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It is possible that a lerasium spike just steals the entire soul, which might explain why Brandon said that no one would really want a lerasium spike: they would be sharing their head with the person they killed to get the abilities they gained. 

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Just now, Ethan_Sedai said:

It is possible that a lerasium spike just steals the entire soul, which might explain why Brandon said that no one would really want a lerasium spike: they would be sharing their head with the person they killed to get the abilities they gained. 

Not exactly but like the following


Lews Therin and Rand

situation? Spoiler tagged since we aren't in the WoT thread,

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Have any of you guys seen the Hemalurgy chart yet? It is indeed true that, according to Brandon, a Lerasium spike steals everything (for a given value of everything) while atium spikes only steal one attribute with very little loss of charge. In a way it's like a universal spike which makes sense since it's like the foundation metal for the magic system.

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It seems wrong for Preservation's metal to be better in Hemalurgy than Ruin's. So yeah, there's got to be some disadvantage, like getting the whole soul or enough of it to wreck your personality.

Or... hmmm... maybe the wording "Steals any power" vs "Steals all abilities" is significant. Maybe Atium spikes steal any Metallic Arts power (or potentially other magic systems' equivalents once non-Scadrian systems become involved) while Lerasium spikes steal all human attributes? That would be powerful, but probably mess up the recipient really badly, given that human-attribute spikes seem to be more warping.

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5 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

It seems wrong for Preservation's metal to be better in Hemalurgy than Ruin's. So yeah, there's got to be some disadvantage, like getting the whole soul or enough of it to wreck your personality.

Or... hmmm... maybe the wording "Steals any power" vs "Steals all abilities" is significant. Maybe Atium spikes steal any Metallic Arts power (or potentially other magic systems' equivalents once non-Scadrian systems become involved) while Lerasium spikes steal all human attributes? That would be powerful, but probably mess up the recipient really badly, given that human-attribute spikes seem to be more warping.

That was my interpretation. I figure Atium can steal any (single) form of Investiture, which likely includes metallic arts as well as all the off-world options we've heard about. Meanwhile Lerasium "Steal[ing] all Abilities" means that it would steal Strength, and Senses, and Fortitude and Memories, but grab some amount of all of them.  But if that list includes Memory, Fortune, Identity, etc then you may well be talking about a spike that imparts of forced Possession, giving you a second Self.  Sounds suspiciously like a Nahel Bond to a Cognitive Shadow created by the spike's victim.  


Any thoughts one what Atium's "Must Be Refined" could mean?

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