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God Elections

Steel Inquisitive

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If you had to pick a Shard to be the sole shard of your planet.... Who would you pick? (With the assumption that were talking about the shard not the vessel.)

I personally would vote for Endowment. Seems like the most chill shard, and least invasive. (Unless she's turning you immortal, which I'm okay with:D)

Preservation might be an option.... But according to Ruin he would freeze everyone in place.... Not ideal.

Cultivation would just be scary! You would never know what she's planning for mankind.....

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8 hours ago, Ookla the Guacless said:

Odium for the win :ph34r:

I would like to bring up my totally valid reason for this.

If everybody loves each other, nobody loves each other = :( 

If everybody hates each other, nobody hates each other = :) 

Just thought I’d let you know why Odium deserves to rule.

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10 hours ago, Ookla the Guacless said:

I would like to bring up my totally valid reason for this.

If everybody loves each other, nobody loves each other = :( 

If everybody hates each other, nobody hates each other = :) 

Just thought I’d let you know why Odium deserves to rule.

Well I cant argue with that logic :)

I would choose Honor, but knowing my personality, it would be less about keeping oaths and more about respect

Edited by Ookla the Gray
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7 minutes ago, Trellium said:

Autonomy or Endowment. Anyone else is a threat to free will. 

I think you're overestimating the benevolence of Autonomy.

Oh, and I'd go with Honor. But I'm also the guy who actually likes Skybreakers, so y'all can probably guess my opinion on oaths.

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I'm going to add my vote to Endowment. Even without factoring in Edgli's 'I'll stay off your lawn if you stay off mine' attitude towards the other Shards, you've got a Shard whose focus is all on giving things to other people. I figure that's harder to go wrong with than a lot of options. Also, both Hoid and Brandon would be tempted by this Shard and if the God Beyond Himself thinks that way...

7 hours ago, Zodiac said:

Honor started going crazy towards the end though.

Tanavast was also dying at the time so I think we can excuse his going (slightly) mad at the end.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Gralsritter said:

Tanavast was also dying at the time so I think we can excuse his going (slightly) mad at the end.

Yeah, Leras did much the same, except the only thing left was his already weakened remnant, didn't he? A long death like that probably messes you up in the head.

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Am I the only one who sees Endowment in a negatively light Shardwise? 

Yes, it's benevolent, but it also requires giving of it's subjects. Awakening can't exist without legions of drabs, condemned to near perpetual sickness and depression. For every "gift" there is a cost. 

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28 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Am I the only one who sees Endowment in a negatively light Shardwise? 

Yes, it's benevolent, but it also requires giving of it's subjects. Awakening can't exist without legions of drabs, condemned to near perpetual sickness and depression. For every "gift" there is a cost. 

Still better than Cultivation.... At least I'd know that I wouldn't suddenly be "pruned" out of society!

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