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Attack of the Spam Bots!


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Little known fact: astrology was in fact an Olympic sport in the early days of the Games. Contestants would each map out the constellations of the night sky.

Well known fact: I am a liar.


My star charts say to trust bronies with names beginning with "Q" today, so I see no reason to doubt the validity of the above.

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Contestants would each map out the constellations of the night sky.


Shortly thereafter, they would passive-aggressively attempt to predict the bloodiest fates for the other contestants, and then covertly make them a reality. The winner was picked from the few remaining olympians, and ties were decided by creativity and minor-detail accuracy.


EDIT: Aaaaaand there's a ton of them in general discussion.

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General discussion, Introduction, and Brandon Discussion are stuffed with these things, all shouting off about divorces and love problems. Honestly, I really, honestly would like to know. Who falls for this enough for it to be considered a viable advertisement option?

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Some people do, obviously. A few months ago a woman went to court here because the bank refused to refund the money she lost in a Nigeria scam. The judge said she should have known better; it's been over the media for years, and the bank is not to blame for the stupidity of its customers. :P

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Well, yeah, but that's a Nigerian Prince scam. It's written out to invoke pathos and to appeal to people's generosity. These are just random collections of words and sounds that make no sense at all. When was the last time anybody paid money for....whatever those words are supposed to mean specifically?

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Why have a eulogy when you can remove them with the very black magic they sold you? The irony will be so thick you could taste it!


There's practically nothing that could go wrong at all with this totally not-bogus black magic they claim to be able to give you. It's just too perfect a deal not to take! :3

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