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The Newcago Court


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Delightful considered offering Voidus a serviette (napkin) for the inescapable messines of his taco, then decided against it, as she had no serviettes, was running for her life, and didn't even know where Voidus was. She was hungry however, and wished she could have a delicious nutritious Newcago snowcone. Instead she kept running, because her life was in danger.


Ok, I'm out for a while as well. I've forgotten how much fun this is.

Edited by Delightful
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Winter was running when she collapsed, slipping to the ground. It was a spectacular collapse, but a fall none the less. Winter saw a creature with orange and black skin out of the corner of her eyes. Winter tried to pull herself up, but the creature was faster. Winter snarled her defiance, but the creature had a strange red lightning flashing around it. Winter felt she didn't want to touch that. She tried crawling away. One of her spikes flashed red when a lightning hit it, traveling up into Winter's body. Her vision turned red and Winter blacked out.

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Queen Elsa knocked on the door of the room where the Duchess was unconscious. Slowly and cautiously, she opened the door and looked at her with worry, before placing the copy of Way Of Kings on the bedside table.

"I'm sorry what Fang did to you, Duchess."

She turned and exited the room, to sort out the castle. She was going to bring it down and build a more magnificent one. Twice as big.

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Brightness Random blinked her eyes open in the darkness. Where on Roshar was she this time?


She found herself in a bed in a dark room. Wonderful, that told her nothing. Waking up in unfamiliar rooms was something she was had grown accustomed to, so she wasn't feeling particularly alarmed, but she couldn't remember which city she was in today. Glancing out the window, she realized it was still night out. Her eyes felt heavy. I'll figure all this out in the morning, she decided with a yawn. As she lay back down, something on the table beside her bed caught her attention. A huge book. That was odd.


She shut her eyes in exhaustion. ​Is calligraphy tomorrow? she wondered, I could've sworn I just got that assignment yesterday... I should probably get up early to get it all written out, just to be sure...


Rolling over, she went back to sleep.

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The Queen walked outside, and looked up at the gigantic ice castle. "Is EVERYONE outside now?"

She lifted her hands and brought them down slowly. The sound of cracking glass echoed through the foundations of the castle. The castle soon was reduced to a pile of ice.

Queen Elsa stared at the pile of ice for a few moments before beginning the construction of the new one.

The Queen stamped her foot into the ground with a massive stamp and a large snowflake began to form and she turned and began to lift her hands up, eight levels of beautiful towers made of ice and steel. The Newcagoan flags hung from the highest tower. A drawbridge was created and the finishing touches were created.

Queen Elsa created an ice cloud and flew up to the balcony.

"Today!" She yelled to the crowds below. "Newcago Lives!"
The crowd erupted into cheers.

Then, she flew back down to properly reunite with Delightful, before collapsing into her sister's arms

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Queen Elsa walked back into the castle to check that everything was okay, where she heard crunching sounds coming from the foyer.

"Voidus? You're still in here?"


She stared at the seven lots of taco crumbs sitting on his lap.

"You look like you enjoyed some tacos. How did you not get crushed by the ice?"

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Cheese stared at the new castle in awe. "That kind of power... What I could do with that. I'd be the the king of the world!" This sentence was met with blank stares from the Newcagoans. Had he said that aloud? "I-I mean um" he stuttered. " I could give peas to the world.... Of orphans" he finished lamely. Then he flew away, becuase it was super akward.

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Ha! Sorry for misleading you guys, but that comment about caligraphy was a lie built of truths.

Brightness Random, as a proper Vorrin woman, would definitley have a caligraphy class. I've only ever done caligraphy for my art class. However, I did have an AP biology assignment due this morning that I had to get up extra early to finish. So what she said was kind of true, but the statment was more to imply that Brightness Random had forgotten she was in Newcago instead of Roshar. She assumed the copy of Way of Kings was a textbook of some sort because that was what she was used to.

Sorry again for any confusion! (I think I'm getting a little too into role playing here :P )

Edited by Brightness Random
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I suppose I will. :D


I'll be switching between this and homework, but I think that will be fine. ;)


Brightness Random woke slowly to sunlight peeking in through the window. What...? she wondered, time to be awake already? Oh, storms-  she lept out of bed. "I'm going to be late to my lesson again!" she complained to no one in particular. "Mistress will not be pleased with me."


"...And I apparently slept in my clothes," she noted, grabbing a hairbrush from the room's dresser. With a sigh, she began brushing out the knots in her golden brown hair. "Well, all the better, I suppose. Less time to waste getting dressed!"


Within a few minutes, she was ready to leave. Halfway out the door, she suddenly retreated back into her room, shutting the door behind her. "Glove! Ah, how could I forget my glove?!" she exclaimed. The Vorrin custom still seemed strange to her even after all these months, but the asymmetric style of the blouses here did appeal to her. "Glove, glove... now where did I put that?" Pulling open dresser drawers, she quickly located a supply of gloves.


This time as she barreled out the door, she didn't turn around. Though she did attempt to tug on her glove while rushing down the hall. Rushing down the corridor at a rather un-ladylike speed, she frantically tried to remember the layout of the building. She had never been good with navigation, but all the traveling she had been doing lately had thrown her off more than usual. No time to get to know places, as she was in one door and out the other.


Finally, she reached a tall pair of doors. Not a moment to soon! she thought, throwing them open. "Mistress," she called, dashing in, "I'm sorry I'm so late, but I-"


She froze. This wasn't the library, but a grandly decorated ballroom. What? she wondered.


Poor, poor Brightness Random. It seems she's forgotten that she's in Newcago, not studying in Alethkar. :P

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