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Master List of Origins™: the Ultimate Nationality Thread


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Short answer: No. 


Long answer: I like the winters. The blooming cacti are lovely. And the monsoons are incredible. But I miss the forests, I melt every summer, and my allergies haven't stopped acting up for nine months now. 


It's a good place to visit, but I'm leaving once I have my degree. :P 

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It's a three-ish hour drive to pinetop from down here. Flagstaff is far though. Also, Sedona is beautiful, it's got everything. Trees, dirt... old stuff... yeah I guess that's about it.

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It's a three-ish hour drive to pinetop from down here. Flagstaff is far though. Also, Sedona is beautiful, it's got everything. Trees, dirt... old stuff... yeah I guess that's about it.


My brother went to grad school at NAU, and one summer, that's where my family went on vacation. Didn't really do much in Flag since we stayed in Sedona, but I completely agree with you. That area is gorgeous, and if you like the outdoors, there's a lot to do. But...yeah. The terrain doesn't change much. Still, though. Rather pretty, if you're used to more green (or sagebrush, as the case may be for me, coming from Idaho :P )

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Another Kiwi, and this guy ^^^^^ has it right - we're a country of 4.5 million, we really don't need any subsections

I am surprised to learn that Norway has a bigger population than New Zealand.


And I do not think that I'll make any particular sub-divisions. The possible exceptions are Great Britain if they ever get around to demand it, and the US which is definitely pushing the boundaries of legibility.

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Forgive the double-post (and the fact that I'm commenting on my own Easter-Egg), but that video is so bloody sad! Gets me every time.

I don't get it. The Lashings perspectives are confusing. Were the trees the right way up or was the bird actually falling?


Edit: Wait. Kiwi bird, not kiwi fruit right? :unsure:  So it couldn't fly and those are some seriously weird trees then? 

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I don't get it. The Lashings perspectives are confusing. Were the trees the right way up or was the bird actually falling?


Edit: Wait. Kiwi bird, not kiwi fruit right? :unsure:  So it couldn't fly and those are some seriously weird trees then? 

He is nailing the trees to the side of a mountain. The flightless Kiwi basically commits suicide to experience flight just one time. Which is why I am crying right now. :(


In terms of ancestry I am half Indian and half Russian, but i currently reside in Sydney, Australia.

Since my quest to find a funny picture by googling "half Rndian, half Russian", I just linked you to a random Wikipedia article.

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