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Alleyverse Character Discussion


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4 minutes ago, ExoticAlmond said:

Wow wasn't expecting a fast reply this late.

Thanks for answering my question though.

You caught me at a good time, I'm catching up on most of the last few weeks XD 

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9 hours ago, Voidus said:

We've had a few but yes nobody currently active.

I worry that it might be extremely powerful, with near immortality, extreme probing skills, shape shifting of a sort, and sleeplessness. How have those strengths been balanced in the past?

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Honestly rather poorly, this was back when we were using a points based system and things didn't work out all that well. That being said it's not too different from a Kandra in a lot of ways other than a heightened immortality and lacking the Hemalurgic weakness. That being said they haven't had centuries to adapt to Alleyverse flora so hordelings would likely be more noticeable, their camouflage as humans is nowhere near as convincing as a Kandra or a Lightweaver.

Absolutely I would say that a Major merit would be needed to play one at all and probably further to indicate any specific specialties with imitating humans (IIRC most are actually not at all capable of it), creating a particularly convincing form of spy-Hordeling, etc.

Probably more a case of 'see what you can pitch and mods will discuss' rather than me being able to give a concrete ruling ahead of time.

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2 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

my character cannot speak or write. Could I give them a duralumin unsealed metalmind so they can convey their thoughts easier?

Generally, if someone gives their character a weakness and does not add a way of circumventing it to their character sheet, it is assumed that they're actually going to be RPing that weakness :P if you convincingly write getting such an item, you could do this, but I'd personally not recommend you do it just because the weaknesses you choose should mean something, right? They make characters more fun. Getting rid of them right off the bat of introducing your character isn't great form. And if you did decide to do it, we'd want to make sure your character earned that upgrade through writing, not just randomly gained it, right? So I would discourage this. 

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14 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Generally, if someone gives their character a weakness and does not add a way of circumventing it to their character sheet, it is assumed that they're actually going to be RPing that weakness :P if you convincingly write getting such an item, you could do this, but I'd personally not recommend you do it just because the weaknesses you choose should mean something, right? They make characters more fun. Getting rid of them right off the bat of introducing your character isn't great form. And if you did decide to do it, we'd want to make sure your character earned that upgrade through writing, not just randomly gained it, right? So I would discourage this. 

thanks for the advice. how would I RP their communication then? Miming?

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16 minutes ago, Stormlightsong said:

thanks for the advice. how would I RP their communication then? Miming?

You know your character best - why is it that they can't speak or write? What would that affect and what would it not affect? What would they as a person choose to do? 

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4 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

my character cannot speak or write. Could I give them a duralumin unsealed metalmind so they can convey their thoughts easier?


I’d honestly go with some creative miming, or perhaps morse. Are you looking for other potential options?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 3/15/2023 at 5:51 AM, Koloss17 said:

Quick question: which savants have been present in the Alleyverse? I’m entertaining the idea of an electrum or gold savant, but I would want to know if it has already been done before.

I can’t think of either off the top of my head. But even if there was one in the past, your interpretation would be brand new, so you should go for it! 

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Okay, so I have decided I want to entertain the idea of a gold savant, but I realize that the creation of a character this odd, and with a personality and history this in-depth, I will need a lot of help with crafting it. Is there some humans that might be willing to help with such an ambitious endeavor?

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On 3/16/2023 at 0:03 PM, Koloss17 said:

Okay, so I have decided I want to entertain the idea of a gold savant, but I realize that the creation of a character this odd, and with a personality and history this in-depth, I will need a lot of help with crafting it. Is there some humans that might be willing to help with such an ambitious endeavor?

I am happy to help you in whatever way I can :) 

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9 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

I am happy to help you in whatever way I can :) 

The main questions I have are on how someone that is consistently burning gold would interact with the world. From what we have seen, which is only two instances, there was no interaction with other things.

What we currently know about gold shadows is that you see two of them, and you exist through their eyes, knowing their thoughts. There doesn’t seem to be very solid evidence for or against the fact that you see through your own eyes during the experience. The bit with Vin touching herself seems to suggest that one of the personalities exist in place of your body, but it’s ambiguous.

So I can’t really start with the intricacies of creating unique personalities that continue throughout conversations or fights until I know how they would affect or interact with the fight or conversation.

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On 3/18/2023 at 7:18 AM, Koloss17 said:

The main questions I have are on how someone that is consistently burning gold would interact with the world. From what we have seen, which is only two instances, there was no interaction with other things.

What we currently know about gold shadows is that you see two of them, and you exist through their eyes, knowing their thoughts. There doesn’t seem to be very solid evidence for or against the fact that you see through your own eyes during the experience. The bit with Vin touching herself seems to suggest that one of the personalities exist in place of your body, but it’s ambiguous.

So I can’t really start with the intricacies of creating unique personalities that continue throughout conversations or fights until I know how they would affect or interact with the fight or conversation.

One thing I think a gold savant could do is try and judge their recent-past decisions. I.e. if they decided a yesterday to try and apply for a job and picked one of three but didn't get it, they might be able to judge whether one of the other two would leave them in a better situation. It's a past decision, but there's still time in the present to make that past a reality. A bit of an extrapolation, but electrum uses Fortune to some degree so why shouldn't gold. (Plus, I'm one to talk on savantism extrapolations :P.)

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11 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

A bit of an extrapolation, but electrum uses Fortune to some degree so why shouldn't gold. (Plus, I'm one to talk on savantism extrapolations :P.)

I maaay or may not have based this character idea based on your amazing shenanigans.


11 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

One thing I think a gold savant could do is try and judge their recent-past decisions.

Dang it! That’s a good point, and it makes me very tempted to name whatever character Epimetheus because of it. BUT I also want my character to be more feminine leaning, so that won’t work.

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  • 8 months later...

I am making a character, and would please like some feedback. Advice on how to ensure my character fits within the Alleyverse setting would be especially helpful.

Name: Eza
Appearance: A 15-year-old girl with long dark brown hair, a very pale complexion, and dark green eyes. She is short (4’10”) and skinny, making her look younger than she is. She wears old, well-kept clothing that is simple but hides jewelry underneath. She has both costume and regular jewelry. Her coat has a hood, which she normally keeps up to hide a large, poorly healed scar stretching from her chin to her temple. She has several small bags on her person, concealed well.
Guild: None
Personality: Eza genuinely tries her best to be kind, but has a skewed sense of right and wrong (ex. it’s ok to steal something if you want it more). She adores anything shiny and will go out of her way to obtain it. She is skittish around anyone with a higher social standing, which is generally most people. If she is speaking with someone she trusts, she becomes talkative. Eza will try and help people if they seem nice or are younger than her. She aims to have a positive outlook on life, but occasionally slips into paranoia. She hates birds. If startled or angry, she may become violent, but this is very rare.
Concept: A well-meaning thief
Short term goals- She is perpetually trying to collect anything shiny through any means necessary short of violence. She is also trying to find a place to hide from the strangers she thinks are pursuing her.
Long term goal- She is trying to find out what happened to her mother and why.
Minor- Knows magic tricks, has two daggers and a basic ability to use them, is able to prepare Allomantic solutions
Normal- Adept liar and thief
Major- Is a Lurcher
Flaws: A skewed sense of right and wrong that gets her into trouble and alienates others (along with an overwhelming compulsion to steal anything shiny), illiterate
Relationships: She has a beloved mother whose fate is unknown. Father is unknown. She is being pursued by enemy strangers, but hasn’t figured out why.
Home Planet: Scadrial
Current Residence: On the streets of the Mistwarrens
Backstory: When Eza was little, her mother was her best friend. They were very poor, but she did her best to make her daughter happy, often bringing trinkets she could find. Her mother was also a Lurcher, and taught her how to pull metal without anyone noticing to aid in thievery. Sometimes strangers that worried her mother would come near, and they either hid or relocated whenever that happened. Her mother never explained who they were. Because they relocated so often, her mother had trouble finding work, so they survived by thieving. When Eza was six, her mother disappeared. She thinks that the strangers took her, but has no idea why. Eza attempted to search for her, but was spotted by one of the strangers. He attacked her and slashed her face, so she was forced to flee. Ever since then, she has lived on the streets and continued to steal everything she needs/wants, careful not to stay in one place for too long. This recently led her to the Alleycity, which she knows little about.
Loose ends: Eza is unsure what happened to her mother or why the strangers decided to pursue them.


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11 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I am making a character, and would please like some feedback. Advice on how to ensure my character fits within the Alleyverse setting would be especially helpful.

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Name: Eza
Appearance: A 15-year-old girl with long dark brown hair, a very pale complexion, and dark green eyes. She is short (4’10”) and skinny, making her look younger than she is. She wears old, well-kept clothing that is simple but hides jewelry underneath. She has both costume and regular jewelry. Her coat has a hood, which she normally keeps up to hide a large, poorly healed scar stretching from her chin to her temple. She has several small bags on her person, concealed well.
Guild: None
Personality: Eza genuinely tries her best to be kind, but has a skewed sense of right and wrong (ex. it’s ok to steal something if you want it more). She adores anything shiny and will go out of her way to obtain it. She is skittish around anyone with a higher social standing, which is generally most people. If she is speaking with someone she trusts, she becomes talkative. Eza will try and help people if they seem nice or are younger than her. She aims to have a positive outlook on life, but occasionally slips into paranoia. She hates birds. If startled or angry, she may become violent, but this is very rare.
Concept: A well-meaning thief
Short term goals- She is perpetually trying to collect anything shiny through any means necessary short of violence. She is also trying to find a place to hide from the strangers she thinks are pursuing her.
Long term goal- She is trying to find out what happened to her mother and why.
Minor- Knows magic tricks, has two daggers and a basic ability to use them, is able to prepare Allomantic solutions
Normal- Adept liar and thief
Major- Is a Lurcher
Flaws: A skewed sense of right and wrong that gets her into trouble and alienates others (along with an overwhelming compulsion to steal anything shiny), illiterate
Relationships: She has a beloved mother whose fate is unknown. Father is unknown. She is being pursued by enemy strangers, but hasn’t figured out why.
Home Planet: Scadrial
Current Residence: On the streets of the Mistwarrens
Backstory: When Eza was little, her mother was her best friend. They were very poor, but she did her best to make her daughter happy, often bringing trinkets she could find. Her mother was also a Lurcher, and taught her how to pull metal without anyone noticing to aid in thievery. Sometimes strangers that worried her mother would come near, and they either hid or relocated whenever that happened. Her mother never explained who they were. Because they relocated so often, her mother had trouble finding work, so they survived by thieving. When Eza was six, her mother disappeared. She thinks that the strangers took her, but has no idea why. Eza attempted to search for her, but was spotted by one of the strangers. He attacked her and slashed her face, so she was forced to flee. Ever since then, she has lived on the streets and continued to steal everything she needs/wants, careful not to stay in one place for too long. This recently led her to the Alleycity, which she knows little about.
Loose ends: Eza is unsure what happened to her mother or why the strangers decided to pursue them.


This looks really good! I honestly think this would fit right in. They are the type of character that could easily be wrapped into a plot, and it looks like you put a lot of care into her, making her seem very lively and interesting. Is there anything in particular you feel shaky on? Because to me, this looks awesome!

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12 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I am making a character, and would please like some feedback. Advice on how to ensure my character fits within the Alleyverse setting would be especially helpful.

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Name: Eza
Appearance: A 15-year-old girl with long dark brown hair, a very pale complexion, and dark green eyes. She is short (4’10”) and skinny, making her look younger than she is. She wears old, well-kept clothing that is simple but hides jewelry underneath. She has both costume and regular jewelry. Her coat has a hood, which she normally keeps up to hide a large, poorly healed scar stretching from her chin to her temple. She has several small bags on her person, concealed well.
Guild: None
Personality: Eza genuinely tries her best to be kind, but has a skewed sense of right and wrong (ex. it’s ok to steal something if you want it more). She adores anything shiny and will go out of her way to obtain it. She is skittish around anyone with a higher social standing, which is generally most people. If she is speaking with someone she trusts, she becomes talkative. Eza will try and help people if they seem nice or are younger than her. She aims to have a positive outlook on life, but occasionally slips into paranoia. She hates birds. If startled or angry, she may become violent, but this is very rare.
Concept: A well-meaning thief
Short term goals- She is perpetually trying to collect anything shiny through any means necessary short of violence. She is also trying to find a place to hide from the strangers she thinks are pursuing her.
Long term goal- She is trying to find out what happened to her mother and why.
Minor- Knows magic tricks, has two daggers and a basic ability to use them, is able to prepare Allomantic solutions
Normal- Adept liar and thief
Major- Is a Lurcher
Flaws: A skewed sense of right and wrong that gets her into trouble and alienates others (along with an overwhelming compulsion to steal anything shiny), illiterate
Relationships: She has a beloved mother whose fate is unknown. Father is unknown. She is being pursued by enemy strangers, but hasn’t figured out why.
Home Planet: Scadrial
Current Residence: On the streets of the Mistwarrens
Backstory: When Eza was little, her mother was her best friend. They were very poor, but she did her best to make her daughter happy, often bringing trinkets she could find. Her mother was also a Lurcher, and taught her how to pull metal without anyone noticing to aid in thievery. Sometimes strangers that worried her mother would come near, and they either hid or relocated whenever that happened. Her mother never explained who they were. Because they relocated so often, her mother had trouble finding work, so they survived by thieving. When Eza was six, her mother disappeared. She thinks that the strangers took her, but has no idea why. Eza attempted to search for her, but was spotted by one of the strangers. He attacked her and slashed her face, so she was forced to flee. Ever since then, she has lived on the streets and continued to steal everything she needs/wants, careful not to stay in one place for too long. This recently led her to the Alleycity, which she knows little about.
Loose ends: Eza is unsure what happened to her mother or why the strangers decided to pursue them.


I think this character is great and would definitely fit very well especially since the current plot is taking place in the Mistwarrens. I also think she might fit in well with my character, Asylum, since they are also a morally ambiguous person who loves trickery and money.

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