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6 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

I've been wondering for a while now. How do you decide if something works or not? I'm used to dice but here?


You decide what happens to your character. It's considered good style to let yourself hit by some attacks and not evade everything. In a conflict you'd write it like this.

Shana drew her sword and swinging it a wide arc she aimed for xxx's arm. Then the rper of xxx can decide what happens. Maybe partially evade, or get hit, or evade completely. Whatever is logical and fits your character.

Needs some goodwill on both sides.


Edited by Sorana
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Allow me to put your mind at ease. 

Doc tapped his foot to the music as he read the letter. It was from a colleague, a Bondsmith. Nicole had written this one from Washington DC and had sent it to him via courier. She was an odd one. The letter wasn't too important, just some reports on various Radiant enclaves she had visited. He smiled, then folded up the letter and put it in his pocket. School was almost out and he didn't want to be caught unawares when the others got home. He turned off the music and left the workshop. 

Doc made his way up to the kichen and opened a fridge, removing a can of Sprite and popping it open. 

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Thanks Dr. Dapper!

Leona flung the front door open and stomped inside. She had at least an hour of pre-cal homework, then another hour of biology, and on top of that, Onyx was being whiny. She didn't want to go to school. It was boring. Leona realized that Onyx probably had a point. She found Doc in the kitchen. "Do we have any root beer?" she asked. Sugar was probably not the best thing to have before physical training, but hey, high school took a lot out of a person. 

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Shana stepped into the kitchen, hot and sweaty from climbing. Her muscles were shivvering slightly, which was good. She had added some workout after climbing to strengthen her arms. She'd finally managed to climb a nine, and was in a good mood, humming her favorite song. Which would probably be a different one tomorrow.

"Hey Doc. All good?"

She fetched something to drink and gulped it down, then turned to Leona.

"How was school?"

She asked before filling her glass again, looking for something to eat.

@Dr. Dapper


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"Horrible," answered Leona. "The second violins keep messing up, I have a ton of homework, and also there isn't root beer." She decided to just drink water. She supposed she could have soulcasted it, but what would be the point? Onyx was always going on and on about stormlight conservation. "How was your day?"


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Ben peered at Shana over his book. How could she exercise like that and seem to enjoy it? Glint moved from his customary place on Ben’s shoulder to one of the kitchen counters, likely to investigate Shana and how she was able to do such a thing. He wasn’t very fond of explaining himself. That was fine though, as they were both very similar to each other and often could anticipate the other’s actions.

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45 minutes ago, BookishOcelot said:

"Horrible," answered Leona. "The second violins keep messing up, I have a ton of homework, and also there isn't root beer." She decided to just drink water. She supposed she could have soulcasted it, but what would be the point? Onyx was always going on and on about stormlight conservation. "How was your day?"



Shana grinned widely.

"I finally managed a nine, I tried for weeks, and now I finally found the clue how to solve it. I really need to go to the mountains and try a nine there."

"And school. Alright I guess? Geography was interwsting, the rest, I just sat there."

She smiled at Glint and then waved at Ben.

"And your day?"



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1 hour ago, Dr. Dapper said:

Doc took another sip of Sprite, seeming contemplative,

"Hum? Oh, well I got a letter from Nicole. Delivered by a Willshaper courier from DC." 


"A letter? What did she write?"

Shana asked and finally found something to eat.

"Cookie anybody?"

She offered the box to the others.

@Dr. Dapper



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22 minutes ago, JacobClaessen said:

Tyler walked into the kitchen and grabbed a handful of cookies. "Hey Doc. Hey other idiots. Thanks for the cookies." And with that, he walked out of the kitchen and flopped onto the nearest couch, shooting crumbs everywhere.

@Dr. Dapper @Sorana

Jordan glared at Tyler. "Clean up those crumbs now." 

He then stood in the corner, watching everyone.

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Yeah, there's probably a rotating schedule. Like, x person cleans the kichen today, y person cleans upstairs, z person cleans downstairs. Then the next day, they rotate. X to Y, Y to Z, Z to X.

Doc grabbed a cookie out of the box and chuckled before taking a bite.

Edited by Dr. Dapper
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