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Presidential Election  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be President?

    • I think I am here.
    • AonEne (current President)

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Another Message from Future Meta (circa the proposal of the Unification Law): Hi, everyone! It appears activity on this has picked up again, without any prompting from me.

The game state has changed rather significantly since then. It’s now an RP. I shouldn’t be surprised. 

If you post for the first time, and then don’t post for 24 hours or 3 pages, you become a Wandering Merchant. That means you can set up quests for people, and you get to be in a Guild.

If you’d like to be in the RP, post your sheet in the thread. The current President, Ene, will add it to the list.

Message from Future Meta (circa the passing of the Maybe Rule): Hello, prospective players! 

One of the side effects of the rules of Nomic (which you can read below the horizontal bar - highly recommended) is that the game quickly sprawls out of control. This has happened. I’m here to answer a few questions, and generally make it easier to join the game.

Q: Do I need to understand all the rules?

Heh. No. In fact, rule infractions are frequent, and nobody really understands all the rules apart from a select few. If you understand the basics, you will get by.

Q: What are the basics?

The currency of the game is Eggs. Getting one million Eggs makes you win. You can get Eggs by challenging people to games or duels, or by passing rules (or asking AonEne nicely). You can lose Eggs and have your actions in a post invalidated by breaking rules in that post.

However, you only lose those Eggs and actions when somebody calls you out on said rule breaking - by saying UNO. You can also call out other people for rule breaking by saying UNO - however, you get nothing from it. Calling UNO is therefore a strategic decision.

Every post must have an animal picture in it. If you vote on stuff, you must also propose a rule.

Q: That sounds complicated!

You don’t need to understand it all. Just vote on the proposals, and challenge some people to games, and you’ll get a sense for what Nomic is like eventually.






Egg Balances and Player Attributes


Existing Rules (ie rules that are in effect):


Section 1: Core Ruleset

  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

Section 2: Winning

4. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points.

Section 3: Rules About Rules

5. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid.

18. The Original Version of the Rule of Honor: That anyone with the ability to modify the posts of others (mods/admins) or make minute, unnoticeable changes to the laws when listing them (Meta or anyone else who does) NOT be allowed to do so - no cheating, people. 

39. The Paradox of Retroactive Rulings: Rules will never retroactively apply to posts made prior to the rule being voted into effect - unless directly stated otherwise in the rule. This applies to Eggs given or taken for certain kinds of posts, as well as rule infractions that would lead to any sort of punishment.

43. (Edit in the Brevity Act.)

50. Discarded Proposal: If any proposal has been left unapproved after a total of 24 hours, and during that time a number of players equal to the number necessary for approving it with a majority vote have been active, that proposal will immediately be dismissed and have to be re-submitted without any votes.

54. The Voidus law of mayhem: People should be able to interpret anything in any logically consistent manner.

62. Ene’s Third Rule: that rules allowing players to automatically win not be allowed for submission.

64. Title Rule: All rules, amendments, and the like must have names.

70. Mac's First rule of organization: For a rule to make it onto the list of rules that can be considered (the waitlist), someone needs to propose it, and another person needs to second it.

71. Mac's Second rule of organization: There is a list of 15 rules that can be voted on at any given moment (the waitlist), regardless of how many rules have been submitted and seconded.

72. Mac's third rule of organization: Rules are divided into categories based on what they cover. Examples could include: Acquisition, Removal, or Transfer of eggs, Fun things (E.X. rule 15). Player rules (like the rule of inactivity). There is no limit to the amount of categories, but people should make an honest effort to try to fit rules into categories.

85. The Rule of Activity. (To be edited in soon.)

Section 4: Posting Guidelines

7. The Unnamed Proposal: just for clarification, voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green.

11. Meta’s Clause: That every post that passes judgement (ie votes for or against) a rule must also propose a new rule. Should a vote be made without also proposing a new rule, then said vote is considered void until an associated rule is proposed.

15. The Act of Animal Inclusion: Every post from here on out must have an image of a dog in it, real or fake, picture or gif, wordless or meme, so long as it's not inappropriate. The Act of Dog Inclusion also allows depictions of cats to fulfill its requirements. Depictions of any animal fulfill its requirements, so long as the poster genuinely appreciates the animal being posted - whether that is in cuteness, silliness, or any other positive feeling.

32. New Rule the First: New proposed rules must rhyme, this rule will last till the end of time.

44. The rule of rules actually meaning something: Any post that violates a rule shall be considered void of all meaning for the purposes of this game, specifically no votes in said post shall be counted, no rules proposed shall be voted upon, no points can be gained, no other rules that would apply any benefit or punishment outside of this rule shall take effect until said post is in accordance with all rules. 

56. Musical Page Proposal: that the first person to post on the tenth, twentieth, thirtieth, and so on (you guys know what I mean, please interpret this seriously - I just don't want to type infinity out) pages of this thread must include a CLEAN music video in their post. If they don't notice they're going to be that post and edit it in a few minutes later, they have not broken this rule.

76. The Rule Lawyering Rule. (This rule states that Rule Lawyering is forbidden - what is defined as Rule Lawyering can be decided on as a case by case basis, with common sense prevailing in this regard. (As a general concept, if passing a rule or making any sort of action requires bending existing rules to a great extent - by introducing alternate definitions or , or is contradicted by the Literal Rule, then it could be called Rules Lawyering.) Any post that is determined to contain Rule Lawyering will be entirely invalidated, under the same conditions as the rule to keep rules meaningful. Using a loophole that is clearly evident is obviously fine.) (This Rule is out of date - contact Meta for the details.)

79. First rule of Idiocy: Each post must include a quote, regardless of form, context, or other defining features.

Section 4: Eggs

  • Definitions and General Rules

8. The Trading Rule: each player starts with 0 points. Players can give points to other players, or - with the agreement of said other player - ‘trade’ something for points. Once both players agree on the terms, the transfer occurs automatically.

12. First Law of Dapper: Points are to be hereafter refered to as eggs.

10. Ene’s Second Rule: I also propose the rule that players must keep track of how many points they have in their signatures, About Mes, titles, or in each of their posts on this thread.

20. The Negative Rule: Any player can have negative points if they have lost more points than they currently have, but a player cannot have more negative points than the total amount of points needed to win.

33. New Rule the Second: Every 10 eggs will be referred to as a "Basket".

84. the Rule of Big Eggs: Once you have gained 100 Eggs, you lose all your Eggs and get one Big Egg. Each Big Egg is worth 100 Eggs.

  • Receiving Eggs

9. Ene’s First Rule: one way for points to be given should be by awarding them to people based on rules of theirs that go into effect, three per rule. 

16. Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage: All those who support this rule shall gain two points for every point that is gained by someone who did not support this rule. (Note from Meta - overruled by Meta's Sanity.)

22. MiToRo's Rule of Forgiveness: Whenever a player has negative points, that player may post an apology - no shorter than 3 full sentences, and unique to each other player - to other players in order to regain 1 point per apology.

23. Reputation Points Rule: For each reputation awarded to a post, that poster gains 10 points. (Overruled by moderator intervention.)

24. Everyone Is A Winner Rule: Any time a proposal - new rule, amendment, removal, or any other rule adjustment - gains unanimous support, the proposer gains 10 points, while the first 2 supporters (after the original proposer) gain 5 points. Unanimous support here means that all players vote in favor of the rule until the rule goes into effect; once the rule would go into effect, future voters who vote against it will not affect the points given by this rule.

34. Participation Eggs: Once per 24 hour period, if a player makes a post and votes on all current proposals as well as submits at least one new proposal, that player gains 25 Eggs.

38. Duel of Awww: Any player may challenge another player to a Duel of Awww, along with a bet amount. The challenger may bet any number of Eggs up to the current total Eggs held by the lesser of the two players; if one or both players has 0 Eggs, the bet is automatically set to 10 Eggs. The Duel of Awww begins once the challenged player accepts the duel in a new post. The public (all other players not participating in the duel) votes on which of the two duelers has the better animal picture - as per rule 15 - based on any arbitrary qualifications they would like. The animal pictures used for the duel will be the ones posted in the challenge post and the acceptance post, and must have both been a picture taken/drawn/created by the respective dueler. Once a majority vote has been reached, the winner gains the bet amount in Eggs and the loser loses the same amount, unless the loser has fewer Eggs - in the case of starting with 0 points - then the loser goes to 0 total Eggs while the winner gains 10 Eggs.

41. The Spikes Rule: Spiking newcomers in the Intro thread gives the spiker 100 points. This rule applies retroactively.

45. The Maybe A Rule So We Can Actually Start Earning Eggs? Rule: At any time, any group of players (at least 2) may compete in any game available to them (whether online or in person, as long as it can be verified). Examples include, but are not limited to, a game of chess, a pokemon battle, a footrace around the world, etc... Upon completion of the game, the winner gains a number of Eggs equal to 100 x the number of other players (i.e. the winner gains 100 Eggs if the game was only between two players), and the losers lose 100 Eggs each, unless a different amount was specified in a challenge post to initiate the game. In the case of a tie, the following occurs: if all players tie for the win, no Eggs are gained or lost; if some but not all participating players tie for the win, each winner gains a number of Eggs equal to 100 x the number of losers / the number of winners, and each loser still loses 100 Eggs.

68. Voidus' Rule of Things: If a player posts the word 'things' in any post (Editing it in does not count) then they are to be awarded 20 Eggs. However if someone quotes said post and says 'and stuff' then the original player loses 10 Eggs, does not gain any Eggs that they would otherwise gain, and the player who quoted them gains 10 Eggs.

87. The Rule of Egg Puns: If someone makes an egg pun that is deemed valid, funny, and relevant by three people besides the poster of said egg pun, that poster will be awarded 46 Eggs.

  • Losing Eggs

21. MiToRo's Rule of Punishment: Any post that breaks a rule that has been in effect for longer than 15 minutes - to give time for those who have simply not refreshed their page - shall cause that poster to lose 10 points.

35. Non-Participation Eggs: In any 24 hour period, if any player makes more than one post that does not include votes on all current proposals, that player loses 25 Eggs per post after their first without necessary votes.

Section 5: Coolness Levels

13. Second Law of Dapper: Every ten Eggs you get your Coolness Level goes up by one.

14. Third Law of Dapper: Each Coolness Level make you cooler.

Section 6: General Rules

17. Voidus' Rule of Potential Karmic Retribution: Should a player propose a rule to change the name of 'points', that player is to be referred to by the name they suggest changing points to, until such a time as the rule is adopted.

19. The Rule for Meta’s Sanity: that Voidus be unable to edit posts in the thread for his own benefit, under threat of immediately losing the game; and that Rule 16 shall be considered irrevocably immoral and unimplementable, from now and in perpetuity, and that should it be passed Voidus will immediately lose the game.

28. The Act that Concerns the Frequency of Turns (or ACFT): as stated by the Main Idea, you may only create new rules or amendments on your turn. You may only take a turn if two other people have taken their turn between now and your most previous turn, or if you have not taken your turn in over 24 hours. You do not have to propose a rule on your turn (unless otherwise indicated, eg by Meta’s Clause).

30. The Rule that Says You’ve Lost the Game (or RSYLG): every player must lose the Game at least once every ten turns. Other players are morally obligated to remind players when this requirement due. To announce the fact that you have lost the Game, say in a post during which you have taken your turn, “I have lost the Game.”

Section 7: UNO!

25. The UNO Rule. If at any time, a post violates the rules, someone must point it out by quoting the post and saying ‘UNO!’ in order to implement any Egg changes or changes in game state - ie cheating in and of itself does not trigger any rules, but instead someone has to point it out. There is no time limit on UNO.

Section 8: The Gameboard

29. The Chessboard Rule: there exists a standard chessboard, originally starting as the starting piece positions for white and black. Each player may elect one piece on the board as theirs - during their turn, they may move their piece as per the standard rules of chess. Checking a piece (checks being defined as per standard chess rules) which is controlled by another player (the ‘recipient’) gains the moving player 100 points, and loses the recipient 100 points. Mutual checks provide no point increase or deduction for either side.

Section 9: Democracy

31. The Beginnings of Democracy: We have a poll and whoever gets the most votes is the president, who gets the ability to give up to 50 points to anyone but themselves.

36. The French Law: at any time, a member of the ‘public’ (ie a non-presidential person) may declare a vote to overthrow the president. If a majority vote is attained, the person who started the poll becomes the new president in the place of the old one.

Section 10: Joining and Leaving the Game

37. Fair Start: Any new player who starts the game after this point will begin with a number of Eggs equal to the player with the next lowest amount of Eggs - this could still be 0. 

55. The Last Will and Testament: If any player wishes to leave the game, they may do so freely. In doing so, they may select another current player to receive all of the retiring player's Eggs (only a positive number of Eggs may be given), or choose to allow the Eggs to expire without going to anyone else.

Section 11: Role-Playing

73. Voidus' Ultimatum of Doom! (Also known as: Everything is RP): All players shall create a character sheet containing basic details for a character that shall represent the player in a collaborative RP. Every post that a player makes in-character for the character represented by the character sheet shall earn that player 1 point.

Section 12: Wandering Merchants

91. The Wandering Merchant Exception has the following clauses:

  1. A player posting for the first time in the thread "Nomic - A Forum Game" [hereafter referred to as the Thread] is considered a "Wandering Merchant." After their first post, a player must not post at all in the Thread for no less than 24 hours or until two new pages have been added since that player posted previously. A player is only considered a Wandering Merchant for that singular post; any subsequent posts by that player in the Thread will remove the Wandering Merchant modifier if they do not meet the spacing requirements.
  2. Wandering Merchants are exempt from punishments or restrictions exacted by rules. This prevents new players from immediately becoming invalidated. Attempts to infringe on the speech, expression, or influence of a Wandering Merchant by any player is rendered null and void.
  3. Wandering Merchants have the ability to grant Side Quests to a specific player. Wandering Merchants have a limit of one Side Quest per post. Side Quests award the chosen player an amount of Eggs upon completion. (4)

92. Wandering Merchant Neutrality ActThat Wandering Merchants are unable to call UNO or attempt to punish any other player while a Wandering Merchant.

Proposed Rules:


27. The Fair Play Act: If a player cannot obey a rule for 'reasons' then they receive no punishment. (3)

46. The law of inactivity: If a player does not comment supporting a rule, then their vote will count as a no. (3)

51. The PM of Productivity: Same thing (in reference to Rule 47), but with a PM. I'm fine there being a President of the PM also. (3)

57. New Rule Proposal: MiToRo wins! If this rule is put into effect, MiToRo immediately gains 1 million Eggs and wins. (3)

60. The Proposal Proposal: If a player has ever been married or engaged, including in a roleplay, that player gets one Egg every time they lose any amount of Eggs. (3)

63. Meta’s Clause Removal: That Meta’s Clause should be removed from the rules and no longer be in effect. (3)

67. Jaywalk’s First Declaration: that we make porpoises the mascot of this thread. (3)

77. The Settlers of Disputes: If a dispute comes up about any aspect of the game, the dispute can be settled by a vote. The dispute will be decided by whichever side gets 3 votes first (any player can place one vote, but if there are multiple people directly involved in either side of the dispute, all those directly involved will only be able to count as one vote per side. This way we prevent a group of 3 players from joining together to jointly benefit from a dispute that they can settle immediately on their own.) (3)

78. The Fonz Rule:  Every ten levels of coolness you reach you must post a quote from Henry Winkler. (3)

83. Rule of players: To be considered a player, you must be following this thread (3)

86. The Bold Text Initiative. Should anyone use bold text while on this thread, that person loses one Egg. (3)

88. The Continuation of Democracy: under this law, the Players will be split into roughly equal parts( groups decided by the president). When voting,group 1 votes, then if it passes, group 2 votes, then if it passes then, the president must pass or veto it. If it is vetoed, the it goes back to the beginning, and must gain a unanimous vote in the first two sections, if not, then it must be proposed again. If it fails in stage one or two, it fails and must be proposed again. (3)

93. The superior terminology act: the plural form of Egg is Eggs or Eggses; 12 Eggses is a carton; a player is a citizen; a rule is a law. (3)

94. The Let Fate Decide Rule: If a player is accused of violating a rule, they can call a correctness check. Both players roll a d20. If one of the two players originally proposed the rule in question, they get a +2 modifier. For every 3 rules in the current rule book that a player originally proposed, they get +1 to their score, however this is only to a maximum of +3. The higher total score wins. The supposed rule violater loses 30 eggs as well as any they would of lost for the rule the originally violated if they lose the roll. The challenger will lose 35 eggs if they lose the roll. (1)

95. The Corporations Rule: That a group players may agree to form a corporation under a name, and that upon the forming of said corporation the amount of Eggs that each person in the corporation (hereafter referred to as a ‘member’) has (be it positive or negative) is pooled into one shared sum (hereafter referred to as the Bank Balance). If a member chooses to leave a corporation, they receive ( S x n^(-1) ) Eggs (where S is the number of Eggs in the Bank Balance and n is the number of members) - this means that if everyone chooses to leave all at once they will all receive an equal amount of eggs. Any changes to a member’s Egg amount is instead applied to the corporation’s Bank Balance. A member may join a corporation after it has been formed if they receive the approval to join from a majority of the corporation’s members. (3)

96. law of people who obsessively correct other's grammar: if a Player uses incorrect grammar, they lose 10 Eggs and the person who points out the mistake gains 10 Eggs (2)

97. The Wandering Commerce Addendum. According to the Trading Rule (Rule 8), players may exchange points/Eggs for goods and services, or simply gift points. Due to the nature of the Merchants Guild, it is only appropriate that Merchants have a particular obligation to the act of buying and selling. Thus, the Wandering Commerce Addendum:

  • Wandering Merchants can post consecutively without losing the status of Wandering Merchant if the following posts pertain only to the selling of the Merchant's wares. This allows for players to bargain and counteroffer with the Merchant appropriately. Bears. (1)

98. The Merchants Guild Act creates an official institution comprising of Wandering Merchants and offers a medium through which the goals of the collective Merchants may be accomplished. (1)

99. rule 97. The forgotten naming scheme: All points shall henceforth be called "stygian drops" or "drops". 10 drops will be called a "forgetful water balloon" or "water balloon". 100 drops will be called a puddle. (1)

Proposed Amendments:


* That the Winning Rule be ammended so that the authors of this and the next two posts directly after it be the winners. (2)

* I would like to amend my own rule (16. Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage) to addend the following: No rule or ammendment may be passed or voted on if that rule would alter any part of Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage or punish those who have voted in favour of Voidus' Law of Unfair Advantage. And no person who has only conditionally voted in favour of Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage shall count as having voted for it, except for the purposes of passing the rule. (1)

* amendment to 15: You must use a picture different from every picture you've used so far. The Internet is big, there are enough. (2)

* amendment to the winning rule. Along with having 1 million points, having -1 million points also makes you win. (3)

yet another amendment to Rule 15: Humans do not count as animals for the sake of this rule. (1)

an amendment (to Rule 95): Different spelling due to living in different countries, where that spelling is right - i.e. all y'all's crazy U's everywhere and using S instead of Z sometimes - won't be counted. None of us want to go down that rabbird hole. (2)

the amendment (to Rule 95) of the Oxford comma: the oxford comma must be used. (2)

Failed Rules


26. The Self Punishment Act: If a player breaks a rule, they will be able to decide what their punishment is. (2)

40. The Taxation Rule: The US tax code applies in its entirety to all points gained in whatever manner. (2)

42. The Rule of Exceptions: that rules that are multiples of 1, 2, 4, and 8 are exempt from rules that are multiples of 3. (1)

47. The Discord of Disputes: In order to prevent this thread from being over-cluttered with meta-discussion (i.e. discussion about the game in a meta sense, not about the player, MetaTerminal), we should have a Discord channel for all meta-discussion. This channel should be completely exempt from all rules in order to allow for unrestricted discussion and quick resolutions to any disputes. If the players would like separate channels for other discussion (e.g. off-topic, new rule ideas without actually submitting them, commenting on particularly dramatic happenings within the game without cluttering up this thread, etc...) that will be allowed. This Discord channel would also be an good place to have easy access to a pinned list of all currently active rules and proposals. (2)

48. The President of Discord: In the event that we have a Discord channel and we have an elected president as per rule 31, the President will be in charge of keeping the Discord up to date. (1)

49. Dapper Anti Rule 15Act: Anyone who posts a photo in relation to rule 15 loses all their Coolness Levels and 6 pounds of Eggs. (1)

52. The Internal Consistency Plea: that the Literal Rule be rephrased as “All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or metaphorically - as they were assumed to be intended - so long as it makes sense; and that any associated implications of the rule not explicitly stated should also be interpreted as true - this includes taking the spirit of a rule, even if the actual letter of the rule differs slightly due to a small technicality. This plea applies retroactively.” (2)

53. The not internally consistent rule: No rules have to be consistent with anything. Even themselves. (1)

61. The Following Proposal: From here on out, winning is actually bad. (2)

65. Don't Leave the Eggs to Spoil: At the end of each 24 hour period - to be established at midnight EDT for consistency - if none of the players have earned any Eggs (defined as a net positive gain of Eggs for any one player) during those 24 hours (not including Eggs earned from this rule as of the previous 24 hour period), then all players immediately earn 1000 points. (2)

66. Ene’s Fourth Rule: that porpoises be banned from this thread. (2)

69. Rule of Voting: Everyone who participates in the game must vote on at least five waiting proposals. We need to move some of these along! (2)

74. Macthorsten's government increase of efficiency proposal: This vote only needs the support of one other person to be passed. (Note from Meta: this is superseded by the Voting Clause.) The first person to support this rule besides me (note from Meta: this is Meta) gets the ability to cut any number of the rules on the waiting list in a one time purge. (2)

75. Silverblade’s First Law: that we remove voting and give all power to an undefined group of players. 

80. The Accidentally Copied Rule of Losing: The first person to win The Game (fairly, without any hacks) wins. 

81. The rule of losing: The first person to win The Game (fairly, without any hacks) wins. (2)

82. The rule of indefinitism: The only to win is by preforming actions necessary to win as the rule of losing declares (1)

89. The Relevancy Rule: Relevant xkcd’s are expressly forbidden on this thread. (2)

90. O Great One, Leader of Us All’s First Rule: That the point system ‘Eggs’ should be referred to as ‘O Great One, Leader of Us All’ (1)

To celebrate April’s Fools (for my time zone, at least), I would like to propose a new forum game. It is called Nomic, and it only has three rules. (Well, three rules right now.) The essence of Nomic is that we collectively determine the rules of the game, with each player trying to bend the rules such that he or she can win first.


  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

Every rule can be changed, including the rule that says every rule can be changed (thus making it so that some rules cannot be changed - unless, of course, we collectively decide that all rules can be changed again.) This means that the game starts simple, but inevitably spirals out of control. I’ve seen games become glorified DND, complex blends of Chinese Checkers and Monopoly, and even entirely new board and card games.

There are also two ways to play Nomic - we can carefully consider the ramifications of each rule, force everyone to understand rules to the fullest, and avoid contradictions. The second one is where rules are forgotten until someone brings them up - where bad ideas are voted into effect on a whim, and where the complexities of the ruleset invariably cause the game to collapse, sending it spinning out of control. In my opinion, the second one is much preferred.

To start us off, I shall propose two new rules. Again, these are not in effect until they reach majority.

  1. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points.
  2. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid.

I suggest that whoever takes their next turn should start devising ways to get points. It should be noted that said rules should also allow other people to get points, and shouldn’t give you too much of an advantage - otherwise, they won’t be inclined to pass it.

Edited by MetaTerminal
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6 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

To celebrate April’s Fools (for my time zone, at least), I would like to propose a new forum game. It is called Nomic, and it only has three rules. (Well, three rules right now.) The essence of Nomic is that we collectively determine the rules of the game, with each player trying to bend the rules such that he or she can win first.


  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

Every rule can be changed, including the rule that says every rule can be changed (thus making it so that some rules cannot be changed - unless, of course, we collectively decide that all rules can be changed again.) This means that the game starts simple, but inevitably spirals out of control. I’ve seen games become glorified DND, complex blends of Chinese Checkers and Monopoly, and even entirely new board and card games.

There are also two ways to play Nomic - we can carefully consider the ramifications of each rule, force everyone to understand rules to the fullest, and avoid contradictions. The second one is where rules are forgotten until someone brings them up - where bad ideas are voted into effect on a whim, and where the complexities of the ruleset invariably cause the game to collapse, sending it spinning out of control. In my opinion, the second one is much preferred.

To start us off, I shall propose two new rules. Again, these are not in effect until they reach majority.

  1. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points.
  2. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid.

I suggest that whoever takes their next turn should start devising ways to get points. It should be noted that said rules should also allow other people to get points, and shouldn’t give you too much of an advantage - otherwise, they won’t be inclined to pass it.

I support the points rule, but not the equal opportunity act.

Proposed rule:

6. The Literal Rule:

All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or not as they were intended, so long as it makes sense.

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I assume that’s a proposed Rule 7, @Snipexe? If so, I support it.

I support the Literal Rule. For the purposes of clarity, I shall also assume everyone supports their own proposals.

Existing Rules:

  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

Proposed Rules:

  1. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points. (2)
  2. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid. (1)
  3. The Literal Rule: All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or not as they were intended, so long as it makes sense. (2)

  4. (Unnamed): just for clarification, voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green. (2)

I hereby propose a new rule, and support it.

8) The Trading Rule: each player starts with 0 points. Players can give points to other players, or - with the agreement of said other player - ‘trade’ something for points. Once both players agree on the terms, the transfer occurs automatically.

Edited by MetaTerminal
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7 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

I propose that the Winning Rule be ammended so that the authors of this and the next two posts directly after it be the winners.

I support this ammendment.

I support this amendment.

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19 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

I support the unanned amendment and recommend that others do the same

I already assumed that you did, so this does not alter the support numbers. I’d like to request your opinion on the other rules as well.

Existing Rules:

  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

Proposed Rules:

  1. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points. (2)
  2. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid. (1)
  3. The Literal Rule: All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or not as they were intended, so long as it makes sense. (2)

  4. The Unnamed Proposal: just for clarification, voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green. (2)

  5. The Trading Rule: each player starts with 0 points. Players can give points to other players, or - with the agreement of said other player - ‘trade’ something for points. Once both players agree on the terms, the transfer occurs automatically. (1)

Proposed Removals or Amendments:


That the Winning Rule be ammended so that the authors of this and the next two posts directly after it be the winners. (2)


Edited by MetaTerminal
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4 hours ago, MetaTerminal said:

To celebrate April’s Fools (for my time zone, at least), I would like to propose a new forum game. It is called Nomic, and it only has three rules. (Well, three rules right now.) The essence of Nomic is that we collectively determine the rules of the game, with each player trying to bend the rules such that he or she can win first.


  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

Every rule can be changed, including the rule that says every rule can be changed (thus making it so that some rules cannot be changed - unless, of course, we collectively decide that all rules can be changed again.) This means that the game starts simple, but inevitably spirals out of control. I’ve seen games become glorified DND, complex blends of Chinese Checkers and Monopoly, and even entirely new board and card games.

There are also two ways to play Nomic - we can carefully consider the ramifications of each rule, force everyone to understand rules to the fullest, and avoid contradictions. The second one is where rules are forgotten until someone brings them up - where bad ideas are voted into effect on a whim, and where the complexities of the ruleset invariably cause the game to collapse, sending it spinning out of control. In my opinion, the second one is much preferred.

To start us off, I shall propose two new rules. Again, these are not in effect until they reach majority.

  1. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points.
  2. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid.

I suggest that whoever takes their next turn should start devising ways to get points. It should be noted that said rules should also allow other people to get points, and shouldn’t give you too much of an advantage - otherwise, they won’t be inclined to pass it.

This sounds fun, I'm in. I support The Points Rule, but not the EOA. (I think the PR is an existing rule now?)

4 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I support the points rule, but not the equal opportunity act.

Proposed rule:

6. The Literal Rule:

All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or not as they were intended, so long as it makes sense.

I support this.

3 hours ago, Snipexe said:

Might I suggest that just for clarification voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green?

I don't support this - I'll never remember to do it. :P

2 hours ago, MetaTerminal said:

8) The Trading Rule: each player starts with 0 points. Players can give points to other players, or - with the agreement of said other player - ‘trade’ something for points. Once both players agree on the terms, the transfer occurs automatically.

I support this as well.

I propose that one way for points to be given should be by awarding them to people based on rules of theirs that go into effect, three per rule. (This counts as a rule.)

I also propose the rule that players must keep track of how many points they have in their signatures, About Mes, titles, or in each of their posts on this thread.

Edited by AonEne
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In which case, we have new rules! These rules have been implemented as per the Voting Clause. The Points Rule, the Literal Rule, and the Trading Rule have now all been implemented, and are in effect.

Existing Rules (ie rules that are in effect):

  1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
  2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
  3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.
  4. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points.

6. The Literal Rule: All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or not as they were intended, so long as it makes sense.

8. The Trading Rule: each player starts with 0 points. Players can give points to other players, or - with the agreement of said other player - ‘trade’ something for points. Once both players agree on the terms, the transfer occurs automatically.

Proposed Rules:


5. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid. (2)

7. The Unnamed Proposal: just for clarification, voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green. (2)

9. Aon Ene’s First Rule: one way for points to be given should be by awarding them to people based on rules of theirs that go into effect, three per rule. (2)

10. Aon Ene’s Second Rule: I also propose the rule that players must keep track of how many points they have in their signatures, About Mes, titles, or in each of their posts on this thread. (2)

Proposed Amendments or Removals:


That the Winning Rule be ammended so that the authors of this and the next two posts directly after it be the winners. (2)

I support Aon Ene’s First and Second Rules, which has been factored into the numbers above.

I would like to propose a new rule, and I support it.

11) Meta’s Clause: That every post that passes judgement (ie votes for or against) a rule must also propose a new rule. Should a vote be made without also proposing a new rule, then said vote is considered void until an associated rule is proposed.

Now that we have the basics, this is probably the time to get some game mechanics in place. As there are currently five players, a majority still requires 3 votes (effectively rendering the first part of the Voting Clause moot). Should another person post, that requirement will increase to 4.

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Just now, Dr. Dapper said:

I would like to introduce the three laws of Dapper.

First Law of Dapper: Points are to be hereafter refered to as Eggs.

Second Law of Dapper: Every ten Eggs you get your Coolness Level goes up by one.

Third Law of Dapper: Each Coolness Level make you cooler.

I support these rules.

(Remember the literal rule? This one could get interesting.)

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(You can call me Ene!)

I support Meta's Clause. Do we have to obey the rule if it hasn't yet been implemented? Well, I will either way:

12) The Act of Dog Inclusion: Every post from here on out must have an image of a dog in it, real or fake, picture or gif, wordless or meme, so long as it's not inappropriate.

Image result for puppy

I support every rule I propose.

Just now, Dr. Dapper said:

I would like to introduce the three laws of Dapper.

First Law of Dapper: Points are to be hereafter refered to as Eggs.

Second Law of Dapper: Every ten Eggs you get your Coolness Level goes up by one.

Third Law of Dapper: Each Coolness Level make you cooler.

I support the FLoD, but propose an amendment: 'Eggs' will be changed to a lowercase 'eggs'.

I do not support the second and third laws of Dapper.

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2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

(You can call me Ene!)

I support Meta's Clause. Do we have to obey the rule if it hasn't yet been implemented? Well, I will either way:

12) The Act of Dog Inclusion: Every post from here on out must have an image of a dog in it, real or fake, picture or gif, wordless or meme, so long as it's not inappropriate.

  Hide contents
Image result for puppy

I support every rule I propose.

I support the FLoD, but propose an amendment: 'Eggs' will be changed to a lowercase 'eggs'.

I do not support the second and third laws of Dapper.

I support law 12.


Edited by Lunamor
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19 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

7. The Unnamed Proposal: just for clarification, voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green. (2)

9. Aon Ene’s First Rule: one way for points to be given should be by awarding them to people based on rules of theirs that go into effect, three per rule. (2)

I support the above rules.

I propose Voidus' law of unfair advantage:
All those who support this rule shall gain two points for every point that is gained by someone who did not support this rule.

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I propose Voidus' rule of potential karmic retribution:
Should a player propose a rule to change the name of 'points', that player is to be referred to by the name they suggest changing points to, until such a time as the rule is adopted.

What do you think Eggs?

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13 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I propose Voidus' law of unfair advantage:
All those who support this rule shall gain two points for every point that is gained by someone who did not support this rule.

I'm confused. I support this rule unless the majority looks like it's going the other way, then I don't. Or if I'm the deciding factor, then I don't.

I propose the Rule of Honor: that anyone with the ability to modify the posts of others (mods/admins) or make minute, unnoticeable changes to the laws when listing them (Meta or anyone else who does) NOT be allowed to do so - no cheating, people. Unless that person is Voidus, in which case this should be totally permissible.

11 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

I do support that. And they're called Eggs.

They aren't yet.

9 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I propose Voidus' rule of potential karmic retribution:
Should a player propose a rule to change the name of 'points', that player is to be referred to by the name they suggest changing points to, until such a time as the rule is adopted.

What do you think Eggs?

I don't support this rule.

Image result for puppy with a pineapple


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3 minutes ago, AonEne said:

I propose the Rule of Honor: that anyone with the ability to modify the posts of others (mods/admins) or make minute, unnoticeable changes to the laws when listing them (Meta or anyone else who does) NOT be allowed to do so - no cheating, people. Unless that person is Voidus, in which case this should be totally permissible.

I support this rule.

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2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

You forgot to hide the "edited by" bit. I only support it if Voidus ISN'T an exception.

Actually I have to deliberately choose for it to be there, and I try to err on the side of obviousness for those kinds of jokes just to be sure. :P

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

Actually I have to deliberately choose for it to be there, and I try to err on the side of obviousness for those kinds of jokes just to be sure. :P

Oh, thanks. (I forgot my puppy last time, so this time I'll add two.)

See the source imageImage result for axehound

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