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The creatures still inside ignored those fleeing. Instead, the Executor smashed in one of the windows with its sword, the two Barghests and the Executor jumping out through it. They all rushed towards the marine, ignoring anything else. The Barghests went in front, mostly because of their higher speed, while the Executor came moving in behind them, blade ready.


Karin arrived into the shadow of the alley just to see the people running from the emergency exit, including what appeared to be a moving rope? She shook her head, wondering if she should take care of them right here and now. It would save them a lot of trouble, but there was still her original to think about. Then again, given the situation in which he showed up he might just come to her anyway if she did so.



So, Scholar's Guild folks can decide if they want Karin to try and capture them or if they just successfully flee.


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On 10/16/2020 at 11:02 AM, eltruT said:

Everest nodded, sighing. It was what she'd expected. "Do you have any special powers? I don't, just a broken fabrial and a light line."

@AmazingGoob @Kings_way @Rushu42@kenod @Negative_Null 

"I'm a Rithmatist," pipes up the older man. He glances backwards and seems relieved that the monsters are retreating.

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5 minutes ago, AmazingGoob said:

"I'm a Rithmatist," pipes up the older man. He glances backwards and seems relieved that the monsters are retreating.

"Which means? I didn't have time to study the Reckonersverse and the United Isles, so I wouldn't know much about that." Everest continued sliding forwards until she reached a fork in the hallway.


Time to try and cram another book series!


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1 minute ago, eltruT said:

"Which means? I didn't have time to study the Reckonersverse and the United Isles, so I wouldn't know much about that." Everest continued sliding forwards until she reached a fork in the hallway.


Sadly, Rithmatist has had no sequel and therefore doesn't count as a series. :(

"It means I can draw with chalk on the ground and it does things. Is that a good enough explanation?"

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Sorry that I've taken a while to respond to this. I don't know how having Aln on the loose with her memories would affect your plans, so you're welcome to either capture her or not.

Aln sprinted through the back door, inhaled stormlight fueling the flight. A quick glance behind revealed that her only pursuers were members of the guild - and her heart twisted when she realized that the creatures were therefore targeting the Guild itself. You can't just abandon your library! cried a voice within her mind. That's your life's work. What else do you have if you leave? With a shock, she realized that this opinion was based off of the fake memories in her head. I can't trust my own mind, she realized, and that thought scared her more than the monsters behind her.

The adrenaline and stormlight in her system overpowered the rising disorientation, though, and she continued running toward the street as fast as she could, not daring to spare another glance behind.


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Wouldn't really affect my plans, I guess? It would depend on if she can actually capture them, of course. It also depends on how much we want to advance this plot in general, since I'm not sure if we want to advance Fatebreaker's plot first or the Anarchy one.


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12 hours ago, kenod said:

Wouldn't really affect my plans, I guess? It would depend on if she can actually capture them, of course. It also depends on how much we want to advance this plot in general, since I'm not sure if we want to advance Fatebreaker's plot first or the Anarchy one.


You should be able to capture Aln without too much difficulty. She has Stormlight, but otherwise absolutely 0 fighting ability. I think Fatebreaker just came back in the chat thread - has that changed how you're advancing the plot?


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7 hours ago, kenod said:

Not sure, that's kind of the issue. Also, Aln isn't the only target anymore, the rest of the guild is just as important, now that they know what's going on.


Fair point. They don't know much; I wasn't sure how much leave I had to let Aln figure things out. If she runs free, she'd probably start to put the pieces together, but I can hold off on that if it's inconvenient.

Alternatively, we can delay here until you figure out the plot, and make the decision later.


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As the humans got out of the building and ran down the street, Alvyer slipped behind them and went the other way, clutching the book on Allomancy. He hadn't gotten everything he wanted but that definitely wasn't worth the trouble humans brought with them. Maybe he could come back later.

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On 10/25/2020 at 4:01 PM, kenod said:

Hmm, maybe just have Karin put a tracker on Aln, and maybe the others as well? That way we can continue that bit later, when stuff is figured out.



Sounds good. You can say that they stuck something on her when she ran past, and that way we can continue the story beyond this scene. How much leave do I have to figure this out, by the way? Aln's an expert scholar and genius, and she's going to devote her energy to figuring out what's happening to her, so I'd expect that she puts things together. However, I don't want to do anything that ruins the planned plot.

Aln's stormlight ran out, and she stumbled by the mouth of an alley. I have to find Trent, she told herself, trying to regain her former desperate sprint. We can stop and analyze this logically, and he can verify the true memories, and then we can go back to the guild... She froze in place a couple streets away from the guild, earning confused looks from the other pedestrians. She didn't remember the way to Trent's house.

Aln spun in place, searching for some visual clue to return her brain to its natural state, but there was nothing. All she could remember was the name of a small devotionary on Roshar where Trent had decided to pursue his studies of fabrials. No, where he hadn't. The memories were a lie...weren't they?

Aln started running again, this time heedless of a direction, just letting her feet fall automatically as she retreated into her own mind. She had to figure out what was happening.

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Karin groaned. trying to decide as the woman started to near the alley she was hiding in. Finally she just pulled something out of her pocket, a small black bug, and tossed into her direction, where, if it'd hit, it would try to attach itself to the clothing, leaving behind a special chemical trail. Not something humans could smell, but if you could somehow modify your nose...

She turned around, walking in the direction of her actual target. She suspected he would have dispatched the other creatures by now anyway.

@Grey Knight

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Lepidus rammed his knife into the Executor's head.

The meter-long length of steel cracked the thing's face armor, cutting into the soft flesh beneath. The beast went limp, its body no longer receiving nerve signals from its pulverized brain, and Lepidus let it slide off the blade before sheathing it. His mind was already moving on.

The vermin he'd killed were small bio-forms. The Dark Alley only sent those to hunt down fugitives or non-threatening Anomalies. Which meant that the people with memories were somewhere nearby. He had to find them before the bigger, more lethal combat forms hunted them down.

Picking up his bolter from the ground, Lepidus set off through the alleys.


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Um, how does Lepidus know about that? Since it's the first time Ayltiha has spotted him? Are we saying she missed some people or that he just observed? Also, it's not the DA hunting them down (though I guess the misconception could work?), the DA has no clue Aylitha still exist, she's just some mythological figure to them.


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Alright, sounds good.

Karin walked to the place Lepidus killed the monsters, ignoring the corpses that were starting to slowly disintegrate. Instead she turned towards the alleys, following the armoured marine.

"Hello there," she greeted him once they were far enough into the alleys. "Could we talk for a bit?" She asked, looking and sounding remarkably calm. Of course, being able to just move to a new body if killed probably helped quite a lot with that.

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  • 1 year later...

A large blue skinned figure with a face like granite steps through the entryway. ,he states that his name is roul and turns to the room. "This place is not much like the cosmere" he says in a deep gravely voice. I wish to join and study. The scholarly koloss says to nobody in particular

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21 minutes ago, HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES said:

A large blue skinned figure with a face like granite steps through the entryway. ,he states that his name is roul and turns to the room. "This place is not much like the cosmere" he says in a deep gravely voice. I wish to join and study. The scholarly koloss says to nobody in particular


Hello! It’s awesome you want to jump in to RP and we are really glad you’re here! But your character does need to be approved before you can start to RP them :] Just so you know


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