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Skylar held to vital in his fist gingerly as he walked, his steps measured and just barely bouncy enough to spray the liquid inside around. He was multitasking at the moment, the sloshing meant to mix the portion inside so it would be properly shaken, with the heat of his palm the only source of warmth, all while he balanced a journal on that same arm and used his left hand to write down ideas and questions he'd look up again later- he'd learned how to write legibly with both hands when he was nine, and had used that skill constantly ever since.

The main theme of the questions was following his mental train as he considered whether muggle toenails could be turned into a mild anti-magic powder. If so, it could be useful in a number of future potions and projects- though how on earth he find a way to test it at hogwarts of all schools was anyone's guess.

His odd new robes fluttered as he walked, and he idly spotted another pair of Ravenclaws as he grew closer to... wherever they were going? He had forgotten what time it was. He decided to follow them and simply how for the best. Besides, the theories he was considering and writing down were way more interesting than paying attention to where he was going. He would talk to them once they got to class- and he couldn't wait to learn who they were.

He wondered if they'd appreciate his company and had started writing down a list of charisma potion ingredients before realizing he'd been working on something else just a moment ago. Shrugging, he continued, not really caring all that much. He'd get back to it... eventually. 

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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6 hours ago, AmazingGoob said:

"Oh! Sorry," he says as his face goes red. He sheathes the sword in it's scabbard, which was sitting next to him.

"From summer camp?" she tried again, smiling awkwardly at him and then quickly looking away and up towards the rack for the luggage. With a sigh she heaved her bag up to her shoulders and then, standing on her toes she pushed it onto the rack where it sat, not quite falling down, but leaning towards her. Strechting she tried to push it further back, failed and decided to leave it where it was. Instead she sat down, her handbag on her knees and forced herself to look at him again, tried to remember his name. It was no use, she absolutely had no clue.

"You've been there, haven't you?" she added quickly and tried to come up with something else that might help him place her. "I sometimes helped in the kitchen, and I care for this little garden just outside, close to the little river? The one where some vegetables grow?" She'd went with plants that could survive without her help during winter and still were useful. And those that only lived one season. "It's not so important," she made a vague gesture with her hand. There was no way someone polishing a weapon would recall the girl growing cucumber. He'd probably thought she was a servant of some sorts, or part of the staff.

"Let's start again. I'm Zoe, daughter of Demeter and with a weak spot for plants and agriculture." She extended her hand, forced herself to smile at him to cover her embaressment. Great job Zoe. She only had to say hello and had managed to mess that simple part up completly.

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11 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

As Bethany walked down to the Great Hall with Terra, she remembered something. "Have you ever thought about how epic Patronuses are?"

"Not... really. I've never managed to make mine corporeal."

12 hours ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Iris pulls an envelope out from pocket and hands it to her, “I’ve been told that that should have everything you need on it.”


10 hours ago, BringerofShadows said:

Spruce wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾" and unyielding flexibility.

"Mmhmm... mmm. That's easy. But you said he had this wand and lost it? The one I make won't be the same, honey--they don't work that way."

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42 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Mmhmm... mmm. That's easy. But you said he had this wand and lost it? The one I make won't be the same, honey--they don't work that way."

"Just get it as close as you can." Iris says, "How long do you excpect these to take?"

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Just now, Blessing of Potency said:

"Just get it as close as you can." Iris says, "How long do you excpect these to take?"

"If I speed through 'em? A couple days, tops, honey. Will I speed through 'em?" She held up the hairs. "These are worth that, at least. Where can I deliver 'em to, honey?"

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29 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"If I speed through 'em? A couple days, tops, honey. Will I speed through 'em?" She held up the hairs. "These are worth that, at least. Where can I deliver 'em to, honey?"

“Keep them, I’ll send someone to pick them up.” Iris stands, “now, if you’re finished, Alex and I have some business we need to attend too.”


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1 minute ago, Blessing of Potency said:

“Keep them, I’ll send someone to pick them up.” Iris stands, “now, if you’re finished, Alex and I have some business we need to attend too.”


"O'course, honey. I'm done here. And be sure to come back and visit me, mmkay hon'? And bring that handsome young man with ya." She winked at Alex.


Sigh... ninja'd


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13 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

Alex stands up too. "Thanks so much, ma'am"


12 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"O'course, honey. I'm done here. And be sure to come back and visit me, mmkay hon'? And bring that handsome young man with ya." She winked at Alex.

"Thank you, lets go Alex." Iris walks over to the door and holds it open.

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3 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

Alex follows her.

"Where are we going next?"

"To my friend Julian's house. He lives in a town called Hogsmead, it's a completely wizard town and is close to one of the major wizarding schools. He's the best person I know to start teaching you the basics." She holds out her hand for him to grab, "Just a warning, this is going to feel a little weird."

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17 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

"To my friend Julian's house. He lives in a town called Hogsmead, it's a completely wizard town and is close to one of the major wizarding schools. He's the best person I know to start teaching you the basics." She holds out her hand for him to grab, "Just a warning, this is going to feel a little weird."

He grabs her hand. "Uh, ok"

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2 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

He grabs her hand. "Uh, ok"

As soon as he grabs her hand Iris apparates, taking them to a house in a quiet neighborhood. Letting go of Alex's hand she walks up to the door and knocks. I opens a crack and Iris exchanges some hushed words with the person on the other side. Turning Iris walks back down the path towards the road, "Go on in, I have some things I need to take care of."


11 minutes ago, BringerofShadows said:

What is the description of Hasel's house?


It's an older house, and not very well kept. It's about two stories and has a separate garage in the back. There are vines running up the sides of it, and the front lawn is slightly overgrown. The front door has a doorbell button but it doesn't work.


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Okay, thanks!

Cosette reappeared in the shadow of a building, feeling slightly weary. The building was an unkept, with vines growing up the sides and overgrown grass. Pressing on the doorbell, she realized it was broken and just used the worn out knocker

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4 minutes ago, BringerofShadows said:

Cosette reappeared in the shadow of a building, feeling slightly weary. The building was an unkept, with vines growing up the sides and overgrown grass. Pressing the doorbell, she realized it was broken and just used the worn out knocker

Theres some shuffling from inside, then a gruff voice comes from inside, "Who's there?"

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1 hour ago, Blessing of Potency said:

As soon as he grabs her hand Iris apparates, taking them to a house in a quiet neighborhood. Letting go of Alex's hand she walks up to the door and knocks. I opens a crack and Iris exchanges some hushed words with the person on the other side. Turning Iris walks back down the path towards the road, "Go on in, I have some things I need to take care of."



Alex staggers, still disoriented from the Apparition. "Um, ok, but you're explaining how to do that later"

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14 hours ago, Sorana said:

"Let's start again. I'm Zoe, daughter of Demeter and with a weak spot for plants and agriculture." She extended her hand, forced herself to smile at him to cover her embaressment. Great job Zoe. She only had to say hello and had managed to mess that simple part up completly.

He shakes her hand firmly. "I'm Jarias, son of Ares and I have a weak spot for... er... uh, say, I think I noticed your garden once when I was out near there. Um, I think it looked quite nice."
He taps the hilt of his sword nervously.

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