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Second Lerasium Bead?


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I vaguely recall talk somewhere on TWG about another extra bead of lerasium, in addition to the one Elend gets. I remember being confused where people got the idea there was an additional one, and today I couldn't find a reference to a second bead. Can anyone illuminate this?

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Been searching the Hero of Ages spoiler thread, and found the reference. It appears it is not in the book or annotations themselves, but simply because of a cryptic comment Peter posted. To wit: http://twg.17thshard.com/index.php?topic=6655.msg163027#msg163027

I mean, in the reading of Well of Ascension's ending, it doesn't say there isn't more lerasium, but I find it suspicious Sazed didn't mention it in the Hero of Ages epigraphs. He references the one Elend ate, but you'd think if there was a second bead, someone would have mentioned it. Kind of important.

But I guess Peter is essentially Word of God :P

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Can we rename his account to "Metatron"? :D

If there were any left over, my first thought would be that Sazed would remove them from play, if he could, either taking them back into himself or burying them deep underground. After all, he can apparently make new Mistborn whenever he wants. (Unless he somehow used one of the spares on Spook.)

Though, if Peter dropped a RAFO on that question, that makes me think that any remaining beads weren't permanently taken out of play.

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Been searching the Hero of Ages spoiler thread, and found the reference. It appears it is not in the book or annotations themselves, but simply because of a cryptic comment Peter posted. To wit: http://twg.17thshard.com/index.php?topic=6655.msg163027#msg163027

I mean, in the reading of Well of Ascension's ending, it doesn't say there isn't more lerasium, but I find it suspicious Sazed didn't mention it in the Hero of Ages epigraphs. He references the one Elend ate, but you'd think if there was a second bead, someone would have mentioned it. Kind of important.

But I guess Peter is essentially Word of God :P


Peter therfore couldn't be god. Peter=prophet of god. :)

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Well that'd be another way we could get a mistborn serial killer. Sazed isn't truly omniscient so maybe . . . he missed one? I take it that he can choose to see anything on Scadrial but not everything, if that makes sense (except metal). If he had no reason to suspect there were beads out there when he ascended, he might not have looked.

Though just for curiosity's sake I do wonder if a breeding program for Mistings could eventually create a Mistborn after a few generations. I guess it depends on how the whole spiritual DNA thing works.

Edited by TheBobs
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I... will refrain from continuing this particular debate, as it will not only be a massive tangent, but it will enter into areas in which it is unlikely that either party will convince the other. Suffice it to say, however, that Wikipedia is not a reliable source.

I take it that he can choose to see anything on Scadrial but not everything, if that makes sense (except metal).

Hmm. That's an interesting thought. As technology advances, and more metal is used, does that mean Sazed would become increasingly blind to Scadrial?

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I stand by my statement in Reply #942 in that thread.

Anyway, that Wikipedia article isn't wrong, you're just reading it wrong. It doesn't say a prophet is the Word of God. It says prophecy is the Word of God. Big difference.

You can say the Bible is the Word of God (and LDS also believe the Book of Mormon is the Word of God). Jesus Christ himself is also known as the Word. I am neither, so it's not an appropriate usage.

But as has been said, that's off-topic.

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About that 2nd Lerasium bead, I don't ever remember a 2nd bead being mentioned anywhere I can think of, however I think I might know what Chaos is referring to about the speculation. When Preservation pointed the bead out to Vin she origanally thought she was supposed to burn it, He stopped her from doing so and instead got the point across that she was supposed to give it to Elend, Brandon did say however that if Vin were to have burned Lerasium, because she was already Mistborn there would have been interesting results.

If there WAS a 2nd Lerasium bead (which there very well could have been) then it is entirely possible that Hoid has it, it was the alternate ending he posted to WoA on his site that he said had some intresting clues about Adonalsium, in that ending Vin sees a trail of footprints leading to the Well that I'm 99% positive were confirmed to have been left by Hoid. what would have Hoid been looking for in there, he obviously didn't do anything with the Well, and if there was a second Learsium bead then that could have been what he needed.

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Perhaps he meant this kind of word of god.

Yes. You beat me to posting that link.

About that 2nd Lerasium bead, I don't ever remember a 2nd bead being mentioned anywhere I can think of, however I think I might know what Chaos is referring to about the speculation. When Preservation pointed the bead out to Vin she origanally thought she was supposed to burn it, He stopped her from doing so and instead got the point across that she was supposed to give it to Elend, Brandon did say however that if Vin were to have burned Lerasium, because she was already Mistborn there would have been interesting results.

If there WAS a 2nd Lerasium bead (which there very well could have been) then it is entirely possible that Hoid has it, it was the alternate ending he posted to WoA on his site that he said had some intresting clues about Adonalsium, in that ending Vin sees a trail of footprints leading to the Well that I'm 99% positive were confirmed to have been left by Hoid. what would have Hoid been looking for in there, he obviously didn't do anything with the Well, and if there was a second Learsium bead then that could have been what he needed.

Peter's reference is the only known one to a second bead. That was what I was referring to. I did an extensive search on TWG.

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About that 2nd Lerasium bead, I don't ever remember a 2nd bead being mentioned anywhere I can think of, however I think I might know what Chaos is referring to about the speculation. When Preservation pointed the bead out to Vin she origanally thought she was supposed to burn it, He stopped her from doing so and instead got the point across that she was supposed to give it to Elend, Brandon did say however that if Vin were to have burned Lerasium, because she was already Mistborn there would have been interesting results.

If there WAS a 2nd Lerasium bead (which there very well could have been) then it is entirely possible that Hoid has it, it was the alternate ending he posted to WoA on his site that he said had some intresting clues about Adonalsium, in that ending Vin sees a trail of footprints leading to the Well that I'm 99% positive were confirmed to have been left by Hoid. what would have Hoid been looking for in there, he obviously didn't do anything with the Well, and if there was a second Learsium bead then that could have been what he needed.

I didn't know about Peter's comment, but I assumed as you did that that was why Hoid was at the Well.

Slowly, numbly, she got to her feet. She followed the spirit in a trance as it floated into the main chamber. The room was dark, now that the pool was empty, and she had to flare silver to keep track of the spirit.

It turned to the left and paused beside the ledge just outside. It pointed urgently. Vin approached, insensate, and stopped beside it.

"What?" she whispered.

It leaned over. Vin knelt, feeling where it gestured. There, in the frost, she thought she made out the distinct impression of a footprint. But that was impossible. Did the Spirit make it? She wondered. But that was the print of a boot.

She glanced at it, feeling around. Her fingers brushed something. A piece of ceramic, but one that wasn't broken. She picked it up, standing; it looked like a disk, and was set at the very center with what appeared to be a tiny nugget of metal.

She finds the Lerasium nugget next to Hoid's bootprint, if that wasn't a hint that that Hoid was collecting slivers of shards of Adonalsium, I don't what would be. I'm guessing he's got some atium on him as well.

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I've got a question about the Lord Ruler. Did he get Allomancy from a Lerasium bead like the rest of the original nine Allomancers, or was it a result of taking the power at the Well of Ascension for himself? I always thought his Allomancy came from the Well and there were only ever ten beads of Lerasium but the existence of another bead throws all that into question.

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I had always thought the first, but after some consideration, I think that the second would fit better. I mean after Using the power of Preservation, TLR would be a lot closer to the power of Preservation- that's the definition of a Sliver. That would turn him into a Mistborn, and the beads would turn others into Mistborn.

But then again, Sazed said that "One of the things that made TLR so legendary (his allomancy) was something each of the Original Mistborn held." That seem to say that TLR got the power the same way.

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well he did create the beads (didn't he?) so he quite probably did consume some of Preservation's solid power. I'd have guessed he took it straight rather than eating a bead though. Laziness ftw, specially when you're nearly a god.

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There is something that has always bothered me.

It may be interesting if we are discussing about the number of beads.

It's Kelsier's snapping, or, better, his non-snapping.

I mean, he was already a skilled thief before going to the Pits. Surely he had already been in lots of life-threatening situations. His own wife was a misting.

But, he didn't have any allomantic powers before going to the Pits?

How so?

And then, nobody knows exactly how, he escapes from the Pits. It makes sense, he discovers he's a Mistborn.

Oh, so? So they sell metal vials to the prisoners of Hathsin?

I think there might be a Lerasium bead there.

Now, you guys know a lot of things Brandon has said in a lot of places, so you might be able to confirm it or not...

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