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What you don't want from the next book?


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I will be honest. I look at potential narratives going into the next book and realize I'm not interested in almost all of them.

I was super hyped about Oathbringer, but this book however...Eshonai's chapters were probably my least favorite, and Parshendis in general definitely not something I want read about. And the whole book is Parshendi focused. Venli is such a minor character, I can't imagine her taking a major role, as well as I find flashbacks from Eshanai's perspective to be weird. 

I can't see anything interesting for me in the upcoming book. What I wanted to read (mostly about Dalinar) won't get ant focus most likely, and everything else...I don't find very exciting. 

Don't even know how to explain it better.

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Even if you're not into Venli chapters, remember that all three books so far have featured progression and cool moments for the whole cast of characters. Oathbringer was "Dalinar's book" but everyone got to shine, just like Dalinar had his storyline in the two prior books. We won't miss out on the humans.

I don't think you're right about Venli being a minor character, either. She's the last of the Parshendi tribe, the first Parsh Radiant, she has a direct relationship with Odium and the Fused. She was the person who damned her own race, like a sort of dark inversion of a Messiah. The Parsh are weird, but I'm looking forward to spending more time with them and learning more about them.

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25 minutes ago, earthexile said:

I don't think you're right about Venli being a minor character, either.

I meant yet. Venli hasn't been a major character yet. In Oathbringer she is pretty much a background character even if an important one. She has had only a handful of chapters, but in the next book she is supposed to have a ton. Which is a bit weird for me. Giving such a big role to s character who was so minor before is dangerous. I may be amazing in the end, but right no I'm not convinced.

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1 hour ago, MistboreD said:

I meant yet. Venli hasn't been a major character yet. In Oathbringer she is pretty much a background character even if an important one. She has had only a handful of chapters, but in the next book she is supposed to have a ton. Which is a bit weird for me. Giving such a big role to s character who was so minor before is dangerous. I may be amazing in the end, but right no I'm not convinced.

I agree with you. I didn't like Venli much, though I kind of forced myself to pay more attention to her on my reread, and now I like her a little bit more. I think there still will be a lot of interesting plot lines in book 4.

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1. A love triangle. The main couples for now have gotten together. Let's explore what it means to be married on Roshar right now and the trials that entails. 

2. The same Radiants. It's Desolation time! I want to see Radiants coming out of the woodworks and see how our main group handles that!

3. A longer book. This one's kind of heartbreaking for me because I LOVE the Stormlight Archive, but right now I feel like Sanderson has so many other stories on the backburner he needs to fulfill, I'm fine with this one being shorter (and by shorter I mean WoK or WoR length). Yet...this is the first Stormlight book (and I think the first Cosmere book) where a large part of it won't be from the viewpoint of a human, and I'm really excited for that. I don't want that to be shortened. So I'm conflicted here. I guess the best compromise would be a slightly shorter Stormlight 4 but we'd get 2-3 novellas in the meantime to make up for it.


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Well first, I do want to see a lot of Venli and i do not see her as a minor character at all.


What I don't want to see?

- The revelations of Oathbringer being swept under the rug.

- Climax Radiant oaths (sprinkle those bad boys throughout)

- New worldhoppers

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I'm pretty leery about the timeskip between OB and SA4, so what I'm hoping we don't see is a ton of interesting things that happen in that year and then we find out just in conversation that x cool thing happened back then, over and over and over again. 

I also really don't want to see Shallan become a mother. Please, no. 

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More flashbacks.

I know flashbacks are kind of a Stormlight thing -- I'm resigned to them by now -- but they're almost always the most boring parts of the books for me.  I want to know what happens next, not what happened five or ten years ago.

When I started my first reread of WoK (which I began the very day after first finishing WoK), I read the entire thing through in a full sitting -- but the second time, I skipped all the flashbacks.  They just...don't add enough, IMHO.

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I feel like I'm the odd one out here but I actually think I would enjoy seeing Shallan get pregnant and have a child. This ties into what I *don't* want to see in the next book - a denial of the sexual nature of marriage. I'm not saying that I want explicit sex scenes or whatever, but it seems to be a really common thing not only in Sanderson's writing but also in the whole of epic fantasy to sort of ignore the fact that having sex = having kids unless there is contraception. Now, if Roshar has contraception, then great. I would accept Shallan going indefinitely without a child. I've been married for 2 years now and I don't have a child. But I also think that the complete lack of literally anyone besides flashback characters being pregnant at all on screen ever in the entire world of Roshar is a little silly. Children sort of appear after being conceived, carried and born "off-screen" because I get it - it's hard to be epic while you're pregnant. But I also think that it would present an awesome challenge to someone's plot. I don't want young married people to have a cold or platonic marriage and I don't want the basics of biology to be denied. If there is a cool and believable workaround for this problem, then great. But if it's just kind of swept under the rug it would annoy me. People get married, those people sleep together regularly. I don't need to see that (it's usually boring to read anyway) but I'd like actions to have consequences. Sometimes those consequences are inconvenient, and inconvenience generally makes for a more interesting plot. 

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1. Shallan's (all right, Veil's) feelings for Kaladin magically vanish after the first wedding night. If there will be no single sign of them in the whole book - I'm done with SA.

2. Adolin and Shallan having happy sunshine and rainbows marriage because she made her choice and deal with it.

3. No consequences of Sadeas's murder. Radiant Adolin (normal Radiant, I can see the possibility of his Radiance to work out right for me, but no way he can be like second Lift, only Adolin).

4. No love for Kaladin. And not Tarah, please. She is lovely, just not his level.


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- Please no more love triangle/romantic drama. I hate this stuff. (Only exception is when it ends up as polyamory, but I don't see that happen here.)
- No bad things shall happen to Kaladin. Like, really. The guy has been through enough these last three books. Give him a break. (Also, don't kill him. PLEASE.)

Edited by Winds Alight
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I don’t want to see Mraize and the Ghosties siding with Odium or Dalinar. I am more interested in them as a third party playing both sides. 

I also don’t want Nale to die.

No breakup between Shallan and Adolin.

I don’t want to see Jasnah ruling flawlessly. 

Also, dont bring back dead characters. 

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5 hours ago, supersmith said:

I don't want anymore freaking Shallan. She was boring in the first book, peachy in the second, and depressing in oathbringer. I think it would be nice if after the 1 year split she had died someway(Maybe child birth) and Adolin took care of there kid. 

Neigh impossible for a Radiant. Give her enough Stormlight and you could cut the child out with a dull knife. Not that I would wish her that, but it would work. If you want her dead it has to be an accident with soulcasting or extreme violence. Knights Radiant just don't fall ill and die.

From a story viewpoint we need her for the Ghostblood plot to advance.

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There's things I'm "meh" about, like Eshonai flashbacks (I like Venli more) and romances.

Things I 100% do not want though?.......deaths of certain characters.  Kaladin and Adolin especially.  I mean, much later on storywise I can handle it.  But if Kaladin dies before finding all the ideals I will scream.   

The stuff that would really bother me are things that Sanderson doesn't do since he's a good writer. XD

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